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!qw2cdBTZAc 03/02/11(Wed)19:03 No.14103065 File1299110611.jpg-(350 KB, 853x1080, 17d4c6ca6aa03f899ae04da602d85b(...).jpg)
The beams of the building are rounded, with little room for purchase, and the skylight would betray your position. If you had time, you would certainly try it, but you know you have to act now.
You silently creep back up the side of the crate. You spread your wings, gliding down into the light towards the man. Your stony features illuminated, your claws outstretched, you fly, impossibly, towards him, mouth open in a silent hiss.
"What in the FUCK!" The man shouts, turning his gun from the old man towards you. The stick cracks once, twice. The second time, you feel a sharp pain in your right wing as a hole is formed in the stony membrane. You smash into him, the force of your attack and the pain of your wing causing you to lose your grip on him as he is bowled back a good 15 feet. You stand between him and the old man, jaws open as you let out a ferocious hiss. He looks at you, eyes wide, and begins scrambling to get up, trying to run away.
"Jesus Christ." The old man gasps.
Your wing hurts, but you're still fully capable of moving.
What do you do? |