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  • File : 1300764508.jpg-(137 KB, 500x354, 132528895_b45be496a3.jpg)
    137 KB The Wall Indonesian Gentleman 03/21/11(Mon)23:28 No.14321967  
    You are a conscript in the army. You've been training for a month, and now comes the time where they send you to your posts. You have been dispatched to guard the Wall's 23rd section.

    What is your callsign? roll 1d10, lowest result determines.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/11(Mon)23:31 No.14322001
    rolled 10 = 10

    Our Callsign is Scorch.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/11(Mon)23:33 No.14322018
    rolled 2 = 2

    Our callsign is Scotch.
    >> CA 03/21/11(Mon)23:33 No.14322021
    rolled 2 = 2

    Our callsign is Scotch
    >> Anonymous 03/21/11(Mon)23:34 No.14322025
    rolled 8 = 8

    Callsign is Shroom
    >> CA 03/21/11(Mon)23:35 No.14322042
    Are you me?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/11(Mon)23:35 No.14322046
    rolled 8 = 8

    Callsign is Big Bear
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 03/21/11(Mon)23:39 No.14322098
    As you arrive on the Wall, another conscript is waiting outside. "Hey, buddy! I think we're gonna spend a long time together. They call me Rummy. What's they call you?"
    >"I'm called Scotch."
    "Scotch? Haha! We're like two drunkards!"
    Suddenly you are interrupted by a voice from above. It came from the overwatch's window.
    "Are you gonna stand there all day, new recruits?"

    Enter action (no d10 required):
    >> Anonymous 03/21/11(Mon)23:40 No.14322106
    Answer the damn call and ask for orders?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/11(Mon)23:41 No.14322110
    Begin singing "Walked In Line", by Joy Division.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/11(Mon)23:42 No.14322119
    Less stupids please OP, unless you want this to just derail into jokes and random murder

    of course were gonna answer it
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 03/21/11(Mon)23:50 No.14322214
    Rummy shouted back. "What're our orders, sir?"
    "Get up here, son! I got you both some coffee a-brewin'. Get on it!"
    You climbed up the metal ladder leading to the overwatch. It looks sturdy, but not brand new. As you climb you notice the Wall is running from east to west.
    As you reach the overwatch, the smell of coffee wafts itself in front of your nose. An older man with a beard that can be described as epic sits on a stool in the center of the room. In front of him is a coffepot, steam rising out of the spout.
    "Callsign's Vodka. Make yourselves comfortable. We're gonna be here for a looong time."
    He produced three mugs, and shoved two mugs towards you and Rummy.

    Enter action:
    >> Anonymous 03/21/11(Mon)23:52 No.14322237
    Drink coffee... I suppose.

    What is our assignment?
    The fuck is the wall?
    Are we fighting anybody?

    Sir, just what the fuck is this place and what are we doing here?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/11(Mon)23:55 No.14322269
    Not to be a huge dickhead but seriously OP you better get to the point here.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 03/22/11(Tue)00:11 No.14322430
    It's based on an epic thread archived on suptg. It's got this epic idea for a campaign(?).

    As you pour some coffee onto your mug, you ask questions to the old-timer.
    >"Um, sir, what is our assignment?"
    "Well, we keep watch on this here overwatch, son. On the other side is enemy territory ya know."
    >"What is the Wall?"
    "Hoo boy, what'd they teach you kids in school nowadays? It's built to separate our country from the enemy's! Enemy raiders used to waltz through and cause mayhem before the Wall was built. It's there to protect our country."
    >"Who's our enemies?"
    "Well, it's the country on the other side, kiddo. It's called the Ghrabat or Gaban or something. Anyways, we're at war, and these guys sometimes send raiding parties, but that was before the Wall was built."
    You take a sip of the coffee, and looked around the overwatch. It has entrances to the crew quarters, and the entrance to the ladder. A spiderweb hangs on one corner of the ceiling. There is a signal machine on one of the walls.
    "By the way, what do they call you guys? I forgot to ask ye that."
    >"I'm Scotch, and he's Rummy."
    Vodka smiles. "They still keep the old codenames, eh. I used to have a partner also called Scotch."

    Enter action:
    >> Anonymous 03/22/11(Tue)00:13 No.14322454
    I'm fairly certain I know what thread you're referring to.

    Anyway, I guess we should thank Vodka for the coffee and get to patrolling. Make sure Rummy stays real close, and try to find a way to identify which side of the wall is "ours" and which is "theirs"

    Shit's about to get fucked up.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 03/22/11(Tue)00:23 No.14322561
    >"Thanks, Vodka. I think me and Rummy's gonna patrol the Wall."
    "Allright, kiddo. Take that door in the east crew quarters, it'll lead to the armory, and there's a door on the armory that leads outside. Goes the same way on the west end."

    What weapon should we pick up at the armory? It's got sniper rifles as well as close-combat stun batons and riot shields.

    Enter action:
    >> Anonymous 03/22/11(Tue)00:25 No.14322585
    We're on a wall, just grab a fairly average rifle.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/11(Tue)00:31 No.14322649
         File1300768278.png-(149 KB, 1000x500, NOOOPE.png)
    149 KB
    OH FUCK! Its THE Wall, i remember.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 03/22/11(Tue)00:43 No.14322780
    You and Rummy grab a rifle, and went out to patrol the eastern part of the Wall's 23rd section. You notice that the scenery is almost the same on both sides of the wall; a plain land, with forests some ways off. You could hear birdsongs. The weather is cloudy as you walk down the top of the wall with Rummy.
    "Hey, Scotch, that's our side, right?" He points to the north.
    >"I think so, isn't that the road we came in from?"
    "Yeah, thank god there's no roads on their side. We don't want tanks ringing our doorbell."
    The wind picks up speed a bit, and you see a lizard scurrying between the cracks of the concrete.
    The rest of the patrol is uneventful at best. You and Rummy stayed close throughout the patrol. Vodka greets you both with a pack of instant noodles.
    "The supply convo came in while you guys were away."

    Enter action:
    >> Anonymous 03/22/11(Tue)00:43 No.14322781
    If thread isn't dead I will take a rifle and a baton, just to be safe.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/11(Tue)00:48 No.14322822
    "Hey Scotch I got a bit mixed up on the walk, which way is home again?"
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 03/22/11(Tue)00:58 No.14322916
    >"Isn't it the north side? There's the road we drove in, I even remember the small boulder we were about to run over was there too."
    "Oh, right."
    The three of you finish the instant noodle, and then Vodka retires to the west crew quarters. You and Rummy are on night shift. The sun goes down, and you start to notice that the spider on the corner of the ceiling had caught a fly. The sound of rushing wind howls louder.
    "Seems there's gonna be a storm, pal. Wanna check out what the supply convo brought us?"

    Enter action:
    >> Anonymous 03/22/11(Tue)01:03 No.14322952
    Let's do it bro!
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 03/22/11(Tue)01:17 No.14323057
    >"I don't see why not."
    You and Rummy then moved to the partially-opened crate lying on the corner of the overwatch. Aside from the instant noodles, rations, coffee packs and ammo boxes, it contains some magazines, two of which contains erotic pictures. There's also a book, titled "The Long Journey", which, judging by its cover, is the #1 bestseller on your country.
    The night grew deeper, and the winds now whistle through the glass panes. You heat another coffee batch while Rummy observes the surroundings through the overwatch's windows.
    "Hey look, Scotch! There's a skeleton down there!"
    You walked towards Rummy, and gazed outwards, to where he's pointing.
    "There, over on the west."
    Indeed, you saw something skeleton-ish lying on the bottom, but the incoming rain made it hard to focus.

    Enter action:
    >> Anonymous 03/22/11(Tue)01:20 No.14323086
    Ask Rummy if he remembers that skeleton earlier, if not, tell him to wait while I fetch Vodka.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 03/22/11(Tue)01:29 No.14323150
    We patrolled the eastern part. The skeleton is over to the western part. Rummy won't remember it even if he tried. But yeah, you decide to be safe and ask Vodka. He jumped to attention, and almost rushed outside until you said that you saw a skeleton on the west part. He calmed down.
    "Ah. You guys found Scotch's remains. Not you, the other Scotch, my partner. He shot himself after getting a letter that his wife is killed in an enemy bombing run."
    He shuffles back to his crew quarters, and soon your hear snores.
    You explain it to Rummy. "Oh. Well, sad story, that."
    He seems to be at loss of what to say.
    The next few hours are spent huddling near the stove, as the night grew colder and the rain invited thunder.
    It's almost time for a shift. Rummy's taking the bunk next, and you'll be with Vodka.

    Enter action:
    >> Anonymous 03/22/11(Tue)01:31 No.14323167
    Say goodnight to Remmy. Ask Vodka how long he's been doing this. Check your condition as he talks, weapons, armor, extra pockets, etc.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 03/22/11(Tue)02:12 No.14323470
    back from lunch.

    >"Night, Rummy."
    "Yeah, night. Keep up the vigil."
    Rummy rose from his stool, and then stretched a bit before going to the east crew quarters. You wake up Vodka slowly, and he's up and brewing coffee.
    >"So, Vodka, how long have you been stationed here?"
    "Eh? Oh, I figure it's been twenty-something years. Helped fend off some marauders one time."
    As he talks, you assess your condition. You were a bit cold, no doubt it's from the storm and the night. You keep your rifle close to you, and currently it's propped on the wall behind you. You are wearing your country's uniform, but there are several bulletproof armor in the armory. You have four outside pockets and two inside pockets on your coat, and four pockets on your pants. You momentarily remembered a bogeyman your mother used to tell you: the scary Lee-felt Pouchman. You giggle a bit, finding it more amusing rather than scary at the moment.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/11(Tue)02:15 No.14323500
    "Twenty years? Yesu, has it been instant Ramen the whole time? How long is our term here, anyway? I'd sorta like to see action before I'm out of the army."
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 03/22/11(Tue)02:34 No.14323670
    "Well, sometimes we mix the rations with instant ramen, and other times we get good meals from extra supplies the supply convo brought. I got here because I've seen too much in the front lines, kiddo. Me and old Scotch stayed here for a reason."
    He sips his coffee.
    "You'll be out soon, kiddo. Usually they're out by two years or so. From some of the rumors I had, those who served guard duty in the Wall gets to see the frontlines, one way or another."
    >"I see."
    The wind picks up, and the thunder now cracks as if they're real close.
    "Anyway, you wanna listen to the rumors and legends about the Wall?"

    Enter action:
    >> Anonymous 03/22/11(Tue)02:36 No.14323689
    "If you've only seen action once, I suppose all we've got is time. Should I go patrol first or something?"
    >> Anonymous 03/22/11(Tue)02:44 No.14323765
    Yeah, I'll listen.
    >> Not-OP 03/22/11(Tue)02:52 No.14323840
    If you'll roll with me Vodka I'd love to hear about things.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 03/22/11(Tue)02:53 No.14323846
    "Nah, kiddo, you don't patrol if there's a hurricane outside. It's in the rules. Someone died doing that."

    "So yeah, which story do you wanna hear first? Rumors about the Wall's construction? The one time a creature came crawling on the Wall? Or the one about the 37th section?"
    He shifted his seat. The spider in the corner cobweb is nowhere to be seen.

    Enter action:
    >> Anonymous 03/22/11(Tue)02:54 No.14323859
    37th section. Let's try to match the feats of the past.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 03/22/11(Tue)03:16 No.14324010
    "Ah yeah, those poor sods at section 37. One day, there was this odd fog around section 36, 37, and 38. Then HQ lost contact with 37 during the fog. Since it's pretty far away, the HQ could only send an investigator two days later. When they got there, there's no sign of the guards garrisoned there. Oddly, nothing was out of place, except for their ladder, which is missing, like them. I heard they found half-eaten meals, as if the 37 just thinned into air."
    "Some say the 37th were kidnapped by the enemy, or turned traitor. Yet others say supernatural forces were at work. I heard a guy at the 36th saw a dark-ish mass somewhere above the 37th the day the fog came. Strange tale, indeed."
    A thunderclap finishes the story perfectly, and now you're shivering not just from the cold. Goosebumps form on your arms.
    "Still up for the other two stories? Or should you go to bed? It's almost time for shift change."

    Enter action:
    >> Not-OP 03/22/11(Tue)03:28 No.14324112

    Gotta be up bright and surly in the morning old timer. Catch some shut eye and see you in the morning over the instant caff.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 03/22/11(Tue)04:32 No.14324580
    "Yeah. Night, kiddo."
    You go to the east crew quarters, and wake up Rummy.
    "Shift time already?"
    Rummy stretches, and grabs his rifle.
    "Sleep tight, pal."
    You take your own bed, and immediately fell into deep sleep. Outside, the thunder and rain is still raging. Before slipping to the land of nod, you can hear murmurs in the distance. You figured it's just Vodka and Rummy talking.

    You wake up in the morning. Weird, shouldn't Vodka wake you up for the shift? You grab your rifle and peeked to the main overwatch room.
    Nobody's there.
    The coffeepot is empty, the stove evaporating what's left of the coffee. There's a half-eaten ration on the floor. The spiderweb is still empty.

    Enter action:
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 03/22/11(Tue)05:04 No.14324786
    bump, anybody interested?
    >> Ace !1MOzOjRAAg 03/22/11(Tue)05:08 No.14324812
    YO! I'm still here man. Grab weapon, and search.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/11(Tue)05:09 No.14324820
    it's five in the morning, Guardsman. Everyone who gives a shit is asleep.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 03/22/11(Tue)05:16 No.14324861
    Holding your rifle tight, you find the east crew quarters empty. Strangely, the metal ladder that leads to the overwatch is gone. Outside, there is only fog. Thick rolling fog. You see the skeleton out west is missing, too.
    You look at the spiderweb again.
    There are three dead flies in it.
    You begin to feel the goosebumps forming on your arms again.

    Enter action:
    >> Anonymous 03/22/11(Tue)05:23 No.14324903
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 03/22/11(Tue)05:37 No.14324990
    You try to calm the fuck down. Count to ten. Breathe in, breathe out.
    Okay, this must be some kind of freak joke, or someth-

    A large shadow zips across the northern window for a brief while.

    OK, forget about calming down.

    The cobweb is gone.
    Enter action:
    >> Anonymous 03/22/11(Tue)05:39 No.14325002
    SHOOT TO KILL! Look around for something out of the ordinary, I kjnow, crazy, just look. Toss a rock out the window. Then point gun to see if anything comes.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/11(Tue)05:40 No.14325006
    Barricade doors and windows. Call Rummy and Vodka. If we have radios, use that. If not, shouting.

    Also, pinch self. Maybe we're dreaming.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 03/22/11(Tue)05:55 No.14325061
    You turn around and looked at the overwatch room. Everything is like as when you woke up, only that the cobweb in the corner is missing.

    Then you feel a cold hand on your shoulder.

    "Scotch, wake up. Your turn to guard."
    Vodka is shaking your shoulder, and you find out you're still on your bunk. Was it all just a dream? The rain outside is still raging, but no more thunder.
    You step out, and Rummy greets you with that smile of his.
    "Wake up, sleepyface, we got some coffee to start the early mornings."

    Enter action:
    >> Anonymous 03/22/11(Tue)06:04 No.14325096
    "Coffee, great."

    Get some coffee. Check on the damn spiderweb.

    "Sleep well, Rummy?"

    Keep rifle nearby, do your patrolling thing. Check the metal ladder to the overwatch, how secure is it?
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 03/22/11(Tue)09:13 No.14325851
    You get some coffee, and glanced at the spiderweb. It's there, and now a moth is trapped dead in its web.
    >"I had this terrible nightmare. Probably because of Vodka's stories."
    "Ah, yes, he did tell me some too. He's probably hoarding all sorts of stories."
    >"Sleep well?"
    "Heh, I doubt I'll get some after Vodka's stories, but I dunno, I'm a heavy sleeper."
    You smiled. Casually, you checked the ladder. It's still there.
    >"How about we patrol?"
    "The storm's still not over. Did you hear about the guys who died patrolling in a thunderstorm? Not pretty."
    The rain is still barraging the windows, but not as hard as before. Maybe the sun would poke out its face today.

    Enter action:
    >> Anonymous 03/22/11(Tue)09:15 No.14325862
    Ask Remy about his life back home.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 03/22/11(Tue)09:30 No.14325933
    >"Hey Rummy, what's life back home?"
    "Eh, not much. Parents are the good kind. Brother got 'scripted first. He's probably in the front lines now. As for sister, she's living with my parents back home in the Western province."
    >"Western province? Whoah, that's far."
    "Yeah, I guess. Still, it's not that horrible."
    Suddenly all that coffee hits you in the bladder, and you feel the need to use the ladies room.
    The weather's clearing up as you go to the east crew quarters. There's a bathroom in there, and you guess the west part also have one too.
    The magazines from the last supply crate is stacked near the toilet.

    Enter action:
    >> Anonymous 03/22/11(Tue)09:37 No.14325965
    Check gender, go to appropriate facilities
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 03/22/11(Tue)09:49 No.14326014
    You determine correctly that you are, indeed, female, but yes, you have wandered in the wrong restroom. You hurriedly go to the neighbouring restroom, and relieve of your business there.

    Your country conscripts women too, you know.

    The ladies room is a bit cleaner than the men's room, but probably to the lack of use it got. There is a flourishing patch of mold on a corner of the ceiling, and a bathroom cabinet with a mirror on its lid on the wall. Inside is just spare tissue and some first aid kit.

    Enter action:
    >> Anonymous 03/22/11(Tue)09:54 No.14326041
    Check time. If it's time for Vodka to go on watch wake him up so we can hear more stories. If not, tell Rummy about our life back home.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 03/22/11(Tue)10:10 No.14326125
    You check the time. Yes, indeed it is time for Vodka to wake up and join you and Rummy, it is halfway to noon. The old man rose faster than Rummy, and immediately went to create some instant noodles and rations, not to mention the everpresent coffee.
    >"Vodka, I want to listen to more of your stories."
    "Heh, you're begging for more? You're a brave one, kiddo. Allright then, I've told you about the 37th; What else do you want to hear about? The Wall-crawler? Something about the Wall itself? Or about the guys who patrolled in a storm? Pick yer poison, kiddo. Heh, heh."

    Enter action:
    >> Anonymous 03/22/11(Tue)10:28 No.14326204
    Is this based on that old thread on sup/tg/?
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 03/22/11(Tue)10:29 No.14326210
    Eh, I think we'll close it for the night. Perhaps I'll continue this in another thread tomorrow, if this thread has gone to the mythical page 16.

    Sleep tight, and have good nightmares.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 03/22/11(Tue)10:30 No.14326214
    Yus. Indeed it is.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/11(Tue)16:29 No.14329346
    You still gonna do this right?

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