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05/11/10(Tue)13:33 No.9753114 File1273599205.jpg-(456 KB, 638x875, Pepper Retro Junky - Pepperpro(...).jpg)
 Aha, a new Velo Thread! Now, where did I get too...
Joining Spice is deceptively simple. You do not Find Spice. They will find you. Chaotic as it is, Spice's ability to gather information is impressive. They have members in the majority of Gangs within Velo, and even considering their relative lack of Gang-Loyalty, Spicer's do talk about more than just Tricks on the boards. Furthermore, you can always count on a Spicer to have some means of Recording video on his Person, be it a Camera, Phone, or even Just the Skills to hack local Security Cameras. Of course, this is because Spice encourages, almost mandates, its members to Record every Trick they see that, as a Spicer would put it, is Especially Flavoursome. These videos are then Posted to the Message board, although Many of them find their way to other Sites over time. There, the vast Hordes of Spicers pick them apart, appraising Every Trick with an expert Eye, Praising the the elite, and Denouncing the Mediocre. Spices recruiting strategy is simplicity itself. If a particular Video gets a particularly Good Response, they have Found their Latest Recruit. If their lucky, a Spicer will already know the Punk in question, And will be able to, Anonymously, contact them and Offer them membership. If their not, it becomes a Game, Spicers competing to See who can be the First to Present, however openly they want, the Prospective Spicer with the Offer. |