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!w68jcmPgR6 11/16/10(Tue)23:47 No.12826034 File1289969220.png-(53 KB, 500x500, Journal667.png)
 The PA system gives a jolt people all around campus tense their ears.
Anxious in breath Beatrix bites her lip and swallows doubt with an enemy at the gates, with death banging at the front door, the words streamed out of her mouth:
" Weapons to the sky, leave no man to die."
She starts.
Forsaken by the world, to each other we have turned. Friends made, Lovers found, Bright our spirit shall ever burn.
Reborn in a living hell, many have stood, many have fell. Amidst a sea of death, forged in the fires of war, Family, made.
Now is the hour, of our test. No God to pass our Judgment, the future's in our hands. Our strength shall be proven, rise up, and stand!
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