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    637 KB Jurassic Quest 26? Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)17:00 No.14744156  
    Are people interested in Jurassic Quest today?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)17:02 No.14744176
    Since I'm not out drinking but in drinking, yeah, sure.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)17:14 No.14744255

    That's one person. Is anyone else interested?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)17:29 No.14744376
    Not tonight it seems then... Oh well, I'll stick around and keep an eye on the thread anyway.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)17:51 No.14744541
    No one else is interested?
    >> Pantheon !EoFJjFcCco 04/28/11(Thu)17:54 No.14744570
    How does this work?
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)17:56 No.14744595

    Same as any other quest. The participants tell me what they want the character to do, and I choose what the majority wants. Sometimes dice roll are required for certain actions.
    >> Pantheon !EoFJjFcCco 04/28/11(Thu)18:00 No.14744626
    Sure i'll give it a go. Do i get to make a character?
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)18:02 No.14744641

    Character has already been made. The participants play him as a hive mind.
    >> Pantheon !EoFJjFcCco 04/28/11(Thu)18:04 No.14744668
    Okay, sure.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)18:05 No.14744678
    So is anyone else interested? I need a 3rd person to consider running it.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)18:09 No.14744722
    I'm game
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)18:11 No.14744742
    Count me in, ECW.
    What with all the trouble posting the past few days, I'm glad we can finally get back to my favorite quest.
    >> Jurassic Quest 26. Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)18:13 No.14744757
    Thread Archive:

    Athletics [Basic]
    Mechanics [Basic]
    - [Maintenance]
    Computers [Basic]
    Survival [Basic]
    - [Willpower]
    Park Knowledge [Basic]
    Dinosaur Knowledge [Basic]
    First Aid [Basic]
    Firearms [Basic]
    - [Small Arms]

    - Yellow Level Security Card (Eric Watts)
    - Orange Level Security Card (Daniel Ryan)
    - Maintenance PDA
    - JP Maintenance Dept. Hard Hat (Floodhat)
    - JP Maintenance Dept. Coveralls
    - Chainmail x3
    - Utility Belt
    - Flashlight [Pwr: lllll]
    - Walkie-Talkie [Pwr: lllll]
    - Compressed Air Pistol x2
    - Tranq Rifle
    - x20 Tranquilizer Darts
    - Toolbox
    - 2 Rechargeable batteries (Flashlight/talkie compatible)
    - Recharging station (Battery)
    - .44 Magnum
    - x19 .44 Magnum rounds (HP)
    - M1911
    - x24 rounds
    - Jury-rigged Flamethrower (WD-40 and Lighter)
    - Gas Mask
    - Rocket Launcher (Explorer)
    - x6 Missiles (HE)
    - First Aid Kit
    - x30 7.62 rounds (HP)
    - x30 7.62 rounds (Incendiary)
    - Taser
    - Spanish/English Pocket Dictionary
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)18:14 No.14744768
    I'm here as well! Good to see Jurassic park quest again!
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)18:16 No.14744787
    You guys need a recap?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)18:20 No.14744823
    Sticking around has paid off! Let's go show those Raptors.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)18:21 No.14744829
    Since we got new guy around, shoot.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)18:25 No.14744863
    You guys got into the Maintenance building with your team, but the raptors are attempting to force the door open.

    I need an Athletics check to force the door closed. (roll 1d100)
    >> Pantheon !EoFJjFcCco 04/28/11(Thu)18:26 No.14744880
    How do i roll? :P
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)18:27 No.14744890

    "dice+XdY" in email field.

    X is # of dice to roll
    Y is how large the die is.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)18:29 No.14744915
    rolled 83 = 83

    Rollan for Raptorsmashan!
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)18:31 No.14744938
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)18:35 No.14744974
    A heave of strength and you bash the raptor's snout. It roars and it's head retreats. The door slams closed. You hear the sound of glass shattering. They're breaking the windows. Luckily, the insides are barred. They can't get through unless they bite through the bars.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)18:36 No.14744988
    About how thick are these bars, and I presume they are made of metal?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)18:39 No.14745033
    Let's go look for the computers. If we pass by a barred window they're breaking through we shoot them with a tranq.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)18:46 No.14745106

    They look about 2 inches thick, and made of metal.

    The room is small and there are crates everywhere.

    You find a computer on a desk at the far end of the room.

    Is someone keeping the door closed?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)18:47 No.14745119
    Uh... I guess we should... let's look and see if there's a lock of any kind? If not, tell the others to go get heavy crates we can stack in front of the door.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)18:50 No.14745147
    So, who the fuck thought it would be a good idea to put this in the middle of the fucking RAPTOR PEN?

    We'd better be getting a nice fucking bonus for this one.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)18:52 No.14745164

    There is a keycard activated lock on the door.

    Dinner brb.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)18:57 No.14745210
    LOCK THAT DAMN DOOR PRONTO. I don't think I need to express how important it is that we don't get mauled by fucking velociraptors after everything else that we survived.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)19:05 No.14745299

    You slip your card in and the bolts lock. The door is secure.
    >> Pantheon !EoFJjFcCco 04/28/11(Thu)19:06 No.14745309
    Make sure we have a way to get out, THEN lock the door.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)19:07 No.14745320
    Excellent. First off, let's look at some of these crates. What do they contain? Once we've got a purely cursory inventory, let's check out the computer.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)19:08 No.14745330
    quick head count and firstaid.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)19:10 No.14745351
    We have the key...
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)19:15 No.14745403

    Most are boxes of spare parts, but you find an inflatable raft and oars. You also find a locked closet hidden behind a crate.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)19:21 No.14745451
    Card lock? Swipe it.
    Lock-lock? Break it.

    Also, tell Aidan and Marshall to keep an eye on the windows and look for the computer.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)19:24 No.14745483

    You swipe your card in the lock and the closet opens.

    x2 Toolkits
    x2 tranq rifles
    x2 tranq pistols
    x30 tranq darts

    There is also a caged off section with another card lock. Inside you can see shotguns and assault rifles.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)19:28 No.14745525
    Hmm, let's try our card on the caged section, take all but a pistol with full mag and a toolkit in case someone needs it.

    And how is the "finding the problem" work going for our minions?
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)19:33 No.14745563

    Your card works, and the cage swings open.

    Aidan: "Uh Boss? There's this blue screen on the computer. It's got a lot of technical jargon on it. I don't know what it says."
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)19:41 No.14745637
    >blue screen on the computer
    this sounds unpleasntly familiar, before we do anything activate the manual lock on the door. If for some reason its electronic only get a length of pipe or somthing to wedge the door shut with
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)19:42 No.14745641
    Well, let's see if we can't make out what the problem is.
    Check out the computer.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)19:42 No.14745642
    We may need the heavier weapons, but not yet.
    Have Aidan take his tranq pistol and start shooting the raptors from the windows while we go and take a look at the computer.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)19:46 No.14745687

    There is no manual lock, but you push a crate in front of the door.

    The computer is displaying a BSOD.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)19:49 No.14745720
    Call dispatch. "We have a complete computer malfunction here, we will need to reboot the system."
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)19:49 No.14745728
    Get on the radio with Dispatch.
    "Dispatch, this is Porter.
    "I'm at the shed, and the computer's got a BSOD. I'm going to do a hard reboot. Is this thing connected to anything else besides the sensors?"
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)19:53 No.14745766

    "*static* It has sensor and electric fence command. The fences are also controlled by the control room. But the electric defenses to the building your in will go down."
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)19:56 No.14745793
    That means the door unlocks. Quick, pile up the heaviest of the crates against the door.
    Wait, the bars are stationary, correct? As in, they won't raise or lower if we shut off the power? Just being careful, here.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)19:58 No.14745808

    The door will be locked in its current position, and the bars on the windows are static. They'll just lose electric current.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)19:59 No.14745820
    Alright, you heard dispatch. Have our team get that door barricaded.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)20:00 No.14745831
    How much time would it take for the restart? Are the doors made to unlock in case of power loss? (considering that that would be completely pants on head retarded we can be guaranteed InGen has made sure it is so it works)

    I'm thinking barricade the door, hand out assault rifles and be ready for the waves of raptors.

    >exptime ngluti
    Yeah, we better get a new skill after this Captcha
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)20:01 No.14745848
    Well, let's get to covering those windows then, start taking pot shots at the raptors with the tranq rifles.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)20:03 No.14745871
    Barricade the door, make sure that everyone's tranq pistols are ready. See if Aidan can shoot raptors from the windows with a tranq rifle.
    Once prepared, reboot the computer.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)20:06 No.14745895
    Fair enough. But I'd still feel more comfortable barricading the door, just in case.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)20:13 No.14745935
    You barricade the door with heavy crates. Those aren't moving.

    Aidan: "Sonuva bitch!" You see him yank his arms back from the window, without the rifle.

    "They stole the fucking rifle out of my hands!"

    Everyone is watching the windows and skylight. But the raptors aren't staying still to get shot.


    You're not sure how long a restart will take.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)20:19 No.14745985
    "See? Those raptors aren't just dangerous because they're strong, fast, and use pack tactics. They're smart too. They learn. now, let's get this reboot going. But first..." Hand out shotguns. "These are for a last resort. Try to only traque them, but our safety comes before theirs, especially now that they're breeding and can make up for any of them that die."
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)20:20 No.14746002
    "Fucking shit. I told you the damn things are smart."
    Get him another rifle from the closet.
    "Here, be more careful.
    "Watch the skylight: they might be smart enough to try to crash in through there."

    Hand out extra tranq pistols, see if we can make a crate-fort around the computer. Once done, reboot it.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)20:24 No.14746040
    Are we handing out shotguns or not?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)20:27 No.14746072
    Assume we are, with the instruction they are to be a lifesaving measure .
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)20:29 No.14746087
    Yes, with the warning that they're last resort weapons.
    Tranqs work fast, and one hit will take a raptor down regardless of where it's hit, versus needing a headshot for an assured kill.
    Also, in a confined space like this, using shotguns would become quickly disorienting with the gunshots becoming amplified and us without ear protection.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)20:39 No.14746177
    There are two shotguns and two assault rifles in the cabinet. Who gets them.

    You hand Aidan another rifle and he makes sure to back away from the window.

    Making the crate fort would require assistance from both Aidan and Marshall. You want to get help with it?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)20:44 No.14746235
    We only have Aidan and Marshall with us... I suggest we give Marshall an assault rifle. The shotguns we encountered earlier all had slugs, so the wide-area advantage is negated in Marshall's case. Aidan can take whichever he feels more certain about.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)20:45 No.14746249

    There's you two. I didn't know if you wanted to take one.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)20:48 No.14746286
    Ah. True. Let's take the other rifle if Aidan doesn't claim it first. I want him to keep watching the window just in case, so we'll have to do without a crate fort.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)20:52 No.14746320

    too, that is.

    You take the other rifle and head to the computer. You want to reboot now?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)20:54 No.14746344
    Yes, reboot now.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)20:57 No.14746372
    Let's do it.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)21:03 No.14746419
    Not much else to try.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)21:03 No.14746428
    You hit reboot on the computer. The telltale hum on the metal bars goes away. And the door on the light and the closet goes out.

    The computer reboots, but is going through a self check function.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)21:05 No.14746451
    Stay vigilant, but keep an eye on the computer.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)21:05 No.14746456
    Keep eyes out for raptors in the windows. Is there a skylight?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)21:07 No.14746482
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)21:13 No.14746544
    The raptors are darting around the building. Chomping on the bars when your back is turned, but they make no significant progress.

    The computer beeps.

    It seems some software is corrupted.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)21:14 No.14746553
    Make sure our floodhat is on. I'm more worried about the skylight. Keep our eye on that.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)21:14 No.14746558
    Can it repair the damage? Will we need to restore from backups?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)21:16 No.14746576
    rolled 55 = 55

    Let's get to work on it. "Marshall, watch the skylight, just in case."
    Computer roll to try to see if there's anything useful to be done.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)21:17 No.14746588

    You'll need to run a repair utility to see if it can be repaired.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)21:18 No.14746597
    rolled 45 = 45

    You got it.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)21:18 No.14746602
    Take our floodhat off and have it angled up towards the skylight.
    Then sit down in front of the computer and get that repair utility going.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)21:19 No.14746621
    rolled 5 = 5

    Rolling Computers.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)21:19 No.14746628
    rolled 53 = 53

    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)21:20 No.14746637
    rolled 58 = 58

    Oh, right. Forgot my roll.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)21:20 No.14746638
    rolled 55 = 55

    Oy,some bad rolling.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)21:23 No.14746679
    do not do this, it will attract the raptors attention. as long as we dont give them any ideas they shouldnt go near the sky light
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)21:24 No.14746681
    So, do we need to roll or not?
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)21:26 No.14746731
    You start the repair utility running. It's going to take a little while.

    Marshall: "Hey! Look around!"

    You notice that there are raptors at all the windows, each concentrated on gnawing through the steel. That's 5 raptors total.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)21:28 No.14746753
    rolled 26 = 26

    "Shoot them off. Tranq, unless they get through."
    Rolling with our tranq pistol.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)21:29 No.14746772
    rolled 42 = 42

    "Shoot them, tranq em' all. Aidan, keep an eye on the skylight, I think they're gonna try to come in from above."
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)21:29 No.14746781
    rolled 28 = 28

    "Tranq them. We want the bars to stay functional if possible"
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)21:33 No.14746827
    rolled 90 = 90

    Shoot them, and encourage the others to do the same.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)21:34 No.14746838
    You fire at the nearest raptor, but miss. You hear a crash behind you. A raptor broke through the skylight and is standing on the metal mesh between it and the inside of the building.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)21:36 No.14746860
    rolled 51 = 51

    Turn and fire.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)21:37 No.14746876
    rolled 57 = 57

    "Shoot her!"
    Get moving, take a shot.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)21:39 No.14746895
    Fucking InGen! Why does a maintenance bunker inside a raptor pen even HAVE a skylight?

    I guess priority would be getting it, if the raptors can chew through several 2 inch steelrods in a short time they fucking deserve to rule this planet.

    Can the tranqs fire through the mesh?

    Oh, no, I got another idea, stun-prod taser it!
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)21:42 No.14746932
    rolled 78 = 78

    Kill it!
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)21:45 No.14746962
    You shoot at the raptor. The dart gets lodged in the mesh, but the needle is long enough to puncture, and the raptor is dosed. It's about to use it's claw to rip open the mesh when it collapses.

    The computer pings.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)21:48 No.14746993
    Check it, barking for the other two to do whatever it takes to get the raptors away from the bars.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)21:51 No.14747019
    Check the computer, tell the other two to cover us.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)21:56 No.14747075
    The utility is done. The software is unrepairable, it recommends un/reinstallation.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)22:01 No.14747149
    Report this to dispatch, we didn't happen to bring an extra disc copy did we? Nah, didn't think so.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)22:04 No.14747194

    "*static* Look in the drawer of the desk. Should have the needed software.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)22:08 No.14747249
    rolled 61 = 61

    Uninstall the program and reinstall it using the disk.
    Rolling Computer.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)22:17 No.14747357
    You find the disk and put it in the drive. You run the installation and a box pops up.


    You hear a scraping sound and look up. The raptors are dragging the tranqed raptor off the mesh.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)22:18 No.14747375
    Check the sleeve/case that the disc came in for the key.
    Otherwise, call Dispatch for the key.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)22:26 No.14747472
    The authentication key is not in the case. You talk to Dispatch.

    "*static* Yeah, hold on. Just let me find it." You hear papers rustling.

    The raptors have dragged their compatriot's body of the mesh.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)22:27 No.14747498
    tazer time
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)22:31 No.14747544
    Give Aidan our tazer and stun prod.
    "Aidan, if those raptors try to get through the mesh, I want you to electrify it."
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)22:38 No.14747634
    Aidan: "With pleasure." He takes the stun prod.

    As you hand it to him, a leg darts out and the claw comes down into the mesh. The legs pulls back and a gash is cut into it.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)22:39 No.14747649

    Alright, while we wait let's get back to tranquing. I take it the others have been shooting as well?
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)22:42 No.14747715

    Yes, but the raptors have been careful and haven't been exposing themselves.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)22:52 No.14747828
    I'm getting off now. Hope you had fun. Won't be on until maybe Sunday at least.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)22:57 No.14747881
    Around what time on Sunday?
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/28/11(Thu)22:58 No.14747894

    Same time I would say.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)23:00 No.14747928
    Archive completed. Remember to vote!

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