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!uGYNBMPzOs 01/08/11(Sat)04:53 No.13440813 File1294480389.png-(226 KB, 3692x3540, Battle 6j.png)
 "Surrender if you value your lives, mercenary dogs!!!" you shout, slashing through the torso of one mercanary, caching a blow on your shield and stabbing another. You kick the man down, bring up your sword, and with a mighty forward step plunge the blade through his skull.
As you stomp your foot down, however, you forget that you had been focusing to unleash another storm of earthen spikes on your foes. Having temporarily forgotten, you put all of your might into the downward stomp, realeasing an wordless roar as you do so. The ground around you, forming a line dividing your soldiers and the enemy rends open, drops and raises all at once. Outward the rend pushes, spikes and broke shards of earth and stone flying forward, only to be consumed by the earth behind it a moment later. Outward the line pushes, bloodily expanding, tearing flesh as easilly as it does the ground. Your soldeiers shout, triumphant as the enemy warriors to to run, screaming in terror.
As the pulse of destruction abates, nearing the forts walls, you spur your men onward, urging them to give chase. Victory is yours.
>so, anything you wanna do now, or skip to sunrise and meeting with the other elements of your maniple? >also, quarter, or no? |