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  • File : 1306519262.jpg-(213 KB, 1024x785, KoyQue - Full Moon 2.jpg)
    213 KB Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)14:01 No.15071873  
    It is late at night on August 26th, 726 2A. Yesterday, the reinforcements from Veridia pulled out of the village for reasons unknown. You've recently set up some respectable oppression to help generate yourself some Torment. And as a result of this, you've now leveled up (again)!

    Level: 3
    Health: 17/17
    Torment: 2/60

    Compassion: 4
    Will: 4

    Combat: 2
    Survival: 1
    Stealth: 1
    Diplomacy: 0

    Binding: 1
    Conjuration: 3
    Domination: 0
    Enchantment: 0
    Illusions: 0
    Transmutation: 1

    >Choose whether to increase of decrease Cordelia's Compassion
    >Choose where to allocate your two skill points for this level
    >Choose whether to recover memories from your childhood, your adolescence, or the Abyssal War
    >Roll 1d6+2 for your extra health
    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)14:05 No.15071900
    >Previous threads,
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)14:05 No.15071910
    rolled 5 + 2 = 7

    2 points into binding(that will level it to 2 right?)
    Lower Cordelia's compassion
    Remember childhood
    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)14:11 No.15071950
         File1306519868.png-(116 KB, 1206x651, Artall.png)
    116 KB
    The map of Artall, for reference. You're currently in a hidden fortress a bit to the south of the logging village, displayed as the red dot attached to the town labeled 1, which is called Veridia.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)14:12 No.15071965
    That seems fine.
    How quickly would it take to cast the Minions spell? Do we need time or space for a ritual of some kind?
    How much Torment will it cost?
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)14:18 No.15072012
    rolled 6 + 2 = 8

    Can we force demons we've bound to use to pledge torment to us when torturing people?

    Because if they can, and they're cheap enough to bind, we could mount an almost continuous attack with a decent supply of corpses.

    ie: sent in a squad to sneak around and torture as many enemy soldiers as they can and when they inevitably die we can make more.

    If that doesn't work, then at least we can take them on dangerous missions with us so they die instead of the Koyani. Ultimate meatshields. And with the way we've been burning through troops we need all the fodder we can get.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)14:20 No.15072024
    accidental roll. But hopefully this means the dice might be more favorable than they were last time.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)14:23 No.15072049
    How do you roll on 4chan? :)
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)14:26 No.15072074
    rolled 5, 2 + 3 = 10

    dice+"number of dice"d"type of dice"+"any modifier you want"

    so 2d6+3 would be "dice+2d6+3" without the quotation marks in the email field.

    Hover you mouse over my name to see what I rolled.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)14:29 No.15072092

    Thanks :)
    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)14:34 No.15072138
    Internet died momentarily, I apologize for my delay!

    Minions costs two Torment. Demons can transfer Torment between one another directly, but Imps (whether a powerful one like your familiar or grunts used as minions) have VERY small Torment pools, typically in the range of 3-5. And they're usually empty or close to it. You can't make a demon, even a bound demon, give you Torment, but you can threaten to make them do other unpleasant things if they don't. Casting minions is an out-of-combat spell, but otherwise takes only about ten seconds. Keep in mind that every casting of it takes up a point of Control until all the minions have been killed or dismissed, and that you only have as much Control as you have ranks in Binding.
    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)14:35 No.15072151
    Oh, and also, your HP is now 24/24.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)14:40 No.15072194
    Hmm, so no suicide bomber torment squads.

    But we can still use them as cannon fodder and living/undead shields, so it all works out!

    I'm worried about this troop withdrawal. It might mean the bishop finally cracked and they're massing for an assault.
    It also might mean that there's someone or something important to protect nearby.
    Or the soldiers might be needed elsewhere.

    I say we have to scout out veridia and try to figure out what the fuck is going on.

    Will we have recieved the next batch of torment by the time we get to veridia if we go out on a scouting mission?
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)14:48 No.15072295
    I got an idea.

    Katsi, you said that the imp isn't the only type of demon we can Bind. Can we bind a type of demon that has everything poured into Stealth and Survival?
    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)14:49 No.15072298
    Yes. It takes over 24 hours to reach Veridia.

    I take it that the audience (such that it is) is agreed to put two points into Binding, decrease Cordelia's Compassion, and recall childhood?
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)14:49 No.15072310

    Fuck caution. They're moving troops away from us. If they're weak, nows the time to strike, if they're planning on attacking us then we need to gain as much advantage as we possibly can (by capturing important stuff)

    Time for a sortie.
    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)14:50 No.15072316
    That would actually still be an Imp. Just an Imp specializing in Stealth and Survival. And not quite everything, because a level one or two bound demon can't have any stats three or above.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)14:53 No.15072349
    That's why I'm thinking we go on a "scouting mission" with a few troops to veridia.
    Then we can hopefully ambush a patrol and bind some demon fodder for extra muscle.

    If they're massing for an assault on our fortress we sent word back to prepare, then wait until they've left and take their fortress.

    Else, we gain information and attack if we have an opportunity.

    So scout, THEN attack. We're not just charging into battle. That never seems to work out for us.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)14:55 No.15072368
    You described one level two binding spell as summoning a few imps that share a control point.
    Could we get more of them if they were weaker, or summon one much tougher one?

    Could we get a mixed squad? Like one specializing in stealth, one in survival, one in combat?
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)14:56 No.15072377
    If the forces are being pulled back, then the Kef may be preparing to attack. But with a force of their size, it'll be slow.

    I agree that we should send a scout group of two to Veridia to find out what's happening. I also think now is a good time to attack one of the other villages to get more prisoners, Koyani, and supplies.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)14:57 No.15072391
    I support a heavily armed scout group, with the ability to intervene if the opportunity arises.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)15:00 No.15072421
    rolled 98 = 98


    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)15:00 No.15072432
    And the scouting mission will have actual scouts too.
    Ie: have our best survivalists scout in small teams on the outskirts of our main, less stealthy, force.
    That should prevent ambushes.

    To that end, a crack squad of imps specialized in only survival and scouting would be great for us.
    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)15:02 No.15072445
    They can't actually get any weaker than the Minions spell. Minion-level Imps is as weak as demons get. You can't bind any demon with any skill at level 3 or higher until Binding level 3, when you can summon Succubi and Nephiliim. Your options open up a lot at that point.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)15:02 No.15072450
    rolled 52 = 52

    Remember the Abyssal War

    and lower Compassion
    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)15:04 No.15072460
    Oh, my. I had just finished updating the character sheet and now a voice of dissent has appeared.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)15:05 No.15072474
    There are at least two of us that want binding, maybe three.
    There's only one guy who wants enchanting.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)15:06 No.15072478
    Enchantment would only allow a +1 enhancement at a cost of 1 Torment. Transmutation already allows for increases of +2 with 1 Torment.
    Binding allows us to call up cheap and expendable fodder, which I think is more important, since it forces the enemy to waste an entire attack.
    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)15:07 No.15072488
    Yes, the vote is on the side of Binding right now. I'm just waiting to see if he'll back it up with something and possibly change someone's mind. Otherwise, it goes to Binding.

    Although the memory vote is split between Childhood and the Abyssal War.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)15:07 No.15072493
    rolled 26 = 26

    Take enchantment

    Level up Heavy Plate armor (transmute + enchant).

    We are a fucking tank and nothing (save paladins) can take us out
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)15:09 No.15072510
    Armor doesn't defend against nets or grappling.
    With superior numbers they could just slaughter all our troops and then dogpile or net us.
    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)15:10 No.15072514
    It should be noted that until your Combat score reaches 3, plate counts as unwieldly armor and will decrease your Combat score by 1 for as long as you're wearing it.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)15:11 No.15072522
    rolled 37 = 37

    didn't you say that that doesn't count for masterwork fine steel plate armor?
    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)15:12 No.15072539
    There's a -1 Survival penalty that goes away with masterwork plate armor, but the unwieldly armor penalty doesn't go away with masterwork.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)15:16 No.15072578
    rolled 50 = 50

    either way

    we can still upgrade the equipment of our soldiers .

    Small but equipped by the best weapons and armor, they could rain hell on bigger numbers.

    What are the stats of lvl 2 binding minions anyway?
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)15:21 No.15072627
    I'll go with remembering the Abyssal War, because it sounds cool.

    And i'm also going to say level up Binding, because summoning little demons sounds exactly what we need.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)15:22 No.15072638
    Enchanting seems like a little too much for our troop's skill level.
    We haven't even had a point where we've even CONSIDERED transmuting the weapons/armor of any but the best of the best of our soldiers.

    If we want to make our troops more effective we can just get around with the transmuting for a bigger bonus than level 1 enchanting would give us.

    A plus 1 bonus is much worse than 4 expendable, renewable, no training/food/sleep/rest needed, soldiers.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)15:25 No.15072665
    rolled 86 = 86

    Okay, you made your case

    do the Binding then.

    We should double up the torment gathering from Koyani to get more in less time. Then, when we have a good pool of Torment ,we can go raiding again.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)15:32 No.15072737
    No need to double it up.
    If we find a patrol we're strangling them to death to use as demon binding fuel and if we can take the fortress we'll have a shit ton of kef prisoners which we can do horrible, horrible things to.

    Like waterboarding, starvation, humiliation,sleep deprivation, insults, bad quality raw food, cramped cells, pitch black dungeon punctuated by guards making them stare into torches, dropping starved rats into their cells while they try to sleep, starving them for days and then when the guards bring them the food force them to do something painful or humiliating like punching the wall or covering themselves in their own shit before they can eat and then if they do it the guards eat their food right infront of them. their only food is crushed insects and strangled rats, we alternate their scheduled torture times so there's always someone screaming in pain and terror at all times of the day and night etc...
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)15:34 No.15072770
    ooo, oo! if one of the prisoners dies, probably the children at first, force their parents to eat their own children's mangled corpses.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)15:34 No.15072771
    I think we should attack and liberate at least one of the other villages before taking on Veridia.
    Veridia is an actual city, not just a town.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)15:38 No.15072809
    actually we should, i think, try to attack one of the small village at first and try to make prisonners and torture them slowly, resulting in a lot more of torment, letting the prisonners die when they die of starvation so we don't use up our food supply too much.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)15:38 No.15072814
    I was thinking that if the kef are going to mass their troops and attack out fortress then we'll attack THEIR fortress while the main force is gone, capture their fortress, then kill the main force by holeing up in their fortress.
    If they retreat to our fortress then we fill it with deathtraps and constantly harass them by sending in squads of highly stealthy undead demon soldiers at night until they all collapse from exhaustion.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)15:43 No.15072862
    Well yes, but liberating one of the villages may net us more Koyani recruits, giving us a bigger fighting force and increasing our chances of success.

    The other villages are minor detours of only about half a day, and their garrisons have been weakened.
    I think it's worth doing, and it will give our scouts an opportunity to let us know what's going on at Veridia before we commit to a full-scale attack.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)15:44 No.15072885
    We shouldn't be able to even think about attacking their main fortress with the troops we have available.

    Attack a small, well scouted, village so we know what we're getting into. We need Koyani recruits and Kef torture-monkeys.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)15:49 No.15072933
    I was thinking it's less "us bringing a full force assault group" and more a "large scouting party".
    Big enough that we don't have to worry about most patrols, small enough to be stealthy.
    Then once we have some corpses, we bind a squad of maximum stealth/survival demons to scout out the city and the surrounding area.

    If we stay behind then it will take too long for word to get back to make the most of the situation and I don't want to trust the fate of the fortress with anyone but us.
    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)15:57 No.15073035
    Very well, the character sheet has been updated.

    Level: 3
    Health: 24/24
    Torment: 2/60

    Compassion: 3
    Will: 4

    Combat: 2
    Survival: 1
    Stealth: 1
    Diplomacy: 0

    Binding: 2
    Conjuration: 3
    Domination: 0
    Enchantment: 0
    Illusions: 0
    Transmutation: 1

    Something rather irksome has just come to my attention. It's not something that I can do anything about now, but it has ruined my day a bit. I apologize for my delayed responses, I had to take a moment to compose myself.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)16:03 No.15073094
    Next level up, I suggest we put points into Combat, so that we can wear plate without its combat decrease.

    I propose we send 2 scouts to Veridia, to meet up with us at Veridia-Green once their scouting is done.

    We take a force of 5 trained soldiers, 5 recruits, and our imp, to Veridia-Green to attack and liberate it.

    Confirmation on our inventory:
    Transmuted Axe, Transmuted Shield, Transmuted Chainmail, Transmuted Mace.
    Should we take along a composite bow?

    If my calculations are correct and Molio keeps up the Torment schedule, we should arrive at Veridia-Green with 12 Torment.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)16:05 No.15073119
    Wait a minute...
    Can we summon specific imps after they get killed?
    And if we can, do they remember anything they saw before they died here?

    Because if so, we have suicide scouts. Possibly with instant return time.
    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)16:09 No.15073141
    You can, though they'll be weaker (just like how you lost a point of Combat when you died). They will remember what they've seen, however.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)16:10 No.15073178
    Alright. Can we tell when one of out bound demons dies?
    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)16:13 No.15073209
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)16:13 No.15073213

    I support this course of action, although the points we spend when we next level will need to be discussed then.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)16:15 No.15073227
    I support this action. But send our bound demon with the scouts.
    If they die, we can bind him again and find out what happened.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)16:26 No.15073350
    I don't know; we're going to be fighting at Veridia-Green, and our scouts will be told specifically to not engage anything when scouting Veridia.
    But, considering that the Kef are pulling their forces back to Veridia, patrols might be stepped up.
    You're right; send the Imp along with the scouts to Veridia. They're not to engage, only observe.

    We still have a point of Control left for the Minions spell, so it should be okay.
    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)16:29 No.15073386
    While lounging about the fortress for two days, slipping cider and drinking in the delicious tears of abused children (metaphorically), some of your memories come floating back to you, all of the past fifty years or so. Mostly concerning the Abyssal War, which took up over half of those years, and the fallout from it and build up to it dominated the rest. You and your Compact were one of several that had played a key role in defeating the Rebel King, by defeating the last general of his remnant forces, Duke Gugurash, Lord of Despair. You had a personal grievance with the Duke, but that didn't stop you from catching glory for finishing off the single greatest threat to Ashtoreth's control of Hell in a thousand years.

    >What was the Rebel King's name?
    >How exactly had Gugurash wronged you, anyway?

    While you reminisce, I'll be writing up the next post concerning your scouting mission, and the mission to liberate Veridia-Green.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)16:34 No.15073443
    Okay, equipment loadout for our war party:
    Soldiers = Armoured with chainmail. All 5 with composite bows and swords.
    Recruits = 3 with transmuted leather and the other two unarmored, composite bows, and glaives.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)16:38 No.15073489
    Rebel King = King Paymon
    Gugurash had personally insulted us and publicly humiliated us in front of a court of assembled nobles. That set us back years of scraping together the credibility needed to rise in rank.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)16:40 No.15073510
    Guys, change of plans!

    After we liberate Veridia-Green, we NEED to go to Veridia-Violet!
    It's a labor camp, and has most of its able-bodied young men working its fields. If we liberate the village, we'll boost our fighting force greatly.
    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)17:02 No.15073769
    Apologies for my delays. Internet troubles. If the thread dies spontaneously, you'll know what happened. Regardless, you intend to set out to Veridia-G personally with the following accompaniment:

    >5 Koyani Soldiers (chainmail, composite bow, longswords)
    >3 Koyani Recruits (leather, composite bows, glaives)
    >2 Koyani Recruits (composite bows, glaives)

    And you will send this scouting party to Veridia itself:

    >Your Imp
    >2 Koyani Recruits

    Is this correct?
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)17:04 No.15073786
    Sounds right to me.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)17:06 No.15073811
    Instruct the 3 scouts to not engage in combat unless absolutely necessary.
    Also, when ready to re[port to us, the 2 Koyani come to us, while the imp stays to monitor the situation unless doing so would definately kill him.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)17:07 No.15073816

    Also, guys, I suggest that we transmute the chainmail along the way, to be the same as ours.
    The soldiers are valuable, and we should improve their equipment while we can.
    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)17:10 No.15073851
    After setting out early in the morning, you arrive at Veridia-G late at night, with no sign of any Kef patrols anywhere. When you arrive at the village, you find it totally deserted. There's no sign of anyone anywhere in the village from the outside, just like in the logging village. None of your men have gone into the village yet (it may be an ambush, after all), and your scouts won't be reporting back until tomorrow.

    Health: 24/24
    Torment: 9/60

    >What do you do?
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)17:15 No.15073905
    Spiral toward the center of the town with the 5 recruits while the soldiers walk the perimeter.

    Never let the two groups lose sight of each other.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)17:16 No.15073923
    We need to scout it, carefully.
    No movement at all when observed from a distance, right?

    Guys, should we spend 5 Torment now to transmute the chainmail used by our soldiers, in case this is a trap?
    We don't have enough bodies to use Minions yet, though.
    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)17:20 No.15073971
    Spending the Torment or not? Waiting on a decision to write the update.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)17:22 No.15073996
    I say don't spend the torment.
    If it's an ambush we might really need evocation.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)17:30 No.15074079
    yeah, i agree, even through i think there's no one left here
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)17:32 No.15074109
    Alright. But if this turns out to be abandoned, we improve the chainmail, okay? The soldiers will need it in the coming fights.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)17:34 No.15074140
    If it's abandoned then we'll transmute the armor.
    We might need to attack veridia soon and we have a pretty reliable source of torment so we can afford it IF we can wait.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)17:39 No.15074201
    What about freeing the able-bodied Koyani from the work camps at Veridia-V? It's close to Veridia-G, and I think the boost to our fighting force is worth the expentiture in time.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)17:41 No.15074213
    if we have no fight here i think it could be a good idea, we'd get some people to torture and more manpower, it's what we need right now.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)17:44 No.15074258
    It all depends on the info our scouts bring us.

    And what if Veridia-V is COMPLETELY abandoned?

    If we have time, then we should sent scouts there too, and attack if there are even any people there.

    Or, we might not have any time at all.
    For all we know, the forces of veridia could be marching on our fortress right now.

    We shouldn't make a decision until the scouts get back.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)17:46 No.15074287
    Fair enough.

    But first, let's see if this village is really abandoned, or if we just netted ourselves some prisoners to send back for torture.
    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)17:50 No.15074348
    You send your troops in cautiously, waiting for an ambush that never comes. After failing to trigger an ambush upon entering the village, they go from house to house, never letting down their guard, but the entire village is emptied. Nothing but the occasional rat disturbs the silence. That, and your own soldiers. An investigation of the nearby quarry, the livelihood of the village, reveals it to be similarly deserted.

    Health: 24/24
    Torment: 9/60

    Well, that was a bit anticlimactic. Your memories continue to return to you, however.

    You first met Vual, the beginnings of your Compact, after an old one had dissolved due to some inner conflict that cropped up in Gehenna, one of the biggest cities in Hell.

    >What was the name and sin of the first demon in the old Compact?
    >What was the name and sin of the second demon in the old Compact?
    >What was it that drove your Compact apart?
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)17:58 No.15074428
    First Demon: Foras
    Second Demon: Shax
    Shax was a double-agent and betrayed us all. Foras, the bastard, tried to pin the blame on us, and only moderately succeeded.
    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)18:10 No.15074560
    Shax, a greed demon, had been an agent of Gugurash. He knew you wouldn't take his humiliating you, and wrath demons aren't known for being very forgiving. He tried to have you and Foras both sealed in an impenetrable underground vault in Gehenna, the kind made specifically to seal away a demon you don't like for the next few centuries. Foras, a pride demon, discovered the plot, then pretended to defect to the Rebel King Paymon's side so that he could gather evidence against Shax. He'd gotten Shax to forge evidence against you under the guise of eliminating an agent of Ashtoreth more permanently, and then tried to have you both turned in.

    Vual, interested in legal even then, had heard that you had a vendetta with Gugurash, one of Paymon's more powerful generals, and decided you'd be a valued ally, particularly since your primary motivation of revenge wouldn't conflict with his primary motivation of fame and fortune. He ran a quick investigation of his own, passed some bribes around, and got your name cleared. They went the whole nine yards for Shax, actually executing him. You and Vual were able to observe the ritual. This is where you learned the secret of killing demons.

    Foras walked away from it, though. Trying to have executed a demon like you were at the time, barely fully grown and recently humiliated, is hardly of enough concern to the demonic nobility to warrant anything more than a stern warning not to step on the toes of anyone important. It wasn't the last you'd see of him.

    Meanwhile, in the present, what do you do now? Wait for the return of your scouts? Immediately press on to Veridia-V?
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)18:14 No.15074606
    How long would we have to wait on the scouts?
    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)18:17 No.15074631
    Until around noon tomorrow morning.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)18:19 No.15074658
    And how much time to go out to Veridia-V?
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)18:21 No.15074673
    How long would it take to hear word from our scouts if we moved toward Veridia-V?
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)18:22 No.15074680
    Press on to V-V and hope to rendezvous with the scouts on the way there.

    If things are being cleared out, the less wasted time the better.
    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)18:24 No.15074706
    Later in the night, but the same day.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)18:26 No.15074728
    Then onwards to V-V!
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)18:28 No.15074757

    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)18:43 No.15074914
    August 28th, 726 2A

    The farming village is built not far from the slopes of a mountainside, from which the river that passes through Veridia springs. The mountainous terrain leaves precious little farmland, however it also allows for easy construction of defensive positions. The village's palisade wall, initially constructed to keep invading enemies out of the town's center where most of the houses are located, have been expanded to include the fields surrounding the town, presumably to deter escapes. You can see Kef guarding the walls, but it looks like it's a fairly light garrison. Your scouts report that it looks like the garrison is roughly the same size as the one that you destroyed in the logging village before reinforcements from Veridia had arrived. There are no Heavy or Elite Kef that they can see.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)18:49 No.15074978
    How many roads and gates in and out of the walls are there?
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)18:49 No.15074985
    Figure out the patrol route.
    Are there any watchtowers or just the wall?
    Is there a stationary gate guard or just patrols?
    How many in each group?

    How long does it look like it will take to close the gate?
    Is there any obvious closing mechanism that looks like it could be destroyed or jammed by transmutation?

    How thick are the walls?
    If they're not too thick we might be able to transmute right through them.

    What's the closest concealed approach to te wall that we can see?
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)18:51 No.15075007
    I'd suggest a plan of attack along the lines of:
    If it's feasible get a recruit with a bow on every gate, to shoot any escaping soldiers/messengers.

    Storm the castle, using the remaining recruits to shepherd any Koyani back to the stronghold while you and the soldiers deal with the Kef.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)18:58 No.15075067
    With a light garrison sufficiently spread out and the element of surprise we should definitely be able to kill all the guards.

    Then it's a matter of keeping everyone inside long enough to jam all the gates but one closed and guard the gate with bow wielding recruits while we and the soldiers sweep the town tying up any kef we can while freeing every Koyani we see and having them help us free the others.

    Then we wait for the scouts and send the freed Koyani back to the fortress if it's safe.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)19:03 No.15075125
    Sure, Let's go for it.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)19:21 No.15075311
    Thread archived here:

    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)19:34 No.15075445
    Apologies for the delay.


    There are watchtowers, but only on the far side of the village, the parts of the wall that were constructed before the Kef arrived. There is a stationary guard at the gate and several patrols along the wall's perimeter. They typically patrol with one Kef leading four Gerdo, at the gate there are two Kef with eight Gerdo. It's about half a mile to the gate from the cover of the trees, and the gates are currently closed, but it looks like they're just really big doors that push outward. There's a bar across the door from the outside, as the gate was designed to keep prisoners in, so that's convenient for you. The walls are just made from local logs, and look about eight inches thick on average. At some places, the treeline is only fifty feet from the walls, but these areas are all far from the gate.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)19:47 No.15075544
    I say we go to the area 50 ft from the trees and MAKE OUR OWN DOOR!

    How thick are the walls?
    Thin enough that we could transmute our way through?
    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)19:51 No.15075579
    About eight inches thick. You could transmute a hole through the wall, but not more than a few inches wide. To repeat that enough times to make a hole that a single person could through would take about 16 Torment. If your Transmutation were higher, you could do it for much less.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)19:57 No.15075636
    Hmm. If we used torment to make ourself stronger, how strong would we be exactly?

    Strong enough to throw our soldiers over the wall?
    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)20:00 No.15075668
    Yes, but it'd take a point of Torment for every soldier thrown. And given you'd be throwing them over a ten foot wall, a lot of them would end up injured before the fight even starts.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)20:01 No.15075692
    With our evocation could we make an explosion big enough to blast a hole through the wall?
    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)20:02 No.15075712
    Yes. Three Torment would blast a hole in the wall big enough to put two or three men through at once.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)20:06 No.15075755
    How close to the patrols walk to the wall?

    I'm thinking that with evocation being sight range, we can have our troops get 50ft from the wall hidden in the treeline, find the closest place where we can see the patrols and then wait for a patrol to get close enough to take them out in the explosion.
    Even if we can't kill them I think it should disorient them long enough for our troops to get inside.
    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)20:12 No.15075818
    Typically within five to ten feet of the wall.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)20:16 No.15075851
    Sounds close enough.
    A blast strong enough to make a three man wide hole in an 8 inch thick wall should knock them off their feet, shower them in wall shards, or at the very least deafen them.

    I'm voting we go with the plan in
    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)20:19 No.15075883
    ...And after you get inside?
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)20:26 No.15075931
    Then do this:
    After we blow the wall our troops charge into the breach and kill the patrol we caught in the blast. Then they run along the wall 5 in each direction and try to kill every patrol they come across.
    Meanwhile, we run for the hole and then bind the corpses of the dead patrol with combat specialist demons.
    Send the combat demons to assist the recruits and have them run back towards us while we run towards the soldiers to assist them.
    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)21:31 No.15076425
    Your forces sneak around to the portion of the wall only fifty feet from the treeline. You fling a fireball at the wall as the patrol passes in front of it, sending the patrol flying and blowing a hole in the wall. Your forces rush forward and kill the Gerdo and Kef who survived, and then split into two groups to begin hunting the other patrols while you stay behind to summon your minions.

    It takes you only a few seconds to summon and bind Imp spirits into the corpses and then follow your men into the breach. They've already begun fighting with Kef and Gerdo inside the walls. The battle is going very well for you, you've taken out nearly half the enemy patrols by the time you get inside the walls, with only a few injuries on your side. No casualties so far.

    Health: 24/24
    Torment: 1/60
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)21:34 No.15076446
    Which group seems to be having the most trouble?
    Back them up. If no one is having trouble then get a good look around and see where the next patrols we're going to have to fight are.

    Also, what are the stats on our demons?
    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)21:37 No.15076461
    Your zombie minions have Combat(1) and Survival(1). They'll get a bit more powerful as your Binding increases (powerful enough that they'll never be totally irrelevant), but their primary strength is always going to be rooted in the fact that you can summon up 3-6 of them whenever you aren't fighting someone RIGHT NOW.

    One moment while I run some battle calculations (and hopefully my connection will hold).
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)21:39 No.15076473
    Cool. I expected as much of them stat wise.
    While they're weak as kittens the zerg rush always has and always will be an effective strategy.
    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)21:49 No.15076536
    The Kef patrols within the walls rush across the fields to combat your forces as you hunt your enemies. Two of the three patrols attack your weakened group, but you arrive to even the odds again. One of your Recruits is killed by the end of the fight. The four patrols from outside have found the gate and unbarred it, pushing the gate open and running inside to fight you. They're still on the other side of the fields from you, however. Your forces have annihilated the enemy's so far, but this next wave will have you outnumbered.

    >What do you do?
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)21:53 No.15076569
    How badly?
    If they only marginally outnumber us, we can just keep binding Imps into the body of slain people and win that way.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)21:54 No.15076584
    Send the demons charging at them across the field. Everyone else draws bows and advances only enough to fire.
    I'm not expecting the demons to do much besides slow the kef down and maybe injure a few of them.
    Once they start getting close switch back to melee weapons.

    We only have 1 torment. That's not even enough to raise a single other group.
    Also, I believe we're fresh out of corpses at the moment.
    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)22:34 No.15076961
    Kek. This has been a particularly bad day for reception, however you cannot summon anything new until either your current minions or your Imp dies, as currently you're using all of your Control. Also, they have you outnumbered about 3:2, so not too terribly.

    You do have plenty of corpses, though.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)22:34 No.15076962
    Aw man. It's getting pretty late for me. I'm going to sleep.
    Thankfully this seems to be going much better than last time.

    Just remember, if you guys continue this today don't torture the prisoners to death on the spot.
    Do this:
    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)22:48 No.15077060
    Hm. That would seem to be the last of my audience that just dried up. I suppose it's only to be expected that not every day will turn out as good as all the others.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)22:57 No.15077140

    I am here, I just was catching up. I agree about sending the demons first and having the soldiers using bows until the enemy gets closer.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)23:04 No.15077205
    Ah, excellent. Let me just calculate the battle, then...With about forty combatants all told this might take ten or fifteen minutes.
    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/27/11(Fri)23:29 No.15077440
    Apologies, above post was from me. I had cleared my name to comment on other threads.

    Your zombie minions charge to meet the enemy and, outnumbered 4:1, are almost immediately slaughtered, however they take a fair number of Gerdo with them, and your own soldiers are able to thin their ranks further with a hail of shafts. Your soldiers draw their swords and pick up their glaives as the enemy draws close, entering into a bloody melee. The transmuted swords of your Koyani Soldiers cleave through Gerdo like paper, and the vicious nature of your Koyani Recruits, augmented with the extra reach and ease of use of the glaive, makes them a fair match for their enemies. Your own impenetrable chain and natural armor also serves you well. In the end, you've taken some losses, as is to be expected when a force of sixteen (counting zombies) attacks a force of forty-five.

    Remaining in your party are:
    >2 Koyani Recruits
    >4 Koyani Soldiers

    You're also now looking at several Koyani prisoners who, having been working the fields earlier, are now staring in your direction, still in a bit of shock of the events of the past five minutes.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)23:34 No.15077488

    Gather the prisoners and equip them with armor and weapons from the soldiers that were defeated. Also be sure to get any information about additional enemies in there area from them.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)23:36 No.15077501
    Are any Kef or Gerdo left alive? We can use whatever they were using to restrain the Koyani to restrain them in turn.

    Perhaps a few words to the captives about how Ashtoreth provides to those who provide her.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)23:47 No.15077607
    Get those Koyani armed, and redistribute weapons and armor as needed: give the transmuted chainmail to one of the surviving Recruits, and make sure that the other one has Transmuted leather on.

    Check the Kef and Gerdo for those that are alive but too wounded to survive. Those will be set aside to be tortured to death.
    Any that appear that they will survive are to have their wounds staunched and bound, so that they can be put into a Torment Engine.

    Check for any other Koyani here in this labor camp.
    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/28/11(Sat)00:11 No.15077922

    The Koyani prisoners in general don't know a thing about the Kef movements, but one sneaky little fellow, no more than fourteen years old, has overheard a few things. His name's Elarn, and he's generally reviled by the rest of the Koyani prisoners. He spent most of his time kissing up to the Kef occupiers while they were here and eventually secured a position as personal valet to the commanding officer, who's now collecting maggots. He claims now that he only did it so that he could spy on them. He knows that a message came in requesting extra supplies in Veridia, and the officer assumed he must be either stockpiling for a siege or preparing to feed reinforcements coming in from Karn (2 on the map). He's also aware of the rumors of a demon-led Koyani insurgency going on in the area, but that's not much of a surprise to the demon leading it.

    You're able to arm thirty-five more Koyani Recruits from the weapons of the fallen, and another fifteen from the unused weapons in the armory. There's a total of fifty Koyani left who aren't armed. Your scouts come back late at night and inform you that Veridia has no patrols in the surrounding countryside, but they've begun constructing earth-and-wood walls, and the town itself is swarming with Kef and Gerdo.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/11(Sat)00:27 No.15078084
    Okay, we now have 100 able-bodied Koyani, but Veridia seems like it's going into lockdown and siege-mode.
    We can definitely take the last remaining village, but the problem is Veridia digging in with possible incoming reinforcements.

    I think we should send all unarmed Koyani back to our fortress, having them pick up all supplies they can carry, passing through Veridia-Green for more stuff they can carry.

    That will still leave us with 4 soldiers and 52 recruits.

    Katsi, did we recover chainmail or leather armor from the Kef?
    >> Anonymous 05/28/11(Sat)00:29 No.15078100
    Wait, maybe we shouldn't be so hasty in sending away 50 recruits; we might find enough arms to equip them in V-Y if we attack it.

    Also, I'm out for the evening, OP. See you next time.
    >> Katsi !9UacgIKB5g 05/28/11(Sat)00:46 No.15078229
    Chainmail, yes, ten suits of it. No leather, however. The Koyani recruits can't wear chainmail without penalty, you need at least Combat(2) and they only have 1.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/11(Sat)01:06 No.15078460
    Giving them the chainmail makes them more likely to survive, but also makes them nearly worthless.

    Sorry, but I can't think of what else to do; I gotta sleep. Later.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/11(Sat)01:44 No.15078792
    I agree with this plan. As an addition, though, I say we launch a few raids on the people building the walls. Nothing too serious, just a few arrows launched their way to make them much more cautious (and slowing down construction) and use up more manpower defending the walls and sending out patrols.

    This will also have a benefit of them ignoring our main force while we take the last village, then link up with our raiders to make an assault on the city itself. About 6 or 7 recruits with a soldier leading them should be enough for this mission.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/11(Sat)03:23 No.15079557
    Well, let's hope my connection's improved by tomorrow. Tonight's been terrible. Regardless, I'm off to bed. Assuming the connection problem is temporary and will go back to its usual slightly-unruly-but-perfectly-manageable self, things will pick up again at 14:00 tomorrow, as usual. If the connection actually gets worse, then I might not be able to post the thread at all. I guess we'll see. Night.

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