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!qw2cdBTZAc 03/07/11(Mon)22:26 No.14167356 File1299554761.jpg-(142 KB, 900x687, The_Gargoyle_by_DKD_Photograph(...).jpg)
 "No one needs to get hurt." Renee says, shrugging. "But that's not up to me, Dyson."
"You think you can just walk in here, expecting money?" Dyson shouts, his hand whizzing pat the side of Renee's face as he lifts it up in an extreme reinforcement of his words. "Fuck that shit, man."
"I'm sorry, but you know how the Don disapproves of truant payments." Renee says, looking over at the woman that Fredrick shoved, smirking a bit. "And you're not exactly being quiet about your spending."
The people around you close a bit more, one of them leaning on you. Fredrick grins as the men close in, and a couple of them get shoulder to shoulder with him before he is lost in the mass of bodies. One of the men puts his hand on Godfried's shoulder, and he shrugs them off reflexively, glaring over at them.
"Now, you can pay us what you owe plus $500 and we will be happy to leave." Renee says, looking over his shoulder as he hears Godfried shrug the man off.
"What if I decide I don't want to hand money to no two-bit crew of morons made up of a monkey, a mute, a midget and a putz?" He quips, the gang laughing a bit.
"Couldn't think of an adjective starting with 'm' for me?" Fredrick says from somewhere in the crowd. "C'mon, there are a ton. Maggot..." You hear the sound of a fist connecting with his jaw.
"Don't reach for your gun, Dyson." Renee says suddenly. "The exchange is not in your favor. Besides, what if you miss?"
The crowd is suffocating.
What will you do? |