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01/23/10(Sat)22:01 No.7743359 File1264302114.jpg-(291 KB, 700x882, panzer_elf_by_LeValeur.jpg)
 The Kith Alv, Sidhe, Svartalv, and Dverger
Believed to be permutations of humanity brought about by the presence of magic, these creatures are the Oldest of the Kith.
Alv Typically bearing striking Nordic features, including tall, wiry frames, sinewy muscles, and platinum blonde hair, the Alv feature long, drawn faces with very small, almost slit-like noses and rather long, pointed ears. Alv are amoung the most talented at Gramarye, and have a high attenuation to magic.
Alv prefer to work with magic in it's more natural state, rather than reconstituted from Sigil or Arcanocoal, and so have strong ties to areas of Old Magic (deep, old-growth forests, swamps, peat bogs, etc). It's believed that prolonged exposure over generations to these early high-magic areas was the reason they diverged from Humans, though there is only nominal proof.
In keeping with their Norse and Germanic ancestry most Alv continue to favour thrown weapons and melee combat when not utilizing Gramarye.
Sidhe The Sidhe (pronounced 'ZHEE') are elfin beings related to the Alv, likely the same race simply separated by distance. They hail primarily from Britannia and southern Europe. Features amoung the Sidhe are roughly the same as the Alv, though their hair tends to fall in colors of brilliant copper red or gold.
While Sidhe do not have any particular affection for technology in general, they are quite taken with gunpowder, and firearms have replaced their slings and bows of old. Most Sidhe are highly adept marksmen. |