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04/24/10(Sat)01:01 No.9391380 File1272085287.jpg-(1.15 MB, 2592x1944, DSCF1534.jpg)
 Now, by this point, I felt like I was kicking a dead horse, and offered for the other fella to call the game, but he wanted to get the one last turn in. I obliged him that much.
So I noted that in order to get my MRMs into range of the Gally, the Shugenja had to move a few hexes up, so I walked it up it's maximum. The Champion responded by, of all things, doing a charging attack. The Avatar maneuvered behind it.
As for the Ninja-to, I moved it into within three hexes of the Galahad. The Voids jumped behind the 1-level high cover that blocked the Gal from hitting it. The other player was a bit peeved when I pointed it out... but then I also pointed out that he was in optimal range to twin-gauss the not-that-fast-moving-'cause-i'm-on-pavement Ninjato. I made a joke about getting a Gauss Headcap on it.
And... Needless to say, I think I just dethroned Miss Cleo, in that moment. The once legendary ninjato dropped like a pussy; A very headless pussy.
On the other end of things, All the units focused their shots against the Charger, save for the Thug, who alpha striked, putting the ERPPCs into the Galahad, and though one missed, an SRM volley into the champ. The champion didn't die right there, but it missed on the charge, causing it to fall prone. |