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04/23/11(Sat)19:16 No.14696202 File1303600612.jpg-(32 KB, 300x451, Duke.jpg)
 >>14696142 "Thank you for meeting with me, and I apologize sincerely for the circumstances, but Troy has kidnapped Ro, and means to use her and our arrangement into getting me to do his dirty work. I understand what this means in terms of our arrangement. As far as I know, Ro is still alive, and I have no evidence of it being otherwise. I hope to be able to recover her and remove Troy from the scene in one swoop. Tonight. I understand what will happen in regards to Randy if I fail, not to mention the relationship between the two us and our groups. I take full responsibility for what has happened, and for what now must happen to restore balance. Please consider your actions carefully, for both of our sakes. Together we can be powerful allies. Apart, and at each other's throats, we are weak, and easy pray for Troy and those of his ilk. I don't have much time to speak, I have to prepare for tonight. Troy must die. If you will help me, I will be thankful beyond measure. If you choose to leave me to my own fate, then I understand, and hold no ill will against you. This is not a light matter. This is the moment where everything is decided. Troy will not stop at you or I. He'll keep going, spreading out like a cancer, until everything is his. And I won't have that. I'm going to do something tonight. I don't know quite what, but I won't be pulling no rabbit out of a hat." |