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  • File : 1301534282.jpg-(171 KB, 550x706, 1300321763154.jpg)
    171 KB Sorcerer Quest XI Anonymous 03/30/11(Wed)21:18 No.14422640  
    You are Algers, gnoll servant of the powerful sorcerer Alkenin Murejed. Well, actually you're Paima, and elementalist charlatan of a ripouse from the future, reliving the past as your grandfather. You're presently trying to find out some information on Kresis, the lizardman who maimed your grandfather and was in turn maimed himself. The two of you- erm, Algers and Kresis, that is, had your limbs replaced by sorcery, one a leg of metal and heat, the other a leg of ice. The two of you are currently relaxing in the Lounge, taking a load off after walking up all those stairs.

    Kresis seems about half-conscious, but is listening.

    Previous Thread: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/14399148/

    What will you do?
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/30/11(Wed)21:28 No.14422748
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    Lol, forgot my tripcode.

    Anyway, last post was actually: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/14399148/#14403697

    Gargoyle quest will be up in a bit for like the one or two people who read it.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/11(Wed)21:31 No.14422774
    Oh shit Sorcerer Quest; we in there. Gargoyle Quest going up too?

    I'll duck out a few times, as I'm engineering a radio station tonight. :V

    Let's keep chilling till Alkenin comes in. We've talked with him already, exchanged the mysterious fact that our legs are now connected, and learned a bit about each other. Also, be sure to stay off the furniture.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/30/11(Wed)21:37 No.14422828

    You are already on the furniture. Alkenin coming in here... He probably wouldn't scold you, but Kresis is a different story. You relax a bit longer, then stand up.

    "Come on, I need to speak with Alkenin about something." You say.

    Kresis grunts, getting up lazily. "Yes, sir." He yawns, stretching and shaking out his neck.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/11(Wed)21:37 No.14422832
    I read it D:
    >> Anonymous 03/30/11(Wed)21:42 No.14422882
    To Alkenin; AWAAAAAY!
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/30/11(Wed)21:51 No.14422984

    You ask one of the servants who came from somewhere upstairs what Master Murejed is up to.

    "He's in his Laboratory. Said something about hydras. He should be down for lunch soon."

    You groan. You've gone up and down the tower once and it's already lunchtime? Algers suddenly realizes he's going to have much less time to catch up on his studies unless he starts walking faster.

    You and the lizardman wait in the Dining Room, where Alkenin lets servants dine for ease of spacing. The room has a large hard wood table, clean tiled floors and a small window facing out towards the less populated corner of the city and the mountains far in the distance.

    "Can't we wait in the Lounge?" Kresis asks.

    "Is a little comfort worth getting on Master Murejed's bad side?" You ask him.

    He considers it for a while. "Yes."

    "Well too bad, we're staying in here." You say.

    Kresis just looks down his nose at you after taking a seat, his tongue flicking out of his mouth for a moment.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/11(Wed)21:54 No.14423018
    "Well Kresis, since you've taken such comfort in your new home, why don't you tell me about yourself?"

    I'm aiming more for personal history.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/30/11(Wed)22:11 No.14423211

    "Well Kresis, since you've taken such comfort in your new home, why don't you tell me about yourself?" You say.

    Kresis looks over at you, and calmly cradles his head with his fingers. "I wouldn't say I'm comfortable, no."

    "Is it because of the... Incident after you lost your leg?" You ask tentatively.

    He looks over to one of the paintings on the wall. "That, and I know that he doesn't like me."

    You sit back a bit yourself. "Relax, he'll warm up to you."

    "Maybe." Kresis says. "My first master never did. I was only the lieutenant of my squad because they would all listen to me. I got there by fighting my way up." He looks over to you. "You are about the equivalent here, I take it."

    "Well, no one has to listen to me. Especially not the cooks." You laugh.

    Kresis continues to stare at you. "Regardless, they listen. Address you with respect. I was the same way. I always thought my life would be cut short by spear, or dragonfire, nothing like this." He says.

    "Well, what did you do when you were younger?" You ask him.

    "Haven't talked to many Assik before, have you?" He responds.

    "Beg your pardon?" You question him back.

    "Assik. My 'breed'. Not so many variants of you gnolls, but for us there are about twenty main ones." He says. "I was like any other one of my kind. Never knew my parents, was hatched by a machine and sent to live with a bunch of other males in one of the training schools."
    >> Anonymous 03/30/11(Wed)22:19 No.14423284

    Mull about in the silence for a moment.

    "So, how'd you come to know your current master? Auction house?"
    >> Anonymous 03/30/11(Wed)22:21 No.14423313
    I dunno but he might feel a bit awkward about the auction house part.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/30/11(Wed)22:41 No.14423470

    "O-...oh..." You say, remaining silent for a moment.

    "So, how'd you come to know your current master? Auction house?" You ask.

    "No, it was decided based on the regiment I was placed in after my apprenticeship." He says, not seeming hurt at all. "To be honest I didn't have many friends in training school. Those that I did were barely that."

    "We were apprenticed to an older male Assik once we were eight. Until then, my life was in a dark place with a lot of others my age. We got used to the dark, fought a lot. At least, I did." He sighs, reminiscing. "To be honest, I hated my childhood. There was no purpose in it. When we were led out to be fed, marching in order, I felt like it was the only stable thing in my life."

    "My mentor was named Juskeer, about thirty years old. I was with eight others. Apprenticeships last for four to six years. I wanted to impress him, but I chose to stay longer. He was the closest thing to a father I had.

    "He taught me to fight, that it was only my fault if I was injured, and not to back down to any other soldiers. I beat out the others, managed to prove I was the toughest, and stayed on for two more years of intense training." He has a look of nostalgia as he says the words.

    (Gonna be spotty here for 2 hours, in meeting)
    >> Anonymous 03/30/11(Wed)22:42 No.14423479
    "I see. I suppose I'm lucky in that respect. Alkenin himself made me. He wanted gnoll servants, but he wanted ones that were, well, smarter and less offensive to the senses for his guests' sake."
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/31/11(Thu)00:19 No.14424353

    "I see. I suppose I'm lucky in that respect. Alkenin himself made me. He wanted gnoll servants, but he wanted ones that were, well, smarter and less offensive to the senses for his guests' sake." You say.

    Kresis looks curious. "Made you? With magic?"

    You nod. "Yes. There are tubes up on the laboratory."

    Kresis nods. "That makes a bit more sense. You're obviously special to him." He leans forward on the table. "He made that VERY clear."

    You remain quiet for a moment.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)00:22 No.14424382
    "He's always at work making something new these days. Why, just the other day, he made this adorable dragon cat thing. It's very intelligent!"
    >> Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)00:23 No.14424398
    "Oh, uh, I didn't mean to drag that up again, sorry."
    >> Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)00:25 No.14424418
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    "...though it has an unnatural hunger for fish..."

    Hopefully, Paima can make a joke out of it; I am not a clever man. D:
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/31/11(Thu)00:45 No.14424603

    "Oh, uh, I didn't mean to drag that up again, sorry." You say.

    "Don't worry about it. Nothing can be done about it now." Kresis says, his good mood a bit more heavily buried.


    "He's always at work making something new these days. Why, just the other day, he made this adorable dragon cat thing. It's very intelligent!" You say, trying to change the subject. "...though it has an unnatural hunger for fish..."

    "I like fish." Kresis says.

    "Well maybe she'll have some competition, then." You say.

    Kresis grins for a brief moment. "Maybe."
    >> Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)00:58 No.14424734
    Well, I guess that's all there is to discuss...
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/31/11(Thu)01:05 No.14424797
    "I went into the military right after my sixth year. I was better trained then the rest of them. And I smacked anyone who messed with me back into line." Kresis says, contemplative. "It was the first time in my life I was in charge of something. And I was comfortable. They were confident in me, and they did what I said. When my last master gained control after his father, he came in with another lieutenant to replace me." Kresis puts a fist into his open palm, suggestively. "Didn't go so well for him. The master left me in charge after that, and everything went smoothly. I'd been a lieutenant formally for four years, informally for seven."

    "So you're twenty-one then." You say, quickly doing the math in your head.

    Kresis tastes the air with a confused look on his face. "How did you know that?"

    You are interrupted by a sound you know quite well, of Alkenin walking down the stairs. "That sounds like him. Stand up." You say, as Alkenin rounds the corner. He does so.

    "Algers, Kresis." Alkenin says calmly. "We have something to discuss."
    >> Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)01:08 No.14424823
    "Yes, master?"
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/31/11(Thu)01:30 No.14425024

    "Yes, master?" You ask him.

    "Go ahead and sit." Alkenin gestures to the seats. The both of you sit down, though Kresis does so a bit clumsily.

    "I... Understand that this must be a very awkward transition for you." Alkenin says, directing his words at Kresis. "From what I can gather, you were very much on your own up until this point.

    "However, now things have changed hands. I want to be perfectly clear that things cannot be the way they were, for more reasons than one." Alkenin says, calmly. Kresis locks eyes with him, his tongue flicking out of his mouth.

    "However, I want you to know that you and your fellows are a part of this house. And here, all servants are protected as members of the house." Alkenin nods over towards him. "I will do whatever is necessary to ensure that the house remains in perfect functioning order. And for what it's worth, I believe my punishment may have been," He pauses, enunciating his next word, "Unnecessary.

    "However, living in the past is useless. And my word still stands. You are to protect Algers, and as a means of compensation to you, he will protect you and see that no more breeches of the rules of the house happen in your case." He says, nodding a bit. "He will even protect you from me, should it be necessary. Now then, speak your minds, both of you. I've had my say."
    >> Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)01:42 No.14425146
    Let's let Kresis have his say first. We already had a good chat with Alkenin about this earlier.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/31/11(Thu)01:46 No.14425192
    "I'm not used to speaking to a master so directly." Kresis says. "Forgive me if I say something out of place.

    "I do not feel comfortable here, but I do not have much choice in the matter. I obviously am no longer fit for combat. But I can stay quiet here, think, and figure out how to get around, and then what? I don't think the other servants like my company much, and I cannot see a way to make them think any different. I don't know much about cooking, or organizing more than a small personal area and cleaning. I haven't worked in a house, so I don't think I'd do well. The last thing any of them want is to have to teach someone who's inept that they'd rather do in. That's my opinion, sir."

    "Well put. Who wants to do you in, exactly?" Alkenin asks the both of you. Kresis looks to be struggling with the answer.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)01:50 No.14425239
    "After you had, erm, dealt with Kresis, and declared he was not to be further punished, a few of the other servants came at him with a poker.

    I would prefer it, though, if I could speak with them myself. I'm not all that happy with them about it, honestly."
    >> Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)01:51 No.14425250
    Speak up a bit.

    "...though there's been mutterings, I will be the first to put them to rest; as long as you command it, Master, I will keep an eye over Kresis."

    Too bold? Eh; we'll see...
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/31/11(Thu)02:04 No.14425374
    "After you had, erm, dealt with Kresis, and declared he was not to be further punished, a few of the other servants came at him with a poker." You say. Alkenin looks shocked at this for a moment.

    "I would prefer it, though, if I could speak with them myself. I'm not all that happy with them about it, honestly." Kresis looks off to one side, obviously not enjoying having the memory called up a second time in the same day.

    "Very well. It will be your first duty towards him. Carry out any punishment you deem necessary." Alkenin says.

    "...though there's been mutterings, I will be the first to put them to rest; as long as you command it, Master, I will keep an eye over Kresis." You say.

    "Very well. Now then, Fereed has asked me to keep the both of you comfortable. He was not happy when he found out how many stairs you'd walked up this morning." Alkenin says to you. "If there's any unusual pain, swelling, bleeding, please tell me and I will see that it's attended to. That goes for both of you. He has you confined to bed rest for the rest of the day, with whatever stuffings are needed to keep you comfortable and make sure the bone knits into the artifice."

    Kresis looks a bit confused. "I'm not sure I understand, sir."

    "Well, if the area where the mount was fused to your bones is affected by any continual exertion while it heals, it could result in- How to put this delicately." Alkenin pauses for a moment. "Something very painful. If either of you were to fall on the stairs, or slip, it could be dislodged."

    Kresis looks a bit uncomfortable at this, his tail swaying quickly. "That WOULD be bad, sir."
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/31/11(Thu)02:17 No.14425469
    >> Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)02:17 No.14425471
    "It looks like we'll be bed-ridden for a while then. I'll make sure to have the offending parties come visit me to receive their complimentary ear ache."
    >> Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)02:21 No.14425511

    "What of my duties, then? I can't just sit on my bed while you require tending to."

    I'm agreeing with >>14425471, but we need to play it off as Algers first.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)02:23 No.14425519
    sounds good.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/31/11(Thu)02:32 No.14425600

    "What of my duties, then? I can't just sit on my bed while you require tending to." You say, quickly.

    "I will have someone fill in for you. It's only going to be for a week or so, with the healing accelerents." Alkenin says.

    You bite your lip a bit. "Very well sir."

    "It looks like we'll be bed-ridden for a while then. I'll make sure to have the offending parties come visit me to receive their complimentary ear ache." You add.

    "Well, I think the two of you will be alright provided you take it easy on the lower floors for a while. Today, though, he was adamant about you not straining the bone. We can have you served food in bed." Alkenin says. "You can take care of the ones who attacked Kresis after my explicit order to leave him be and confine them to their quarters as well, if it is necessary. Other than that, I believe you should walk around somewhat normally if it doesn't cause much pain. An atrophied muscle will make it all the harder to walk again once your rest is done."
    >> Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)02:45 No.14425710
    Is the memory not ending yet? We're stuck here forever, aren't we?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)02:49 No.14425744
    You know, we COULD ask Alkenin how to escape Dominion's Memory.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)02:53 No.14425771
    Ask him, hypothetically, if we were to be in a memory, how would we get out? Worth a shot. :V
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/31/11(Thu)02:58 No.14425817

    "Master, I was wondering." You ask. "You sometimes go into those memories, how do you usually get out?"

    Alkenin shrugs. "I simply will myself out, in most cases."

    You try it quickly. Alas, to no avail. "Thank you master." You say, somewhat depressed.

    You silently resign yourself to your fate. A cushy bed, you suppose, isn't a bad place to end up, if only your grandfather would let you. Alkenin doesn't seem like the type to work his servants to death, takes good care of them... It's still wrong, but you can understand why they'd be loyal to him. He dismisses you, and has you sent down with someone holding your food. Kresis has a bit more difficulty going down the stairs than you did, and his tail's flailing nearly upsets your lunch. You both reach the Servant's Quarters without incident, however.

    "Well, I think maybe I'll risk putting on a few pounds." Kresis says, taking his food from the servant and thanking him. "Thank you for showing me around, Algers. And for- Well, getting me to stop being so self-pitying."

    He walks into his room after a moment, leaving you holding your food. What will you do?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)03:02 No.14425859
    Apply food to forehead; it's the most effective way to nourish yourself...or is that acne cream?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)03:03 No.14425868
    Make sure we get the guilty parties sent to our room soon. For now, let's just get to our room and eat.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/31/11(Thu)03:18 No.14426016

    You don't need acne cream, you have fucking fur.


    You figure you might have to ask around a bit to have them sent to you, but for now, you eat. The meal is filling, and you discover that setting it on your leg keeps it warm. Not a bad advantage to have.

    You ask Anigreh, the female gnoll who keeps up on gossip, to find the two who attacked Kresis and send them to your quarters. You wait, with anticipation.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)03:24 No.14426070
    Just a question, but as far as we know, how many of the other gnolls on staff have Algers' upgrades?
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/31/11(Thu)03:35 No.14426175

    None. The rest are bred from spotted hyena stock with some alterations to keep the beast's natural cunning. You are something of a paragon of your kind, as your instructors would tell you. Some of the other gnolls you consider smarter than yourself in some ways. But you have found few others aside form Alkenin that can match you in breadth of knowledge. You actually know quite a bit more about magical practice than the King, but to let on such a thing would be to invite blasphemy. You would never commit such a foolish act.

    You hear a knock at your door. "Algers, you wanted to see us?" A quiet, sheepish voice announces itself.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)03:43 No.14426241
    "Come in, come in."
    quiet chitchat for a bit and then
    "As you may have guessed, I did call you here for a reason. Tell me, if the master were to give you an order to cut off someone's leg, what would you do?"
    Next line, star off calm, but then get that -I want to beat you with my own fake leg- voice going.
    "That's right, you'd do it. Now. Tell me. Why did you disobey our master's edict? The one about Kresis requiring no further punishment?!"
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/31/11(Thu)04:11 No.14426497

    "Come in, come in." You say, and the two let themselves in. One is about half a foot taller than the other, his dark hair in a loose tangle with a smooth brown vest, and tan pants cuffed with black. The other has a small narrow scar in his left ear from a fight when he was young, and is wearing the green and brown smock used by the daytime chefs. You recognize them as Ata and Sekhan, respectively, a pair who on occasion gets into relatively small trouble. They are very used to seeing you and being in trouble. Despite their height, they are about seven years younger than you, fully grown but still adolescents.

    "How's the, uh, leg Algers?" Ata says

    "It's fine. Just resting." You say, gesturing to the small stools at one corner of your room. "Sit."

    They do, remaining quiet.

    "So, how are things going for you?" You ask, catching them off guard.

    "Oh, uh, fine!" Sekhan says, dusting off his smock. You glare at the falling particles. He grimaces. "I, uh, made a meat pie for you. Kidneys and all. Said in the cookbook it'd be good for your nutrition."

    "And you, Ata?" You ask him.

    "Fine! All the horses are doing great, we just got in a black pony who's a natural. Good gait, perfect message horse. You should try her out once you're feeling up to it."

    "It'll be a while." You say, glancing them over. They know why they're in here. And should be trying to find a way out...

    "So, everything's fine. Can we go?"

    >> Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)04:13 No.14426519
    Oh yes, now. I can smell their fear.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/31/11(Thu)04:23 No.14426595
    The two of them start to get up to leave, but you interrupt them in a commanding tone.

    "As you may have guessed, I did call you here for a reason." You say, and the two of them have the smiles fade off of their faces as they freeze with the door open, then reverse their steps and sit back down.

    "Tell me, if the master were to give you an order to cut off someone's leg, what would you do?" You ask, deadpan.

    "Algers, this is ri-" Ata starts, laughing uncomfortably.

    "Answer the question." You interrupt him.

    "The Master would never order something like that!" Sekhan says, looking a bit unsure of himself. "I mean, almost never."

    "Assume this is almost never. What would you do?" You say, your voice getting more quiet as you continue to speak.

    "I... I wouldn't-" Ata says.

    "You wouldn't?" You ask him, a dangerous tone in your voice.

    "I mean, no sorry, I wouldn't want to." Ata says, his ears lowered on his head.

    "But would you?" You ask, your voice cracking a bit as you begin using some of the higher vocal chords used in your laugh.

    The two of them notice it, and look over at you confused. "I... I would." Ata says, quietly.

    "Even if it was my leg?" You ask them, gesturing tentatively with the knife you got with your meal, gripping it as hard as you possibly can.

    "The Master, he wouldn't..." Sekhan says, his voice quivering.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)04:27 No.14426622
    Is it wrong that I suddenly want him to break into a drill sgt. voice and say "This isn't about what THE MASTER would ask you to do, this is about WHAT YOU would do, MAGGOTS!"
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/31/11(Thu)04:50 No.14426766
    "No, he wouldn't." You say, putting the knife back down on your wooden plate gently as you set it to the side. The two of them relax somewhat, as you lean back, your right hand pushing off of your bed as you rise to your feet, sending the plate clattering to the ground and the pillows your bed had been stuffed with flying in every direction. Sakhen catches one, reflexively.

    "That's right, you'd do it." You say, your voice higher and erratic as you stomp over to them, much more loudly than you would have before your injury. You lean over into Ata's face, your teeth bared as you speak, scowling, and turn to Sakhen as well. "Now. Tell me. Why did you disobey our master's edict? The one about Kresis requiring no further punishment?!" You shout, loud enough that Someone Outside of the Room could easily hear you.

    "W-we didn't want to..." Ata says.

    "You." You say, grabbing one of the nearby chairs that no one is occupying.

    "Do not." You swing it, your grip tightening on it as you spin away from the two on your good leg.

    "LIE TO ME!" The chair flies across the room, bouncing off of the wall with a clatter. Sakhen whimpers.

    "Okay! I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Ata wanted to do it, I just held him down." He says, cracking.

    "Sakhen! Thunlin's ghost, you snitch!" Ata says, betrayed.

    "Why? Was him being forced to cut his own leg off, and being dealt out pain by our own master not enough?" You ask him, feeling the air around your head get a bit warmer.

    "We're not the only ones. The others, a bit group of them came and took his leg, threw it into the fire." Ata says, looking over at Sakhen. "He pleaded with them not to, said he wanted to have it buried, that it was a disgrace to burn it. Despite the master saying he could have whatever he wanted done with it!"

    Sakhen looks shocked at first, then is quiet.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)05:03 No.14426847
    They should feel very lucky Algers is a man of principles, or else he's tear off his own fake leg to beat them with by this point.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/31/11(Thu)05:12 No.14426891
    "Sakhen, you and what others did this?" You ask him, quieter, but no less angry.

    "Yes." He says, plainly. "I and the others took it and watched it burn."

    "Why? Why would you go against the master's orders like that?" You shout, slamming your fist into the wall behind him.

    "He's not a member of this house." Sakhen says, more coldly than you've heard his voice any other time. "He didn't deserve the master's pity."

    "Irrelevant. You and the others went up to a helpless man and destroyed something that was still his. How do you think I would have felt if you had done that to me? If I'd had no choice in what happened-"
    "He didn't give you a choice when he cut off your leg!" Ata stands up, shouting at you.

    "THAT'S THE POINT I'M TRYING TO MAKE, HE DIDN'T HAVE A CHOICE EITHER!" You roar, and Ata sees something in your gaze that makes him back down.


    "He did it to you." Sakhen says, weakly.

    "YES HE DID!" You sway like a cobra, picking Sakhen up by his chest and pressing him against the wall. "AND IT WAS THE SINGLE MOST HUMILIATING THING I HAVE EVER EXPERIENCED!" Sakhen actually begins crying a little bit.

    "We- we didn't know what to do." He says, bawling. "We heard you in- in the front room and we couldn't do anything."


    Sakhen begins wailing, his knees shaking as tears stream down his face.

    You let him go. He collapses into the chair, quivering.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/31/11(Thu)05:13 No.14426897
    "We were scared." Ata says, quietly at first. "We were scared he was going to kill you!"

    You quiet down a bit, letting him continue to speak.

    "We hated him for what he did to you. And he sounded insincere when the master was doling out his punishment." Ata says, stepping over towards you. "You were all that kept the master together. Everyone says it. And when he did that, after having said how much he hated violence in the past, we were all sure you-" The words stick in his throat a bit. "-we thought you were done."

    "So you went in there to kill him?" You ask him, coldly.

    "No! I... I don't think I could kill someone. But he humiliated you! He hurt you! We thought maybe you'd want to see him hurt as well, like the maste-"

    He doesn't finish his sentence, even before your fist makes contact with the side of his jaw, knocking him back into the dresser. He looks over to you, shocked.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/31/11(Thu)05:26 No.14426957

    You feel an incredible rage take hold of you as you swat him across the face with your left hand, your nails stinging into his skin as you grab his muzzle and hold it closed, one of the more aggressive gestures you thought you'd never see yourself employ. Paima, on the other hand...


    You let go of his mouth, and he wipes a bit of spittle off the side of his mouth. He growls at you, causing you to balk in your steps. "What?" You ask, infuriated and astounded he would do such a thing.

    "We worried about you, laying there in bed. You looked like hell, you know." He says, through gritted teeth. "And all I could think of was that egg-born bastard sitting in there, unhurt and probably thinking he had got away with it. And when Master Murejed came in, and we heard the screaming, we didn't think he was coming out. And we were sure he had lost it, and that the lizard was getting what he deserved. We heard him do it. And I heard him hissing. And all I could think of was what he did to you." He sniffles a bit. "I could still hear those horrible cries the night after he was locked in there. I wasn't one of the ones who came in and beat him, but I knew. They wouldn't let me." He grimaces. "Said I was too young. So I got the fire poker as they went over to the fireplace, and I jabbed it right where he had his leg, and I hoped he was in more pain than you were."

    You stare dead on at him, finding it hard to believe what you're hearing.

    "No one came to stop us. They could hear it. The master was off by himself. I didn't enjoy it. I did it because I had to. To make sure he wouldn't come back and try to kill you. Just like Master Murejed." He pauses, seeing his words have hit home.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)05:26 No.14426960
    "That is -NOT- something I enjoyed doing, and I NEVER will. Now dig the wax out of your ears and listen VERY closely:

    Kresis and the other lizardmen are now part of this household. Not even considering the fact that they are living beings who feel pain just as much as you do and currently are, they are Master Alkenin's property! I want it to be perfectly clear that if I hear about you or anyone else mistreating them, my display now will seem like a gentle breeze!"
    >> Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)05:27 No.14426966
    damnit. I posted too late.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/31/11(Thu)05:38 No.14427007
    You look over at him, clenching your fist. "You think that he wanted any of this?"

    Ata stays quiet, panting a bit.

    "He did as he was told. Without hesitation. Unlike you, I talked to him, and he never wanted to in the first place." Your glare eradicates Ata's anger, and he knows he has done wrong. "He did it because he was told to by his master, something you failed to do when you tortured him like that. The sheer humiliation piled on top of humiliation, I'm surprised he's in as good of shape as he is. He has lost far more than I have in this exchange, and he did not need some boys with a stick driving home his loss. If our roles were reversed, how do you think you would feel if I was treated in the same way?"

    He stands silent, looking at the floor.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)05:45 No.14427044
    Let's dismiss them with a little bit of
    thrown in.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)06:07 No.14427136
    Good fuck it is late. Took the time to archive the thread. GG, VKO.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/31/11(Thu)06:10 No.14427146

    "That is -NOT- something I enjoyed doing, and I NEVER will. Now dig the wax out of your ears and listen VERY closely." You say, getting up close to Ata.

    "Kresis and the other lizardmen are now part of this household. Not even considering the fact that they are living beings who feel pain just as much as you do and currently are, they are Master Murejed's property! I want it to be perfectly clear that if I hear about you or anyone else mistreating them again, my display just now-"

    "Um, Algers..." Sakhen says, his voice quivering.

    "What?" You answer him.

    "Your hand..." Sakhen says, pointing to your left hand.

    You hold it up, seeing that it is wreathed in orange flames that burn painlessly.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)06:19 No.14427186
    have a classic "superhero in movie discovers power" moment and freak out.

    And now, I sleep.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/31/11(Thu)06:39 No.14427297
    You gasp and wave your hand around, trying to put the flames out, and the other two gnolls cringe a bit. You can tell it's not working.

    You unclench your hand, and the flames dissipate quietly.

    "You are both confined to your rooms until further notice. I will find out who else was responsible and they will be punished as well." You walk over to the chair you threw and pick it up. The two begin walking out of the room.

    "And I want the two of you to do something else as well." You say. "I want you to apologize."

    "Algers-" Ata says.

    "And you make it sincere. If he asks you for something, you'd better do as he says." You say, glaring down your nose at them. "Now get out of here. I need some rest."

    The two shuffle out, and you sit down on your bed. Algers is confused, but you can tell the flames are just a natural manifestation. That's what he told you, anyway. You turn onto your side, the metal leg weighing you down onto the bed. Maybe tomorrow, when you've seen more of the household, you can find a way out of this mess.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/31/11(Thu)07:01 No.14427425
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    Alright, that's it for now. Next game will be on friday by 21:30, and if not then then on saturday at 18:00.

    May you see the horizon rush up beneath your feet.

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