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!!O1JS15Z6lxy 01/24/10(Sun)18:35 No.7759657 File1264376146.jpg-(25 KB, 300x303, zakr1.jpg)
 >>7759419 >Calvin and whoever survived the 603rd's insanity if he's around.
The 603rd test team is with Boone at the moment.
You find Calvin still talking to Ruubens.
"You know, this is ironic, I burnt down my school, and from the sounds of it, you probably should have." He comments.
"It wasn't as bad as I'm making out, just to me."
You attempt to insert yourself into the conversation.
"So, ladies, gentlmen... I'm not entirely sure who I'm referring to with either of those. How are we doing?"
"Uh, good sir."
"Nah, drop the sir Calvin, it'll get confusing considering that over half of the unit outrank you anyway. Which reminds me, so where are you from anyway? Normally I'd just root through your military dossier, but with all of the fighting I haven't had the time."
"Uh well, I'm from a colony at Side 1, and I joined up in January." He supplies.
"Ok cool, cool. Both of you good for booze and meat?"
"Uh, were good boss." |