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!uGYNBMPzOs 02/02/11(Wed)01:25 No.13749795 File1296627926.png-(47 KB, 1406x1811, camaignintel8.png)
 You slide the parchment from the middle of the table to get a better look at both pieces. "The hill drops off just about where the map ends" Captain Dorias adds as you look over the map "Well, just past Lord Wellis' camp actually, but this is the area wher the fighting will take place if you decide to hold here." Looking at the list of enemy troops, you feel a very real fear clinch in your chest. You know that you will have to defeat this force eventually, but you would rather it not shred your maniple in the process.
Knights (pegasi) 50 Polearms, Javelins platemail
Knights (horse) 50 Lnces, shields, blades, plate armor
Knights (horse) 50 Lnces, shields, blades, plate armor
Men at Arms (Horse) 150 Leathers, bows, spears
Men at Arms (Horse) 150 Leathers, bows, spears
Sergants 250 spear/shield mail
Sergants 250 spear/shield mail
Levied infantry 300 leathers, swords, shields
Levied infantry 300 leathers, swords, shields
Levied infantry 300 leathers, swords, shields
Mercenaries 200 Longbows, chainmail, shortswords
Mercenaries 150 (dwarfs) Crossbows, scalemail, pavise, combat axes
Mercenaries 200 Javelins, maces, shields, surecoats over mail
Lords retinue 50, Warhammers, plate armor |