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10/30/10(Sat)00:27 No.12618478 File1288412878.jpg-(175 KB, 798x599, oldspaceship.jpg)
 Allright, gentlemen, here it is. My magnum opus. the 280-year old free trader vessel.
Free Trader, Type A: The Bucket Of Ever-Seething Rust.
Hull: 200 Tons, Streamlined. Hull 4, Structure 3. Amrour: Crystaliron, 4 points. Jump Drive A: Jump 1. Manoeuvre Drive A: Thrust 1. Power Plant A: Bridge Computer: Model 1, Rating 5 Electronics: Advanced Sensors, +1 Weapons: Hardpoint #1: Triple-Turret Beam Laser Hardpoing #2: Triple-Turret Beam Laser Fuel: 22 Tons, 1 Jump-1 and two weeks of operation. Cargo: 86 tons. 10 staterooms 20 low berths Extras: Fuel Scoop Fuel Processor Ship's Locker Smuggling Compartments Software: Jump Control/1 Manoeuvre/0 Library/0 Maitenance Cost (Monthly): 6096 Life Support Cost (Monthly): 22000
The Bucket of Ever-Seething Rust suffers from a constant -5 to all sensor checks, -1 to all pilot checks, and -5 to all checks made to repair it.
The main cargo hold, though not the smuggling compartments, suffered from a chemical spill early in it's career, and it's never recovered. Sometimes cargo still gets corroded by the remnants of it.
The drive is leaky, irradiating the crew every so often. It's not exceedingly lethal, but it is annoying.
The ship has served as a trader and as a warship, with much distinction from both organizations, though of course it has enemies from its time as a warship--two, in fact, very powerful enemies.
The library has glitched itself beyond repair, from age and wear on the electronics. Most of the information in it is false, and what isn't false is useless knowledge.
Finally, the ship suffers from strange psionic echoes of the past--sometimes laughter, sometimes screaming, but in all cases disturbing. They are especially prevelant while in Jump space. |