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!Wz87.gYWh. 05/11/11(Wed)14:32 No.14891472 File1305138769.jpg-(41 KB, 127x171, richards 01.jpg)
 >>14891307 >>14891315 >>14891345
"For cripes sakes, Aino, the break's only two weeks long," Ricardo says. "Don't be a baby."
"Shut up," Sam barks at him, as you wrap your arms around her. "You think he even knows I like him?" she whispers to you.
"I think it'd be pretty hard for him *not* to know," Clarissa says, standing next to the two of you awkwardly. "I mean, we're just friends. Like, they're my guy friends, not my boyfriends," she says, stumbling over something halfway between an apology and an explanation.
"What about me, babe?" Ricardo asks, insinuating himself into the conversation.
"You're just the guy we use to carry the heavy stuff," Clarissa says as she narrows her eyes at him. "Seriously, Rick, lay off with the insults-"
Clarissa's words are cut short, as a bright flash of light suddenly flares up on the lawn, momentarily brighter than the sun! For a moment you think Megan has lost control of her powers, before your light-blinded eyes make out her form off to one side!
"Robert, Elizabeth, get the children inside" the Professor begins shouting to Mr. Drake and Ms. Braddock, before a tall, lanky form emerges from the glowing rift - Dr. Reed Richards!
"Good Lord, could this finally be the place?" he asks, more to himself than anyone around him. Tapping on one of a slew of small mechanisms attached to his belt, he continues. "Chronological sensors confirm it - this is the correct timeline!"
He looks around at the stunned and dazed students before him, his eyes settle on you, and he gasps! "Aino! I've found you at last!"
As the rift seals itself and your eyes adjust, you take in his features, and notice that he seems more haggard, more worn-down, than you remember from your meeting with him a few weeks back!
<<Aino, be careful,>> the Professor's voice says to you mentally. <<There's something blocking my telepathy - it's almost as though he doesn't exist!>>
What will you do, Aino? |