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!!fhyQBh9j3zK 05/19/11(Thu)01:30 No.14976531 File1305783018.jpg-(84 KB, 693x600, 693px-Polar_Bear2..jpg)
 >Imagination:70 >Willpower:30
You live in the forest. While you can't remember having lived anywhere else, you have a sense that it is not your home. You know of parents, houses, and people, but both here and in your memory, there is only X. You have a comfortable treehouse, and you often travel within and even beyond the forest. While the things immediately outside the woods seem to change regularly, you never have that much trouble finding your way back before dark, even from an unfamiliar setting.
You concentrate, and just as you have come to expect, George is right by your side. George is a bear. He is pure white, with a fluffy coat, thick limbs, and a curiously unthreatening face.
>Imagination -20. >Imagination unspent: 50
George paces back and forth, sniffing. Usually, he is much calmer when you find him. He rises up on his hind legs, looking off into the distance.
On the horizon, it is night. In the forest, the sun is high over head. The forest, usually full of activity, is quiet.
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