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!!857o4GkKJgy 04/17/11(Sun)14:43 No.14624533 File1303065794.jpg-(2.43 MB, 4950x3493, 1270973364433.jpg)
 Keeping a careful eye on your rear camera in case that escape Core Booster makes a return your order the attack to begin.
The four ships are surrounding the Trojan Horse in a loose vertical orbit and your first attack hit's the top right Salamis from above. Despite this being the thinnest section of defensive cover, heavy fire still cascades about you. Missiles fill the void as you return fire, a heavy burst of bullets from your Bullpup whilst the others fire explosive rockets, shield sabots and rail gun rounds. Explosions rake up and down the vessel and you're forced to turn away before the flak get's too accurate. The ship appears damaged, having lose several of it's topside turrets. It's upper beam cannon has been clearly destroyed. However, it still appears to be moving and capable of fighting.
A second pass however finishes it off. It's explosion covering a follow up attack on the bottom right Salamis. The manouver exposes you to a large amount of enemy fire, but your able to pass close enough to use your close combat weapons. Beam Sabers lash out, severing several turrents, and you manage to cleanly slice off the entire bridge structure with a well timed attack.
The headless ship begins to fall out of formation, still firing flak, but now isolated.
The other ships begin reforming their formation to try and deal with you. |