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!RID/UkIPGk 03/28/11(Mon)02:55 No.14390928 File1301295359.png-(216 KB, 300x400, Necromancer.png)
 "Please, there's not much time. They will be arriving, soon, to see if I have succeeded. You are ... You are -supposed- to be the Duke of Tautilta. The duchy is failing, you see. My abilities ... Your resurrection was a last resort. I was commissioned to imbue the remains of the Holy Duke Liuva III, this duchy's greatest leader, with his soul. Oh, how I wish I had refused them! I know all too well that you are not he. Please, if they find out -- We'll both be undone! The Wizard, he is prepared to, to..."
The robed man swallows hard.
"To cast us both into the void, should the ritual go awry. And even with it so botched, my powers are exhausted, with no small amount of permanence."
There is the sound of approaching footsteps.
"Please! I do not know who you are, and I do not care if you would rather not bear the mantle of such nobility, and I will do my best to release you if that is the case, but I beg you; If you desire a second chance at life on the mortal plain, maintain the charade at least for now." |