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11/09/10(Tue)06:32 No.12735508 File1289302340.jpg-(67 KB, 608x493, Grenades.jpg)
 >>12735491 So, setting the fluff aside for a moment, as far as the military goes, and thus, as far as the tabletop is concerned, the Confederacy is currently our flagship army. It was the first one we came up with, and I think it's the most pure of them from a tabletop gaming perspective. It has a very traditional command structure, squadrons are designed more or less as you'd imagine them to be, and in a lot of ways (some more obvious than others) they resemble American and Commonwealth armies from World War II. Not always realistic, but I promise you, absolutely fun to play.
The army's direction right now seems to be versatility and specialization combined. The basic infantry of the Confederacy can do everything, from stand toe to toe with enemy infantry, to digging in and halting vehicular assaults with rifle propelled grenades. They've got some of the best leadership in the game too, which allows them to perform special maneuvers, manipulate the initiative order, and when the need arises, help increase the odds of destroying their targets. But, they've also got a lot of cool specialist units, like the Echo, who are actually faster than most vehicles in the game, and the Assault Troops, who are basically criminals, thugs and soldiers who would otherwise be dishonorably discharged, slapped into crazy-heavy powered armor, given tons of heavy weaponry, and turned loose. Media darlings, too, but that's Future-MTV for you. Vehicle wise, most of their stuff is based around IFVs, light vehicles that transport infantry and fight with them, and aircraft that pop in and out every other turn as they strafe enemy positions and drop off troops. |