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  • File : 1299901523.jpg-(2.98 MB, 2396x4200, FEXMAP02.jpg)
    2.98 MB Skirmish Quest 24FEX - KAIJU BUSTERS 64 OrbitalCommand !w68jcmPgR6 03/11/11(Fri)22:45 No.14212377  
    Action Phase.

    >> [5R-a] Renaud !yyNtj/KoaQ 03/11/11(Fri)22:47 No.14212398
    Awaiting orders
    >> [R] Staedtler !qsZKfWMhOQ 03/11/11(Fri)22:48 No.14212416
    "Ready to go."
    >> [Ch]Flare !WxbNziWAhM 03/11/11(Fri)22:52 No.14212447
    Let the bodies hit the floor
    Let the bodies hit the floor
    Let the bodies hit the floor
    Let the bodies hit the floor
    Let the bodies hit the floor
    >> [CO]Lazerus !!lIURwBKIw5c 03/11/11(Fri)22:54 No.14212468
    Here is battle plan boyos. Xenos fall back Infantry set up Overwatch. gS target the armored krullers and the R units target the roaches. CHimera hit the group of Armored Krullers near our Xenos, Air support Clear the Skies
    >> [5R-a] Renaud !yyNtj/KoaQ 03/11/11(Fri)22:56 No.14212483
    >moving horde 5 north
    >overwatch south x 2
    >> [Du]Goose !/Z97r1QRQE 03/11/11(Fri)22:56 No.14212484
    = start speed is 5L
    >3L Forward towards nearest Cypher
    >Fire 3 bursts of the Destroya Mguns on nearest Cyphers
    >Turn North , Move 2L

    " Strafing Enemy air !
    >> [S]Bowman !hvXo8E3MAU 03/11/11(Fri)22:56 No.14212486
    Deploy me somwhearr, my rifle wants xeno blood spilled!
    >> [Du]Goose !/Z97r1QRQE 03/11/11(Fri)22:58 No.14212499
    rolled 4, 8, 10, 7, 6, 5, 7, 3, 7 = 57


    >> [El]Isolde !xXEdPe9TZ. 03/11/11(Fri)22:59 No.14212510
    "Ready for supressive fire! If the Interceptors can keep the flyers off me I'll keep you safe."

    >Face South
    >Go 2 L south, Overwatch with both actions south.
    >> [gS2]Esper !!QxtsrZs7+PX 03/11/11(Fri)23:00 No.14212519
    rolled 8 = 8

    >Remain in place.
    >Overwatch S, aiming for the Armored Krullers.
    >> [gS1] Vespe !fgy9vamSTk 03/11/11(Fri)23:02 No.14212541
    rolled 8 = 8

    >Move 3 NE
    >Overwatch SE for Armor Krullers
    >> [MgR]Richard !!pvSSLAETiGY 03/11/11(Fri)23:03 No.14212551
    >Move South 3, Iron Watch south

    Bring it on.
    >> [R1] Staedtler !qsZKfWMhOQ 03/11/11(Fri)23:04 No.14212564
    >Moving 3 south with my drones
    >Overwatch Burst on anything that comes up that cliff.

    "Alright boys, let's make this as clean as possible."
    >> [3R-beta]Specimen Loki !1/Y/FThShM 03/11/11(Fri)23:05 No.14212576
    > move kennel north and assume defensive position around the infantry. overwatch south

    Specimen Loki had finally settled on a form. It drew it's inspiration from the newly rescued people from Femto. The humans around it had always intrigued it, and it considered that despite some remaining blades and chitin, this was a good aproximation. It could try to get closer in form later. Maybe.

    Well. Her, now. Not It. She still had to get used to this gender thing. For fun, She had caused the xenos under her control to shift their forms similarly, though right now they lacked the individual spark to to fully appreciate it.

    Interestingly the order was vague enough that they each had chosen their own specific features in coloration and facial structure.
    >> [I]Eagle !PK/J0EU.YY 03/11/11(Fri)23:08 No.14212600
    "Those are a bit too close for comfort! Starting evasive manoeuvres!"

    >Speed: 4
    >FIRE on Wasp
    >Change heading to NORTH and move 4 lengths
    >> [Ch]Flare !WxbNziWAhM 03/11/11(Fri)23:10 No.14212612
         File1299903004.jpg-(1.05 MB, 2396x4200, Kaiju.jpg)
    1.05 MB
    rolled 10 = 10

    "Death has never come from so up above"
    >> [I]Eagle !PK/J0EU.YY 03/11/11(Fri)23:11 No.14212633
    rolled 6 = 6


    Forgot something
    >> [CO]Lazerus !!lIURwBKIw5c 03/11/11(Fri)23:15 No.14212675
    >Botting the 2 Md units
    >move south 2 South east 2
    >Ovewatch south with Lobs
    >> [I-2]Johannes !NQb6hVwgYU 03/11/11(Fri)23:20 No.14212710
    rolled 3 = 3

    After !-1 movement
    >SPEED 6
    >forward 1L
    >FIRE at S bugs
    >turn and move 5L NW
    >> [I-1]Eagle !PK/J0EU.YY 03/11/11(Fri)23:24 No.14212742

    Eagle hits the armature.

    "Work, you stupid piece of shit!"
    >> [CO]Lazerus !!lIURwBKIw5c 03/11/11(Fri)23:28 No.14212767
    [R1] Staedtler
    >Moving 3 south with my drones
    >Overwatch Burst on anything that comes up that cliff.

    >Move South 3, Iron Watch south

    [gS1] Vespe
    rolled 8 = 8
    >Move 3 NE
    >Overwatch SE for Armor Krullers

    rolled 8 = 8
    >Remain in place.
    >Overwatch S, aiming for the Armored Krullers.

    >Face South
    >Go 2 L south, Overwatch with both actions south.

    [3R-beta]Specimen Loki
    > move kennel north and assume defensive position around
    the infantry. overwatch south

    [5R-a] Renaud
    >moving horde 5 north
    >overwatch south x 2

    rolled 10 = 10
    Picture for target

    rolled 4, 8, 10, 7, 6, 5, 7, 3, 7 = 57
    = start speed is 5L
    >3L Forward towards nearest Cypher
    >Fire 3 bursts of the Destroya Mguns on nearest Cyphers
    >Turn North , Move 2L

    rolled 6 = 6
    >Speed: 4
    >FIRE on Wasp
    >Change heading to NORTH and move 4 lengths

    rolled 3 = 3
    After !-1 movement
    >SPEED 6
    >forward 1L
    >FIRE at S bugs
    >turn and move 5L NW

    >Botting the 2 Md units
    >move south 2 South east 2
    >Ovewatch south with Lobs

    Beside the Chimera
    >> [S]Bowman !hvXo8E3MAU 03/11/11(Fri)23:30 No.14212785
    >eat shit and die
    >> [CO]Lazerus !!lIURwBKIw5c 03/11/11(Fri)23:33 No.14212806
    >how to deploy bowman
    >> OrbitalCommand !w68jcmPgR6 03/11/11(Fri)23:42 No.14212872
         File1299904925.jpg-(1.1 MB, 2396x4200, FEXMAP03.jpg)
    1.1 MB
    Air forces clobber a few wasps...
    ENemy Phase.
    Reinforcements arrive
    >> OrbitalCommand !w68jcmPgR6 03/11/11(Fri)23:57 No.14212978
         File1299905855.jpg-(1.01 MB, 2396x4200, FEXMAP04.jpg)
    1.01 MB
    Action Phase.
    >> [Ch]Flare !WxbNziWAhM 03/12/11(Sat)00:05 No.14213033

    "Hey, no, that was too up above. Cor.

    Come on, leverrrr, do your joooob..."
    >> [R1] Staedtler !qsZKfWMhOQ 03/12/11(Sat)00:05 No.14213036
    >Drones and I drop prone
    >Continue overwatch on those fucks that make it past the Gunner's line of fire

    "It seems that we're getting the brunt of these bugs, hold fast gentlemen."

    Dig in and hold, g
    >> [El]Isolde !xXEdPe9TZ. 03/12/11(Sat)00:06 No.14213038
    rolled 10, 3, 7, 3, 9, 7, 4, 7, 3, 6, 6, 7 = 72

    She grins as the machineguns blaze.

    "Come and get it you bugs! Plenty for all of you!"

    >Fire Machine Guns with both actions into southern bug swarm.
    >Fly North 2L
    >> [Du]Goose !/Z97r1QRQE 03/12/11(Sat)00:07 No.14213046
    rolled 3, 9, 3, 2, 5, 2, 4, 7, 3 = 38

    >Accelerate to Speed 6
    >Move forward 2L
    >Fire 3 times on Reavers below
    >Move forward 4L

    " Shit My tail is hot ! Requesting some crossfire on these wasps ! "
    >> [5R-a] Renaud !yyNtj/KoaQ 03/12/11(Sat)00:08 No.14213050
    > 1 Move horde south

    >2a attack any in range
    >2b devour any bodies

    >3overwatch south
    >> [MgR]Richard !!pvSSLAETiGY 03/12/11(Sat)00:08 No.14213053
    >Drop prone, Iron Watch South

    "Staedtler, take down anything that gets through my fire!"
    >> [gS1] Vespe !fgy9vamSTk 03/12/11(Sat)00:08 No.14213057
         File1299906509.png-(241 KB, 355x361, Capture.png)
    241 KB
    rolled 9 = 9

    Range 8 + height 5, versus 14 hexes to the northmost reaver.

    >Fire on this target at rating 7
    >> Anonymous 03/12/11(Sat)00:13 No.14213105
         File1299906834.png-(82 KB, 643x356, m - sagan.png)
    82 KB
    "Time to send you all back to the cosmos." Sagan thought as he landed in the drop pod. As soon as the drop pod burst open, Sagan hit the ground running, drones in toe.

    > Move 4 S
    > Overwatch S
    > Drones stay in formation w/ me, do the same.
    >> [3R-beta]Specimen Loki !1/Y/FThShM 03/12/11(Sat)00:15 No.14213126
    >go south, kill shit, if there's some room to do so, consume
    She sent her girls down to consume, their safety depended on it.
    >> [M] Sagan !k8ddOqAbTc 03/12/11(Sat)00:16 No.14213132
    Derp, forgot my trip
    >> [I-1]Eagle !PK/J0EU.YY 03/12/11(Sat)00:16 No.14213140
    "Oh hell. Goose, you stupid bugger!"

    >Speed: 4
    >CHANGE heading SOUTH (expending 1L)
    >MOVE 1L
    >FIRE at WASP
    >> [I-1]Eagle !PK/J0EU.YY 03/12/11(Sat)00:18 No.14213152
    rolled 3, 6 = 9


    Turn and shot.
    >> [drA1] Frost !HeLloxNGm. 03/12/11(Sat)00:19 No.14213165
    Frost wipes the nullgel from her mouth as she steps from the drop pod, her visor up. Pulling a cigarette and lighting it with the smoldering tip of her flame thrower, she inhales deeply before letting loose a stream of smoke, staring out across the sea of xenos on the horizon.

    "Hell, about time."

    She uses her free hand to close her visor, shutting the still burning cigarette in with her.

    >Use action to run.
    >Move 5 hexes South, 3 hexes South East.
    >> [gS2]Esper !!QxtsrZs7+PX 03/12/11(Sat)00:20 No.14213167
         File1299907224.jpg-(539 KB, 1165x1805, Turn2.jpg)
    539 KB
    rolled 6 = 6

    >Fire at the Reaver directly South of me.
    >See pic
    >Should me at Rating 7(?)
    >> [I-2]Johannes !NQb6hVwgYU 03/12/11(Sat)00:30 No.14213246
    rolled 6 = 6

    >forward 2L
    >turn and move 4L SE
    >FIRE at incoming WASPS
    >> [CO]Lazerus !!lIURwBKIw5c 03/12/11(Sat)00:35 No.14213284
    Deploy 2 reg D units by the chimera
    >> [CO]Lazerus !!lIURwBKIw5c 03/12/11(Sat)00:38 No.14213311
    [R1] Staedtler
    >Drones and I drop prone
    >Continue overwatch on those fucks that make it past the Gunner's line of fire

    [MgR]Richard !!pvSSLAETiGY 03/12/11(Sat)00:08 No.14213053
    >Drop prone, Iron Watch South

    [gS1] Vespe
    Picture to clarify
    rolled 9 = 9
    Range 8 + height 5, versus 14 hexes to the northmost reaver.
    >Fire on this target at rating 7

    rolled 6 = 6
    Picture for clarification
    >Fire at the Reaver directly South of me.
    >See pic
    >Should me at Rating 7(?)

    rolled 10, 3, 7, 3, 9, 7, 4, 7, 3, 6, 6, 7 = 72

    >Fire Machine Guns with both actions into southern bug swarm.
    >Fly North 2L

    [3R-beta]Specimen Loki
    >go south, kill shit, if there's some room to do so, consume

    [5R-a] Renaud
    > 1 Move horde south
    >2a attack any in range
    >2b devour any bodies
    >3overwatch south

    [Ch]Flare !WxbNziWAhM 03/12/11(Sat)00:05 No.14213033

    [drA1] Frost
    >Use action to run.
    >Move 5 hexes South, 3 hexes South East.

    > Move 4 S
    > Overwatch S
    > Drones stay in formation w/ me, do the same.

    [Du]Goose !/Z97r1QRQE 03/12/11(Sat)00:07 No.14213046
    rolled 3, 9, 3, 2, 5, 2, 4, 7, 3 = 38
    >Accelerate to Speed 6
    >Move forward 2L
    >Fire 3 times on Reavers below
    >Move forward 4L

    >Speed: 4
    >CHANGE heading SOUTH (expending 1L)
    >MOVE 1L
    >FIRE at WASP

    rolled 6 = 6
    >forward 2L
    >turn and move 4L SE
    >FIRE at incoming WASPS

    >Deploy 2 reg D units by the chimera
    >> [CO]Lazerus !!lIURwBKIw5c 03/12/11(Sat)00:47 No.14213398
         File1299908840.png-(369 KB, 800x800, 1297590137209.png)
    369 KB
    >Reg sheet
    >> [CO]Lazerus !!lIURwBKIw5c 03/12/11(Sat)00:49 No.14213412
    >TA action Scan the boss bug
    >> OrbitalCommand !w68jcmPgR6 03/12/11(Sat)00:55 No.14213455
         File1299909342.jpg-(1.08 MB, 2396x4200, FEXMAP05.jpg)
    1.08 MB
    Alpha increases bio mass 5 points
    Beta by 2,

    Enemy phase
    >> OrbitalCommand !w68jcmPgR6 03/12/11(Sat)01:43 No.14213733
         File1299912187.jpg-(1.04 MB, 2396x4200, FEXMAP06.jpg)
    1.04 MB
    Action Phase.

    GigaPede Scanned. Creatures seems to be a colossal class land hive with the primary purpose of counter terraforming. At the current, it has devoured over 600km of Earth on its way here...
    >> Anonymous 03/12/11(Sat)01:44 No.14213742
    Did everyone die? It's been nearly an hour since the last post...

    Or does that simply mean you're all doomed?
    >> [gS1] Vespe !fgy9vamSTk 03/12/11(Sat)01:54 No.14213798
         File1299912875.png-(122 KB, 243x259, Capture.png)
    122 KB
    rolled 5 = 5

    Vespe looks at the size of the worm creature, and then at her Hammerstrike Rifle.

    "I'm going to need a bigger gun."

    >Fall back 2N and board the pelican.
    >Fire on the nearest reaver.
    >> [5R-a] Renaud !yyNtj/KoaQ 03/12/11(Sat)01:54 No.14213801
    "Wha... what?! You're just abandoning our bugs?!?!?"
    >> [El]Isolde !xXEdPe9TZ. 03/12/11(Sat)01:56 No.14213814

    "This position is being overrun. You want to get out, I got 2 places left!"
    >> [R1] Staedtler !qsZKfWMhOQ 03/12/11(Sat)01:58 No.14213829
    >Move 1.5 Hexes forward while Prone
    >Continue to provide Burst Fire Overwatch

    "A Gigaworm!?"

    "Fuck... Gentlemen this just got far more complicated."
    >> [gS2]Esper !!QxtsrZs7+PX 03/12/11(Sat)02:00 No.14213850
    rolled 3 = 3

    >Fall back 1NE, 2 N, into the Pelican.
    >Firing at the SAME Reaver as Vespe.

    Esper looks to her partner and begins to fallback to the Pelican as well. "Well damn. Here's a parting gift."
    >> [2R-a] Renaud !yyNtj/KoaQ 03/12/11(Sat)02:02 No.14213862
    >devouring x2
    >moving north 5

    I'm going to try and eat some bugs and get back to hatch more. I'd appreciate it if you could cover?
    >> [El]Isolde !xXEdPe9TZ. 03/12/11(Sat)02:03 No.14213869
    rolled 3, 4, 9, 9, 8, 10, 4, 3, 4, 3, 2, 5 = 64

    She puts a hand to her head as a message comes through the radio. She grins.

    "New orders. Command gave clearance for some support! Looks like we are here for a little longer!"

    >Unload into enemy bugs with duel machine guns.
    >> [Ch]Flare !WxbNziWAhM 03/12/11(Sat)02:04 No.14213878
         File1299913498.jpg-(512 KB, 2396x2101, Kaiju.jpg)
    512 KB
    rolled 1 = 1

    >SHOOT at bug east of B horde

    "Aww come on they were so far away just a second ago"
    >> [MgR]Richard !!pvSSLAETiGY 03/12/11(Sat)02:08 No.14213893
    >move 1.5 hexes forward, Iron Watch South

    "You bugs wanna pull back, now's the time to do it, we've got you covered!"

    Richard thought about where his career had headed as he crawled through the dirt. He had never believed he would be talking to bugs.
    >> [drA1] Frost !HeLloxNGm. 03/12/11(Sat)02:09 No.14213900
    rolled 1, 7 = 8

    >Stream attack straight South, hitting the wasp and hopefully the reaver behind it.
    >Fireball the wasp to my South East.
    >Move North West 1 hex, North 3 hexes.

    Frost let loose a swathe of fire from her flame thrower, deciding not to activate her jump pack in the interests of conserving fuel. Still, it was probably best to make a fighting retreat in this situation, so she moved back towards the defensive line after unleashing hell.
    >> [M] Sagan !k8ddOqAbTc 03/12/11(Sat)02:10 No.14213904
    rolled 3, 10, 10 = 23

    Sagan is greeted from his drop pod by the seemingly endless swarm.

    "Well, no one ever said natural selection was easy... Regs! Move up and cover the Chimera. I need you set up 5 minutes ago!"

    > Move 2 Ds South in front of chimera, have them setup (I can set them up the same turn they move? If not, guess it'll wait)
    > M and Droids fire proximity nades 4SE (3 shots, yeah?)

    > (Also, I'm out after this action, someone bot me. Need to sleep...)
    >> [I-1]Eagle !PK/J0EU.YY 03/12/11(Sat)02:19 No.14213958
    "Oh fiddlesticks."

    >Speed: 4
    >CHANGE heading NORTH-WEST
    >MOVE 4L
    >> [I-2]Johannes !NQb6hVwgYU 03/12/11(Sat)02:19 No.14213959
    >turn and move 6L N

    "... I-2 to ground; weapon's spent, pulling back to recharge. Hang in there."
    >> [Du]Goose !/Z97r1QRQE 03/12/11(Sat)02:20 No.14213965
         File1299914429.jpg-(414 KB, 1604x2064, gooseisfuckit.jpg)
    414 KB
    rolled 5, 6, 2, 6, 2, 9 = 30

    Everyone's out of ammo.
    You know what to do....

    > Refer to picture
    >> [El]Isolde !xXEdPe9TZ. 03/12/11(Sat)02:21 No.14213971

    Slight Amendment

    >Move Foward 1.5L
    >Then Unload Weapons into Enemy Swarm.
    >> [3R-beta]Specimen Loki !1/Y/FThShM 03/12/11(Sat)02:23 No.14213984
    >eat and run to defensive position north. create reavers as points allow. no canibalising living units for it though. overwatch south.

    Loki watched over the field, Her anger welling at the cowardice her allies showed. A line cannot hold without support that is close enough to actually Support! She tells her girls to grab what they can and set up another, stronger line. Her disappointment with the ground lost is palpable.
    >> [R1] Staedtler !qsZKfWMhOQ 03/12/11(Sat)02:33 No.14214047
    rolled 4, 6, 3, 8, 5, 2, 10, 3, 2 = 43


    My mistake, didn't realize I was within range.

    "OPEN FIRE!"
    >> [CO]Lazerus !!lIURwBKIw5c 03/12/11(Sat)02:35 No.14214065
    rolled 10, 8 = 18

    >Deploy 4 SSS units next to the Mgr
    >Deploy 1 Nuke at same location
    >> [CO]Lazerus !!lIURwBKIw5c 03/12/11(Sat)02:43 No.14214129
    Correct Compile
    >Deploy 4 SSS units next to the Mgr
    >Deploy 1 Nuke at same location

    3R-beta]Specimen Loki
    >eat and run to defensive position north. create reavers as points allow. no canibalising living units for it though. overwatch south.

    [2R-a] Renaud
    >devouring x2
    >moving north 5

    rolled 4, 6, 3, 8, 5, 2, 10, 3, 2 = 43
    >move 1.5 hexes forward,Iron Watch South

    [R1] Staedtler
    rolled 4, 6, 3, 8, 5, 2, 10, 3, 2 = 43
    >Move 1.5 Hexes forward while Prone
    >"Open Fire"

    [gS1] Vespe
    rolled 5 = 5
    >Fall back 2N and board the pelican.
    >Fire on the nearest reaver.

    [gS2]Esper !!QxtsrZs7+PX 03/12/11(Sat)02:00 No.14213850
    rolled 3 = 3
    >Fall back 1NE, 2 N, into the Pelican.
    >Firing at the SAME Reaver as Vespe.

    Picture for clarity of shot
    rolled 1 = 1
    >SHOOT at bug east of B horde

    [drA1] Frost
    rolled 1, 7 = 8
    >Stream attack straight South, hitting the wasp and hopefully the reaver behind it.
    >Fireball the wasp to my South East.
    >Move North West 1 hex, North 3 hexes.

    [M] Sagan
    rolled 3, 10, 10 = 23

    rolled 3, 4, 9, 9, 8, 10, 4, 3, 4, 3, 2, 5 = 64
    >Move Foward 1.5L
    >Then Unload Weapons into Enemy Swarm.

    [Du]Goose !/Z97r1QRQE 0
    rolled 5, 6, 2, 6, 2, 9 = 30
    Picture for clarity

    >Speed: 4
    >CHANGE heading NORTH-WEST
    >MOVE 4L

    >turn and move 6L N
    >> [TA] Knightly !IMYfe1j54Y 03/12/11(Sat)02:46 No.14214150
    rolled 3 = 3

    "Tactical Advisor Knightly, reporting, CO Lazarus."

    "Initiating an analysis of the GigaPede's head for any sensory organs or weaknesses in it's armor... Hopefully, the boys will be happy with a decent target."

    >ANALYZING GigaPede's head for weakspots.
    >> [CO]Lazerus !!lIURwBKIw5c 03/12/11(Sat)02:50 No.14214182
    Thank Odin you couldn't have arrived at a better time.
    >> [TA] Knightly !IMYfe1j54Y 03/12/11(Sat)02:59 No.14214272

    "Glad to be of service, sir. Now, what do you say we get to work cooking some bacon?"

    >Suggesting that the riflemen and the two units in front of the Pelican move up to engage the approaching bugs. Try to stay at least 4 hex's away from them, lest they break through and eat you.
    >> OrbitalCommand !w68jcmPgR6 03/12/11(Sat)03:20 No.14214421
         File1299918056.jpg-(1.07 MB, 2396x4200, FEXMAP07.jpg)
    1.07 MB
    The fun is just commencing.

    Enemy Phase.
    >> [TA] Knightly !IMYfe1j54Y 03/12/11(Sat)03:30 No.14214478
    "Goose, how quickly will you be able to drop a rocket down one of those ventral ducts of that beast's head?"

    >Ready to to an AID so someone can plaster it's skull.
    >> [CO]Lazerus !!lIURwBKIw5c 03/12/11(Sat)03:35 No.14214515
    rolled 5 = 5

    I getting a report from our Science division aim for the weak spots it may buy us a some time

    >Analyze Hitting the Gigapede in a weak spot will stun it.
    >> OrbitalCommand !w68jcmPgR6 03/12/11(Sat)03:48 No.14214594
         File1299919703.jpg-(1.05 MB, 2396x4200, FEXMAP08.jpg)
    1.05 MB
    Action Phase.

    Mgunnery IronLine spree.
    >> [TA] Knightly !IMYfe1j54Y 03/12/11(Sat)03:52 No.14214614

    "Holy shit, would you look at that! I think I found my new wallpaper!"

    "Anyway, Goose, if you can still fly, I'm going to upload some targeting programs to your weapons for an attack run on the GigaPede's Ventral Ducts. If this works, you might either fry it's brain, or at the very least, slow it down."

    >AID for attacks for attacks targeting the Ventral Ducts of the GigaPede, which will most likely be only made by Goose.
    >> [2Rv-a] Renaud !yyNtj/KoaQ 03/12/11(Sat)03:54 No.14214628
    >move south
    >attack xenos in range
    >lay eggs with remaining actions
    >> [gS1] Vespe !fgy9vamSTk 03/12/11(Sat)03:54 No.14214631
    rolled 3 = 3

    "Isolde! Clear skies ahead and we've got your back, get us over to that ugly bastard!"

    >Fire on the cypherwasp behind the Pelican.
    >> [gS2]Esper !!QxtsrZs7+PX 03/12/11(Sat)03:55 No.14214635
    rolled 7 = 7

    >Firing from the Pelican
    >Firing at the Wasp to the North, behind the Pelican.

    "Time for a little pay back."
    >> [R1] Staedtler !qsZKfWMhOQ 03/12/11(Sat)03:55 No.14214636
    rolled 1, 4, 8, 1, 9, 6, 6, 5, 8 = 48

    >Burst Fire on everything in front of us
    >Move 1 hex backwards afterwards prone

    "They're close, men."
    "A few steps back, but hold the fucking line."
    >> [3R-beta]Specimen Loki !1/Y/FThShM 03/12/11(Sat)04:00 No.14214666
    >consume to heal, drop eggs, and clear a little bit more room down there for more xenos. attack/overwatch south

    A few died but her girls held. She needs more to ensure victory, and gave her commands
    >> [drA1] Frost !HeLloxNGm. 03/12/11(Sat)04:01 No.14214672
    rolled 4, 4, 1, 2, 6, 1, 5, 9 = 32

    >Move 1 hex South.
    >Fireball into the group of roaches (center the fireball on the hex 3 South and 2 South West of my position after moving. Looks like 7 or 8 roaches will be in the fireball).
    >Move 1 NE, 2 N.
    >> [drA1] Frost !HeLloxNGm. 03/12/11(Sat)04:02 No.14214681

    >Forgot to note that I'm using my second action to reload my flamer.
    >> [HdrA]Dragon !!Be87JOBWQm0 03/12/11(Sat)04:04 No.14214689
    rolled 5, 8, 10 = 23

    >Botting M1 and the D's
    >Also hello

    >D east of M1: Overwatch overheat East
    >M1 himself. shoot at reaver just south untill he's dead. Then fire at Reaver West untill he's dead. Spare mines will be proxie mines across the canyon west
    >the D behind everything....what the fuck is this guy doing here? Overwatch overheat South East
    >> [MgR]Richard !!pvSSLAETiGY 03/12/11(Sat)04:04 No.14214690
    rolled 4, 7, 9, 8, 7, 4, 3, 5, 1, 2, 2, 7, 6, 6, 2, 2, 2, 1, 3, 7 = 88

    >Move back 1 hex, Continue Iron watch, I hope that's enough d10s.

    As Richard covered the bugs retreat, he began to notice that a few of them had assumed the form of women, quite fetching really.

    Then he remembered the oncoming xeno horde.

    "Just keep firing, keep firing..."
    >> [HdrA]Dragon !!Be87JOBWQm0 03/12/11(Sat)04:07 No.14214709
    >PS: I SHOW UP NOW, walking down the center of the canyon is fine

    >Bitches gonna burn
    >> [CO]Lazerus !!lIURwBKIw5c 03/12/11(Sat)04:07 No.14214712
         File1299920861.jpg-(85 KB, 1198x2100, Bombing.jpg)
    85 KB
    rolled 6, 4, 4 = 14

    >TA aid any one hitting the Gigapedes weak spots
    >Initiate Airstrikes at targets
    >Deploy 3 Units of DDG to the Mg's Location
    >> [Du]Goose !/Z97r1QRQE 03/12/11(Sat)04:09 No.14214728
         File1299920975.jpg-(949 KB, 2373x3228, GoosePlans01.jpg)
    949 KB
    rolled 8, 2, 6, 6, 4, 5, 4, 2, 6 = 43

    >tentative plan for everyone else,

    >basic actions for myself
    >> [CO]Lazerus !!lIURwBKIw5c 03/12/11(Sat)04:09 No.14214729
         File1299920976.jpg-(255 KB, 2396x4200, Better pic.jpg)
    255 KB
    rolled 6, 2, 10 = 18

    >better picture
    >> [El]Isolde !xXEdPe9TZ. 03/12/11(Sat)04:09 No.14214730
    rolled 9, 1, 5, 7, 5, 5, 9, 2, 9, 2, 4, 8 = 66

    She looks back at the two ghosts and gives a thumbs up.

    "Keep up the fire! We get out of this not shot down and I owe you a drink!"

    >Machine Guns into hords south of us, priority to the Wasp if it lives.
    >> [I-1]Eagle !PK/J0EU.YY 03/12/11(Sat)04:26 No.14214821
    rolled 9 = 9

    >Speed: 4
    >MOVE 2 lengths NORTH-WEST
    >CHANGE heading to SOUTH-EAST (expending 1 length)
    >MOVE 1 length SOUTH-EAST
    >> [TA] Knightly !IMYfe1j54Y 03/12/11(Sat)04:27 No.14214827
    rolled 8 = 8

    Can I roll to make this attack lethal? Because that would be awesome, and I'm going to do it anyways, unless it would invalidate my AID. In which case, I think my AID comes first.

    Or whatever. I just want to roll some dice, okay?

    >If not, then fuck it. Not like it should make a difference, really, because I already did an AID.
    >> [I-2]Johannes !NQb6hVwgYU 03/12/11(Sat)04:34 No.14214873
    rolled 3 = 3

    >turn ans move 2L S
    >FIRE at big bugs SSW
    >forward 4S
    >> [TA] Knightly !IMYfe1j54Y 03/12/11(Sat)04:35 No.14214878


    Oh well, at least I got to roll some dice.

    Also, why didn't we just use Domino on these guys to begin with?
    >> [TA] Knightly !IMYfe1j54Y 03/12/11(Sat)04:45 No.14214929
    "CO Lazarus, you still there? Feedback is mixed up, and I can't confirm my connection. Could be a wetware issue. Sir, are you still alive?"

    >Uh, Soap, you still there? Anyone need to be botted that hasn't been already?
    >> [CO]Lazerus !!lIURwBKIw5c 03/12/11(Sat)04:59 No.14214994
    rolled 3, 6, 5 = 14

    rolled 6, 4, 4 = 14
    >TA aid any one hitting the Gigapedes weak spots
    >Initiate Airstrikes at targets
    >Deploy 3 Units of DDG to the Mg's Location

    [TA] Knightly !IMYfe1j54Y 03/12/11(Sat)04:27 No.14214827
    rolled 8 = 8
    >If not, then fuck it. Not like it should make a difference, really, because I already did an AID.

    rolled 8, 2, 6, 6, 4, 5, 4, 2, 6 = 43
    Image for clarity
    >tentative plan for everyone else,
    >basic actions for myself

    rolled 9 = 9
    >Speed: 4
    >MOVE 2 lengths NORTH-WEST
    >CHANGE heading to SOUTH-EAST (expending 1 length)
    >MOVE 1 length SOUTH-EAST

    rolled 3 = 3
    >turn ans move 2L S
    >FIRE at big bugs SSW
    >forward 4S
    >> OrbitalCommand !w68jcmPgR6 03/12/11(Sat)04:59 No.14214999
         File1299923984.jpg-(1.08 MB, 2396x4200, FEXMAP09.jpg)
    1.08 MB
    > >

    Gigapede exhitibts strange a srange reaction to bullets in its ventral ducts....
    >> OrbitalCommand !w68jcmPgR6 03/12/11(Sat)05:11 No.14215055
         File1299924669.jpg-(869 KB, 2396x4200, FEXMAP10.jpg)
    869 KB
    Enemy forces have retreated Underground.

    Xenoforce advance has stopped - but not halted.
    Melchiordatabase confirms that this horde will move eventually...

    Secure Objective Accomplished...
    >> [CO]Lazerus !!lIURwBKIw5c 03/12/11(Sat)05:15 No.14215084
    Excellent, just as what i would expect from soldiers under my command! I am very pleased with your performance tonight so you get the standard reward of alcoholic beverages and real meat as usual
    >> [TA] Knightly !IMYfe1j54Y 03/12/11(Sat)05:17 No.14215095

    "Good job, Ecto and Femto. And you Xenoforms..."

    "In any case, we're going to try to continue to track the GigaPede horde. I suggest you rally and consolidate your remaining forces before moving out to re-engage the GigaPede. I'm also going to request additional assistance from Bravo. Maybe we can use whatever weapon they used to capture their Xenoform hive to take the GigaPede?"

    >Goodnight, everyone. Next game, unless stated otherwise: Delta Air.
    >> [HdrA]Dragon !!Be87JOBWQm0 03/12/11(Sat)05:20 No.14215117
    rolled 10 = 10

    Rolling for fucking crazy
    >> [HdrA]Dragon !!Be87JOBWQm0 03/12/11(Sat)05:21 No.14215127
    rolled 5 = 5

    Rolling for result of fucking crazy
    >> [CO] Col. Walker !IMYfe1j54Y 03/12/11(Sat)05:23 No.14215145

    I am hoping that whatever you did results in your legs being chopped off or you sustain some other grisly injury.

    Like having to watch the Sex and the City movie(s).

    And all the episodes.
    >> [CO]Lazerus !!lIURwBKIw5c 03/12/11(Sat)05:23 No.14215147
    rolled 2, 1 = 3

    Rolling to subdue Dragon because no ones messes up glorious victory
    >> [El]Isolde !xXEdPe9TZ. 03/12/11(Sat)05:25 No.14215153

    You are CO. You can make parts of him explode.
    >> [El]Isolde !xXEdPe9TZ. 03/12/11(Sat)05:29 No.14215170
    rolled 9 = 9

    Rolling because Dragon is a idiot who may kill us all.
    >> [gS1] Vespe !fgy9vamSTk 03/12/11(Sat)05:31 No.14215179
    rolled 6 = 6

    Vespe sinks back into one of the Pelican's seats and trades a celebratory fist-pound with Esper.

    "So, Isolde. About that drink you owe us?"
    >> [El]Isolde !xXEdPe9TZ. 03/12/11(Sat)05:33 No.14215190

    "Yeah, sure thing. What's your poison?"

    She reaches under the chair and pulls out a few bottles of beer and a bottle of bourbon.

    "Beer or Bourbon?"
    >> [CO] Col. Walker !IMYfe1j54Y 03/12/11(Sat)05:35 No.14215198


    "Lazerus, if he causes you any trouble, go ahead and punish him. And by 'punish,' I mean by the very bare minimum, breaking his legs and letting a sandroach drag his stupid ass back to base."

    Walker closes the connection to the Ecto/Femto mission site.

    "Really, motherfucking... only alive because he's a decent..." Walker grumbles to himself as he returns his attention to the mission with Delta Air.
    >> [gS1] Vespe !fgy9vamSTk 03/12/11(Sat)05:37 No.14215215

    "We fought a bug the size of a battleship to a standstill, let's live a little. Gimme the one that costs more than a couple bucks a bottle."
    >> [El]Isolde !xXEdPe9TZ. 03/12/11(Sat)05:39 No.14215228

    She grins and replaces the beers, pulling out a bottle of cola.

    "Sure thing. The bourbon const me most of my last paycheck, enjoy it."

    She produces a couple of glasses from seemingly nowhere and pours drinks.
    >> [CO]Lazerus !!lIURwBKIw5c 03/12/11(Sat)05:41 No.14215235
    Greetings Walker I'm sure he will make the perfect entertainment for new recruits in Ecto. Live subjects for practicing psychic manipulation on are so hard to find.
    >> [R1] Staedtler !qsZKfWMhOQ 03/12/11(Sat)05:41 No.14215238
    Hearing the crack of a can, Staedtler, still fascinated by the near instantaneous retreat of the bugs turns his attention to the dropship.

    "Are you guys sharing booze without us?!"
    "We're the ones who stayed and held the line while you three played flyboy."
    >> [El]Isolde !xXEdPe9TZ. 03/12/11(Sat)05:43 No.14215253

    "I got some beer if you want it. Bourbon is for people who keep the wasps off my ship."
    >> [HdrA]Dragon !!Be87JOBWQm0 03/12/11(Sat)05:45 No.14215263


    Dragon wanderd in the desert for days. Maybe it was the dehydration, maybe it was the fact he was still doped up from warsaw's work, or maybe it was the booze

    Either way dragon arived, as he wanted to to protect found, kill bugs, and be remembered.

    But there was no found
    There was some signs of a battle, and quite a few troops in a canyon, but no Found.

    We can't say for sure why the Clone thought the way he did, but for the first time he saw a pelican
    and god fucking damn it
    he was going to ride it
    In the cargo area you say? no no no, he was going to ride it like a surf board.

    All the way to war, all the way to glory, all the way to found.

    Thankfully, the CO was watching and the CO had some skills.

    No one even knew when why or how Lazerus got on the field or how a vulcan pinch of death worked on a genetically augmented private in a fucking mech, but it happened. Perhaps he was able to precive the private's intentions, or perhaps he was just rounding up an MIA unit

    Either way, once again the dragon was on his face, once again the dragon slumbered.

    but you know....in a funny way
    This helps you get remembered too
    >> [CO] Col. Walker !IMYfe1j54Y 03/12/11(Sat)05:48 No.14215279

    "I don't think you want to do that. I'd bet my bottom Dosh that nothing goes on in that boy's head. At least, nothing that any sane person should witness."

    "Honestly, the boy'd be halfway to Lieutenant by now if he wasn't so stupid, Lander's Blood. Decent if not great soldier, but he's prone to... lapses in any common sense of the sort. As well behavior that makes one wonder if his continued existence is due to nothing short of repeated divine intervention. I swear, the boy ain't right in the head."
    >> [R1] Staedtler !qsZKfWMhOQ 03/12/11(Sat)05:51 No.14215298

    "Throw a can or two over, it would be much appreciated."
    >> [El]Isolde !xXEdPe9TZ. 03/12/11(Sat)05:54 No.14215312

    "Can do!"

    She reaches down again and pulls a few cans out. It is of note she pulled bottles out last time. She walks over to the door and tosses them down.

    "Enjoy! We did bloody well today. We'll finish it off next time!"
    >> [CO]Lazerus !!lIURwBKIw5c 03/12/11(Sat)06:02 No.14215360
    Lazerus watched the soldiers return from his vid-screen. He breathed a sigh of relief, he was not used to commanding soldiers to fight a horde.
    As Spec-Ops officer he was used to quick, efficient missions ones where a single bullet only needed to be fired, if any at all. He had taken the assignment just for that, command said they needed a target taken out and he was the best there was at coordinating decisive offensives against a single target. But he was unprepared for the horde this was no simple wetworks job.
    He looked in the mirror, his face a constant reminder of the high cost of pride. Covered partly by a sleek mask, Lazerus face was a scarred reminder of his foolish tendencies.

    The best at what he did Lazerus was always looking to prove himself he volunteered on a mission to scout a heavily fortified position. Unsatisfied with that he had taken it upon himself to attempt to sabotage his foes by setting thier munitions to blow. It had worked but too well he had crippled the enemy and almost himself as well. That act had both nearly killed him and garnered his praise from the higher ups.

    Scince then he had coordinated many wetworks operations hoping to stop others in his field from making the foolish mistake he had made. But success had gotten to him once again. He was good and the praise made him fall into old habits .he was know for flamboyant displays, and a prideful attitude.

    Still the one thing that always brought him down to earth was to stare into that mirror and remember the what was in store for those under his command if he didn't control himself.

    He set some music and poured some scotch. I would be a long night for him
    >> [R1] Staedtler !qsZKfWMhOQ 03/12/11(Sat)06:04 No.14215379

    "We did indeed, and your flying certainly contributed to the outcome."

    The rifleman opened the can and gazed upon the sunset of Titan.

    "A job well done."
    >> [El]Isolde !xXEdPe9TZ. 03/12/11(Sat)06:06 No.14215395

    "Eh, just doing my job."

    She raises her glass in a toast

    "Still plenty more to do. Still, we'll manage it."
    >> [gS1] Vespe !fgy9vamSTk 03/12/11(Sat)06:09 No.14215418
    Vespe and Esper join in the toast.

    "To jobs well done."
    >> [R1] Staedtler !qsZKfWMhOQ 03/12/11(Sat)06:11 No.14215428
    "And to futures preserved."
    >> [El]Isolde !xXEdPe9TZ. 03/12/11(Sat)06:15 No.14215454
    She gives a grin and a jaunty salute.

    "I'll drink to that!"
    >> [CO] Col. Walker !IMYfe1j54Y 03/12/11(Sat)06:18 No.14215479

    Note for something: All CO's need some kind of defining feature.

    Walker has his hat (and his headset TACIM/insanity).

    Geist has his Seraphim getup.

    Weird has his room with severed heads.

    King has... something.

    Lazerus has a faceful of scars and/or a mask.

    Polaski... don't know about that.

    Found has her xenomorph-induced heterchromatia.
    >> [M] Sagan !k8ddOqAbTc 03/12/11(Sat)12:11 No.14217028
    Relieved to watch the bugs seemingly instant retreat, Sagan cracked his neck and took a deep breath. It had been a rather terrifying first deployment for him, drop podding with little prior training and being set to command regulars.

    "Alls well that ends well" he thought, deactivating the mines out ahead of him and ordering the drones to retrieve munitions - no use letting them go to waste. May need them soon.
    >> OrbitalCommand !w68jcmPgR6 03/12/11(Sat)12:37 No.14217192
    Xeno Results

    >Renaud :Hatches 5 More Roaches
    > Loki: Hatches 6 as well
    >> [Du]Goose !/Z97r1QRQE 03/12/11(Sat)12:49 No.14217292
    Goose did a sweep of the area, and checked alternate routes. Not a xeno in sight. Not even the errant sound of white noise when hive minds pulsed with activity. It was irregular for the lot of them to simply stop when the big boss got tickled the wrong way. Stranger still but not unheard of for a predatory xenoform to simply wait for its prey to turn its back. And that smell..

    it was really distinct.

    An errant thought glossed over on him, then.
    " It communicated through smell... "
    >> [MgR]Richard !!pvSSLAETiGY 03/12/11(Sat)13:42 No.14217693
    Richard looked at the woman-shaped xenos again.

    "Aw hell, the only thing that's going to be able to explain that to me is a ton of booze."
    >> OrbitalCommand !w68jcmPgR6 03/12/11(Sat)14:13 No.14217919
    Hey Guys, mission confirmation wont happen till later tonight at 8-9est

    so if I dont show up by then , assume that a game is not running tonight.
    >> [3R-beta]Specimen Loki !1/Y/FThShM 03/12/11(Sat)15:09 No.14218340
    Loki giggled to herself in her specimen enclosure. The Richard's confusion amused her. These emotions. Oh, how she loved feeling happy.

    >define eeturons
    Did you mean: neutrons, capcha?
    >> OrbitalCommand !w68jcmPgR6 03/12/11(Sat)20:01 No.14220706

    Welp it looks like im attending the 24 hour comic event tonight.

    See about a Sunday game tomorrow !
    Have fun everyone.
    >> OrbitalCommand !w68jcmPgR6 03/12/11(Sat)20:02 No.14220713

    Alternatively if i do decide to run a game, it wll be non canon
    >> [CO] Col. Walker !IMYfe1j54Y 03/12/11(Sat)22:09 No.14221796

    Sweet! More opportunities for me to be irresponsible and not be a CO!

    Also, no fucking Xeno-tans on my fucking ship.

    And you know what? I'm going to have to ask Found to find a way to convert all the bugs into an egg-like form where they hibernate or some shit.

    Because it costs a lot to feed all the little bastards.
    >> [CO] Col. Walker !IMYfe1j54Y 03/12/11(Sat)22:15 No.14221877
    You know what?

    In response to Dragon's shenanigans, I've have two orders.

    First off, Dragon is to remain in cryo when he's not needed for combat or some degrading task I can hand to him.

    Second, when he's out of cryo, he's Geists' responsibility.

    So when he gets in trouble, Geist also gets in trouble.

    Happy baby sitting, Geist!

    >And no, this is totally not a punishment for going around screwing Lost when I had explicitly said like 5 minutes before that I would punish him if he did.
    >> [CO] Col. Walker !IMYfe1j54Y 03/12/11(Sat)22:21 No.14221928

    No. Just. No. I'm not going to waste resources on making a stupid-ass xeno-tan harem pen thing.

    And seeing as I'm the motherfucker who has absolute authority over the Xenoform forces, consider this me putting my foot down.

    And yes, I will detonate somebody's skull for making this shit happen.

    Because I need to be mean now.
    >> [St] FC Capt. Geist !!lFMzOYrsgi4 03/12/11(Sat)22:39 No.14222080
    Ugghhhh, are you sure just getting knee-capped is no longer an option instead?

    And it was a bit longer than FIVE minutes since you had said that!
    >> [HdrA]Dragon !!Be87JOBWQm0 03/12/11(Sat)22:54 No.14222241
         File1299988447.png-(85 KB, 276x142, regret.png)
    85 KB
    >> [CO] Col. Walker !IMYfe1j54Y 03/12/11(Sat)23:13 No.14222459

    Punishments are assigned according to the crime.

    Also to my mood, and I feel like making your life a bit of hell trying to reign Dragon in.

    Good luck!
    >> [CO] Col. Walker !IMYfe1j54Y 03/13/11(Sun)03:38 No.14224731
    Found, if you're on, I have a special assignment for you.

    Please reduce the maintenance costs of the xenoforms. As in, make them a bit more self-sustainable.

    I don't care if it means making a new Xenoform species that farms stuff using the rest of the hive's droppings, I just don't want to have to worry about them eating half of our crew for some reason.

    Additionally, a way to put them into cold storage so we don't have to feed all of them. Liquidation, or some shit.

    I don't know; Walker don't understand half of this shit. They're all BUGS, and he is frightened by the concept of Xeno-tans running amok on the O'Reilly.
    >> [SsE1] Spc. Dr. Warsaw !cCsMsaA4k2 03/13/11(Sun)12:11 No.14227562

    Couldn't we just cryo-freeze them like we do with clones?
    >> OrbitalCommand !w68jcmPgR6 03/13/11(Sun)17:17 No.14230195
    > Possible mission tonight.

    >Delta start
    >2nd half of Kaiju Busters.
    >> [CO]Lazerus !!lIURwBKIw5c 03/13/11(Sun)17:18 No.14230210
    I would like you to pick up your subordinate soon. He single handily drove the psi department mad.
    >> [SsE1] Spc. Dr. Warsaw !cCsMsaA4k2 03/13/11(Sun)17:24 No.14230257

    >17:16 Dr_Warsaw Wouldn't it be a better idea to set up AAs with charlie first?
    >17:18 OrbitalCommand well
    >17:18 OrbitalCommand if no one wants to do base building madness
    >17:18 OrbitalCommand its assumed that AAs get setup at turn 9
    >17:18 OrbitalCommand and that is fine by me.

    So if you want AA cover for Delta before turn 9 you should think about doing some basebuilding instead of starting another fight.
    >> [CO] Col. Walker !IMYfe1j54Y 03/13/11(Sun)17:27 No.14230294

    We could. But then we'd have to make large-scale cryo pods.

    Which according to OC, could simply be achieved by dropping them into space for a bit.

    On that note, we should go about gathering some asteroids for them to ride on.


    I do believe I warned you about rooting about in his brain. Something about nothing good was going to come of it.
    >> [CO] Col. Walker !IMYfe1j54Y 03/13/11(Sun)17:36 No.14230392
    rolled 11, 10 = 21


    >Fine, I'll do it, ya slackers.

    "Charlie, this is Bravo. I'm sending one of my subordinates and some of my support crew to assist in setting up the AA batteries."

    "McMillan, grab our some of our best techs and head down over to Charlie. If need be, stay for the fight."

    >Sending McMillan and some dudes to help Charlie. And assuming that they aren't liable to being shot down getting over there, or some silly shit.
    >> [CO] Col. Walker !IMYfe1j54Y 03/13/11(Sun)17:37 No.14230402
    rolled 5, 1 = 6


    Uhhh let me do that again, with the proper dice, yeah?
    >> [SsE1] Spc. Dr. Warsaw !cCsMsaA4k2 03/13/11(Sun)17:43 No.14230455

    Or, we could just convert the entire holding area they're in into one giant cryopod.
    >> [CO] Col. Walker !IMYfe1j54Y 03/13/11(Sun)17:45 No.14230479

    If we do that, then we run the risk of someone going in there and shutting off the cryo system.

    Allowing all those bugs to run rampant on our ship.

    And by bugs, I probably imply xeno-tans.

    So yeah, you could do that. If you're willing to take full responsibility for everything that's going to inevitably happen.

    >DRAGON, or someone else is going to get it into their heads that it's going to be a smart idea to go mess with the frozen bugs.
    >> [SsE1] Spc. Dr. Warsaw !cCsMsaA4k2 03/13/11(Sun)18:04 No.14230659

    You mean the same way someone could go and mess with all the frozen clones?

    I would also like to point out that the xenos have been running around down there for two/three months now. Presumably they haven't eaten anyone you didn't send down there to get eaten.
    >> OrbitalCommand !w68jcmPgR6 03/13/11(Sun)18:06 No.14230672

    Oh hey AAs got set up while FEX was definding the point !

    Alpha Charlie Mission pushed back to conditional alert. :>
    >> [CO] Col. Walker !IMYfe1j54Y 03/13/11(Sun)18:09 No.14230705

    Point, but that's because nobody really knew about them.

    I like to think it was a smart move on Fierstrom or Found to make sure that I or anyone else knew about it.

    But yeah, I'm surprised nobody has messed with the frozen clones at this point. Maybe because they're clones, and cracking them open is probably going to have some adverse side effects on something or someone.
    >> [SsE1] Spc. Dr. Warsaw !cCsMsaA4k2 03/13/11(Sun)18:21 No.14230823

    ...How exactly do you hide something like that? Did you just assume all the food they were consuming was just being vented into space? And then there's the waste they'd produce. Even if you used only droids to tend to them, that would be a lot of droids just disappearing and someone (Geist) would end up looking into it. Then there's always the question of how you would sneak that many bugs on board unnoticed?
    >> [CO] Col. Walker !IMYfe1j54Y 03/13/11(Sun)18:29 No.14230900

    Well, apparently, they did a good job with it, considering that I knew nothing of it until OC mentioned it.

    I blame everyone's shenanigans for keeping me distracted.

    Speaking of which, how's the cyber squid faring? Ready to see deployment yet, or are you still waiting for an able-bodied assistant?
    >> [drA1] Frost !HeLloxNGm. 03/13/11(Sun)21:11 No.14232538
    Frost lifted her visor, a plume of thick smoke bursting forth and trailing off to the sky as she did so. She chewed the spent cigarette butt for a moment before taking it in her hand and tossing it to the ground. Couldn't say she was disappointed by the way this battle turned out. No real casualties.

    She looked back towards the rest of the battle group from where she stood atop the plateau, having used her jump pack to get up here. She just wanted some alone time. She pulled another cigarette out and lit up with her flame thrower, sitting on the edge of the cliff with her legs dangling over the edge, staring for a while at the gash the large xeno had left. She wondered how her brothers and sister were doing. Gust had sent her a message upon the outset of the invasion, telling her that she'd be there with Delta. Blaze hadn't contacted her in some time, and from his last communication Quake wasn't going to be partaking in this offensive. And soon enough there would be a fifth, but she didn't know what his name would be. Maybe he'd already been "born." Time dilation was funny like that.
    >> [CO]Lazerus !!lIURwBKIw5c 03/13/11(Sun)21:33 No.14232803
    rolled 1, 10 = 11

    >Set up high explosives covered in Xeno bait set to detonate when the gigapede eats them.

    The beast would be back. The initial assault gave thinned the horde and gave them time set up a trap. Oh and what a surprise Lazerus had in store.
    >> [drA1] Frost !HeLloxNGm. 03/13/11(Sun)21:38 No.14232853
    rolled 8, 2 = 10

    Frost jet packed down from the plateau at the bidding of CO Lazerus, to assist in pre-battle preparations. She wasn't very good at laying traps and mines, but she did as she was told and helped them get the mines to hard to reach locations with her jet pack.

    She was also very

    >Assist CO Lazerus. Try to get a more favorable danger roll.
    >> [3R-beta]Specimen Loki !1/Y/FThShM 03/14/11(Mon)00:16 No.14234271
    rolled 10, 10 = 20

    >Roll for effect and danger. Want to cover the allied xenos with a "IGNORE, NOT FOOD OR SOMETHING TO DIG THROUGH" scent. hope it works even when attacking.
    Loki looked through the pheromones and matter her girls had consumed. She Isolated the one she thought she wanted, and sent a drop box to the field. It contained cardboard boxes filled with Pheromone butter and Ration jelly sandwiches.
    >> [2Rv-a] Renaud !yyNtj/KoaQ 03/14/11(Mon)00:25 No.14234355
    Errrr... by "allied xenos", she only means HER horde! Not mine!
    >> [CO]Lazerus !!lIURwBKIw5c 03/14/11(Mon)00:29 No.14234403
    rolled 3, 10 = 13

    You can go out ride on you white horse and SAVE HER HOARD with an assist NCA
    >> [R1] Staedtler !qsZKfWMhOQ 03/14/11(Mon)00:34 No.14234437
         File1300077248.jpg-(331 KB, 1000x750, 1238913790585.jpg)
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    rolled 6 = 6

    Pulling out his datapad, Staedtler got to work on requisitioning some higher powered optics for him and his drones due to the uneasiness he felt with his limited range last engagement.

    >Rolling for paperwork.
    >> [CO] Col. Walker !IMYfe1j54Y 03/14/11(Mon)01:30 No.14234979
    Hey guise, I asked a question pertaining to the CO's in IRC, and, well, I figured I'd ask it here for those not present.

    Lets say, hypothetically, I get hit by a bus tomorrow morning, and I am removed from the game for the practical period of forever.

    Who would you pick to be your next CO? Or, put in another way, if Monday was to pick another CO (perhaps in the same way that I was) from the current player pool, which of the players would you actually listen to?

    Or, given a complete vacuum of authority, which player would you listen to if they decided to speak up and take the reins on Bravo?

    And no, this isn't an election; this is just to see who would fulfill the first half of the requirements for being CO, which is getting the other players to actually listen to your orders.
    >> [Fc] PFC SoapwRX !!lIURwBKIw5c 03/14/11(Mon)01:47 No.14235092
    It might be best to see who would first accept such a responsibility first. Then see who among those we would follow
    >> [CO] Col. Walker !IMYfe1j54Y 03/14/11(Mon)01:53 No.14235140

    That would be a break in tradition, as I don't think any CO has been given the right to refuse.

    But this is a hypothetical, really, just to see if there is someone that you lot would actually care to listen to during a fight.

    Not like I'm trying to pick our my replacement now, you know? I've got a few more games left in me. I'm just looking around, trying to see how you guys might fare if I was to suddenly leave, since most of you seem pretty happy to have me as CO.
    >> WAT [MdbM]SPC. Ender !0E2sHH6Tdw 03/14/11(Mon)08:51 No.14237422
    > Leaving

    >> [HdrA]Dragon !!Be87JOBWQm0 03/14/11(Mon)12:19 No.14238555
    Well Dragon is up to any challenge but we all know no one would let him do it.

    Geist is semi-obvious as is Wolf, Irons (if he shows up) Ghoul (If he shows up), maybe warsaw?
    >> [CO] Col. Walker !IMYfe1j54Y 03/14/11(Mon)17:05 No.14241201


    You thought I could stay here forever? Sorry man, I'm not a robot like OC.

    But in any case, this is a hypothetical, just to see if it would even be possible to make changes so that I am not a requirement for the continued success or even existence of Bravo Force.

    Real life is a bitch, you know? In the eventuality that I leave, you may not have a nice little heads up. It may be sudden, or I may not even wish to provide a warning (can't see why). Which is the whole reason for this little thought experiment.

    Well, those individuals are givens. Right now, I just want to see if there are any individuals that the rest of you would be willing to actually follow, not if those individuals would actually WANT to be in charge.

    >Implying that they'd actually have a choice.
    >> [SsE1] Spc. Dr. Warsaw !cCsMsaA4k2 03/14/11(Mon)17:15 No.14241310

    Well, besides the obvious ones. Nomad I think has potential and Ender I'd follow just to see the massive explosion.
    >> [Fc] PFC SoapwRX !!lIURwBKIw5c 03/14/11(Mon)18:11 No.14241801
    I will second Ender, Geist is pretty obvious at this point but Krieg makes a good commander too.
    >> [MdbM]SPC. Ender !0E2sHH6Tdw 03/14/11(Mon)20:20 No.14243323
         File1300148446.jpg-(173 KB, 500x500, COs.jpg)
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    While I can be a CO.

    I definitely can't be a commander in Chief.

    There's a reason OC is letting people rotate CO characters, it's simply because the possibility of having multiple tactical leaders tag team between fights is a possibility.

    Pic related.
    >> [MdbM]SPC. Ender !0E2sHH6Tdw 03/14/11(Mon)20:22 No.14243353

    as an added note. OC say the possibility of multiple factions / characters from the very beginning.

    And with the advancement of units going into SPEC , then MASTER, its natural that LEADERSHIP will be the next step.
    >> [CO] Col. Walker !IMYfe1j54Y 03/14/11(Mon)20:38 No.14243549

    Wait, are you telling me that the next logical step for Dragon is to be a leader?

    Well fuuuuuuuuuck.

    I'm not sure if I actually want to see that happen or not.
    >> [2Rv-a] Renaud !yyNtj/KoaQ 03/14/11(Mon)20:50 No.14243697
    Multiple factions?
    >> [MdbM]SPC. Ender !0E2sHH6Tdw 03/14/11(Mon)20:58 No.14243802

    HLF as a coalition of sorts..
    >> [CO] Col. Walker !IMYfe1j54Y 03/14/11(Mon)20:59 No.14243816

    Yes. Like having ODF and Xenoforms/Robot dudes.

    Currently, the "factions" unlocked, if you can interpret them that way, are:

    ODF: Bravo/Sword of Damocles, Ecto, Femto, Charlie


    Robots (Yet to be implemented)


    Then on the enemy side, you have TeraZera, the Makarians, and varous rogue human elements.

    Technically, the robots and the xenoforms work under Bravo, or something like that, but dividing them as two separate factions makes sense as they draw from two different unit pools and such.

    So CO's for the different factions, you have:

    ODF side:
    Bravo/Sword of Damocles: [Ground] Colonel Walker, Captain Geist;
    [Naval] Admiral Weird, Rear Admiral King;
    [Aerospace?] CAG Apollo (I don't remember what it stands for, okay?)

    Ecto: Lazerus

    Warrant Officer Found

    13th Kruss Unit: Polaski

    Or something like that.
    >> [CO] Col. Walker !IMYfe1j54Y 03/15/11(Tue)09:28 No.14248746
    >Good morning bump, and some writing to get meh gears turning this fine morning.

    Military analysts have speculated that the success of Executioner Force Bravo may in part lie with its highly unorthodox command structure. While there is a semblance to a hierarchy and permanency to the commanding officers, it should be noted, with the exception of perhaps the supreme commander of the entire force, that the exact number and even overall organization of the troops beneath them are subject to change with each battle. Squads are formed on the fly, if formed at all, with only the acting Sergeant and the name of his squad a constant. Soldiers will find themselves reporting to one Sergeant in one battle, then in the immediate one following, only to report to another Sergeant with an entirely different squad. This all assumes that squads are even formed to begin with, as it has been observed to be the case.

    It has been suggested that as a direct consequence, Bravo Force soldiers have ingrained in them an unusually high degree of initiative. With such an organic command structure, each soldier plays multiple, often shifting, roles, which change according to the situation. All soldiers have a degree of autonomy that, combined with an ability to rapidly disseminate information afforded to them due to a lack of a clear command hierarchy on the field, allows them to rapidly respond to ongoing situations and deal with them in the most effective method possible.

    If this is true, then the ability of a unit fielding such small numbers to each battle to overcome and triumph over enemy forces many times their size suddenly seems not only possible, but plausible.

    -From an exert on “An Analysis of Pivotal Armies in Human History.”
    >> [X1] Major Polaski !cCsMsaA4k2 03/15/11(Tue)11:22 No.14249672

    13th Krussian Guard! Not 13th Kruss unit. Bourgeois ODF thinking can forget name just because have advance Iron Line first time since start of war. Glorious Kruss survived generations on other side of Iron Line!

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