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!!857o4GkKJgy 12/13/10(Mon)19:11 No.13141132 File1292285479.jpg-(163 KB, 425x900, 1253226219755.jpg)
 >>13140934 >>13140997 >>13141007 >>13141020 >>13141031
I suppose if I had to go into more detail on the models...
Unit-Y: The original prototype, revealed to the world possibly as some kind of publicity stunt, or perhaps the Angels attacked before any of the EVA's were ready and revealing it was publicity damage control.
UNIT-A Basically, the worst EVA in the series, only kept around for badly explained reasons. The ACTUAL reason being that it occupies the position in SEELE's great plan that Unit-01 occupied. In that it's a lilith clone instead of an Adam clone. Or possibly a patchwork monstrosity between the two. It's possible that the armour was made light deliberately by people opposed the Instumentality Project so that they could destroy it and scupper SEELE's plans.
Unit-B Effectively a parallel to Asuka's Unit-02, whilst the previous Evangelions were unique, Unit-B would be the basic template to which all other Evangelions made subsequently would adhere too. Although, given their cost that would mean at most there would be about 4 or 5 Unit-B's (Numbered numerically IE: B1, B2 and so on) in the world.
Unit-K A mid-season upgrade or replacement for a lost Eva, Unit-K would be designed to deal with the more dangerous angels now appearing. Heavy armour, a bad attitude, and quite possibly a great big BMW badge on it's chest.
Unit-M Whearas B was the standardised form, Unit-M was the simplified form, a model designed with the cheapest possible components to create and keep maintained. The idea was that many of these could be built relatively cheaply, and then activated as other Eva's are destroyed. Like a journeyman in a Blood Bowl team. Of course, the costs and logistics of activating ALL of them at once would be nightmarish. But, if SEELE have deployed THEIR mass production Eva's, perhaps then would be the time set up a Royal Rumble...? |