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!Wz87.gYWh. 04/19/11(Tue)13:28 No.14646008 File1303234100.jpg-(5 KB, 112x124, frost 02.jpg)
 The year is 1995, and anti-mutant riots are sweeping the nation. Fearing what might happen to you if your true nature is discovered, your parents have enrolled you in Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, where you can learn to harness your amazing gifts, or at least be isolated from those who fear and hate you. A few weeks ago you were simply Aino Virta, a fifteen year old girl living with a secret burden known only to your immediate family: your mutant power - until recently quite uncontrollable - to slow the fabric of time itself.
"Girls!" Ms. Frost snaps, gritting her teeth to maintain the last tenuous hold on her nerves. "I said you could listen to that ridiculous Ace of Base song *once*. ONCE. Then, in what is likely to be the largest mistake I have ever made, I allowed you to listen to it twice. If I have to hear about the sign one more time, I am going to lobotomize each and every one of you," she says, ejecting the CD from her car's system and giving it back to you.
As you click it back into your case the tall skyscrapers flit by and slow as the car comes to a stop in front of a thirty-story apartment building. "Ooh, ritzy!" Clarissa says, pushing herself over you halfway into the Lamborghini's front seat to look out the window. "This is where your parents live, Sam?"
"Huh?" Sam asks, distractedly. "Oh, yeah, um. They might be moving, so if you see some boxes and stuff, just ignore them." The doorman pulls the glass door open for you as the five of you walk into the lobby, tipping his hat to Ms. Frost as she follows you in. |