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!!857o4GkKJgy 04/22/11(Fri)19:43 No.14684326 File1303515808.png-(220 KB, 768x480, Episode 102 Epilogue.png)
 With M'Quve safely delivered to Medical personel you begin quickly regrouping with your team so you can mount a counter-attack, and rejoin with Char. You're midway through plotting out a rough and ready plan when the nuclear explosion occurs.
As nuclear weapons go, the detonation in question is definately on the lower, more tactical side of things than some of the larger warheads used in the One Month War. Nevertheless the 200 Kiloton Nuclear Mine creates a brilliant flash easily visible from the moon and those parts of earth with clear skies. Inside the colony for a brief instance, strange multi-directional mushroom clouds form in the torodial forced gravity environment of the O-Neill cylinder for a moment before the pressure wave hits. The glass panes of the colony explode outwards at one, leading to massive and near total depressurization of the colony internal. The outflung gases and debris smash against the already damaged solar mirrors, finally finishing the job started 11 months ago, shattering much of the mirrors and completely seperating one causing it to slowly drift away towards the already existing debris field. Then, under the immense strain of the escaping atmosphere as well as the initial shockwave and heat damage, the colony structure itself begins to to twist and warp, as slowly, in slow motion, it begins to tear itself apart.
Over your intercom, you hear Elaine sip noisily at her drinks carton.
"Huh. Well, what do you know, dreams really can come true." she states.
"Can anybody who hasn't had a really retarded childhood in that colony tell me WHAT IN THE NAME OF FLYING FUCK JUST HAPPENED?" you ask over a wide band tactical intercomm.
"...well, that's one way to kill the Gundam" Zolomon notes.
"Yes, a War-Crimes related way Zolomon." Elaine points out.
"...no seriously, what just happened?"