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04/16/10(Fri)20:47 No.9238193 File1271465260.jpg-(104 KB, 700x1287, CannonFodder.jpg)
The tank fires and hits the DOORPOST RIGHT NEXT TO IT.
Flames flow out of the window as you jump out, and metal creaks and breaks, along with the XCOM agent zombie inside being cooked alive. Hey, better it than you, right?
You see that the tank is sparking, leaking oil and various other fluids onto the ground. One of the rockets inside it seems to be beeping very fast. . .
Oh, shit.
In other news away from your soon-to-explode-again world, Six other Chryssalids are out and about. They report four other XCOM agents running about alone, and another group back at the Skyranger- one holding something and squinting his eyes shut, muttering to himself and shaking slightly in his light blue armor. Another holds a heavy plasma cannon just like the one that blew your arm off with a backpack full of blaster bombs, also in armor unlike the scouts. Another is fully clad in power armor and is holding. . . aw, nuts. Blaster Launcher.
The scouts appear to be acting oddly, holding only stun rods, wearing just standard uniforms, and calling out "HEERE, SNAKEMEN SNAKEMEN SNAKEMEN! HEERE SNAKEMEN SNAKEMEN SNAKEMEN!" Nearby Chryssalids report that their backpacks seem to be beeping.