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  • File : 1307127980.jpg-(420 KB, 630x719, 1240696119615.jpg)
    420 KB Sisters of the Guiding Light Thread II Lumiere !K4RgZWPxvA 06/03/11(Fri)15:06 No.15146650  
    Anyone interesting in continuing work on the SOB Chapter we generated a few days ago?

    Things of Note:
    -Originally Created as a Standing Force
    -Mixed Order, though vastly the Order of the Valourous Heart
    -Unsure about the exact time of their founding, the records having been lost along the way.
    -They prefer to work alone if they can in the battlefield.
    -They are both quick to anger and to laugh, prefering quick thinking over long plans.
    -They pick thier recruits on agility and being personable.
    -Thier battle doctorine favors orbital instertion, likely by Drop Ships rather than drop pods. They also have unique Cavalry.
    -Thier Hero is a Cannoness, who was responcible for wiping out a now-unknown alien race. They speak of her with respect even now.
    -Thier home planet is both heavily urban and jungle/forested, with civilisation mixing with forest constantly. They do not rule, though they are chief advisors to those who do.
    -They are at full power, though there is always room for more.
    -Thier traditional allies are the Adeptus Mechanicus and thier for is a Daemon/Daemon Prince/Circle of Daemons who wishes to destroy them.

    More/Fluff in next post.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)15:11 No.15146671
    >thier, thier everywhere.

    What the fuck?
    >> Lumiere !K4RgZWPxvA 06/03/11(Fri)15:16 No.15146706
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    Kirin Riders:

    The Special mount of note the Sisters of the Guiding light use is the Kirin, an unusual creature that looks to be the melding of a Grox and a Horse. It is however related to neither and has a strange ability to detect the taint of chaos by scent, an ability that brought it to the attention of the Sisters.

    Allies: As they are based around light and they have a Mechanicus ally, it was suggested and generally approved that thier ally be the Divine Light Of Solex, a Mechanicus group who worship light and Lasers. This would lead to increased usage of laser based weapons in their support, in particular Hot-Shot Lascarbines being suggessted for the Kirin Riders.


    Thier planet is known as Pasiphae and it gives them thier name, having been discovered by a ship that had lost sight of the Astronomicon spotting a light through the warp that drew them in. On this planet they found both xenos worshiping a Tzeench Daemon as a Sun God but also a strange relic of older times, maybe a prototype of the Astronomicon, though with barely the power to illuminate outside it's own system, more or less useless. It is being studied by the Divine Light of Solex, and part of the reason for thier good relations.
    >> Lumiere !K4RgZWPxvA 06/03/11(Fri)15:17 No.15146711

    Oh damnation. Sorry, it's a word I frequently mess up, and copy-paste did not help.
    >> Lumiere !K4RgZWPxvA 06/03/11(Fri)15:23 No.15146752

    Araceli Cortés was decided as the name for the Cannoness, as they have a Spanish Conquistador feel. She was the Cannoness who led the purge of the Xenos and their foul master in the taking of the planet.

    Drop Ships:

    As they generated Orbital Insertion but are not marines, Drop Ships are under concideration. Less Quick than drop pods but seen more with humans and more heavily armed, most likely with their favored lasers.
    >> Lumiere !K4RgZWPxvA 06/03/11(Fri)15:24 No.15146762
    I'll never forget the day the light returned to our world, carried in by women in radiant armor that shone with a brightness on the God-Emperor could bestom, far greater than any mere star could hope to shine. They came down from the sky to deliver the light that would drive out of the mutant and heretic that had darkened our fair cities, riding upon swift and fearless antlered steeds of golden hued scales with weapons that shot searingly bright golden rays. There was nothing they heretical filth could do stop them, their light was too strong.

    I remember too, the fear that gripped my heart when they brought their light to the streets to purge the mutant. I had heard rumors of these sisters ruthlessness when it came to cleansing the unclean, and while in my heart I knew I deserved only punishment for failing the Emperor in the defense of this world, my mind knew only fear. I had been reduced to a meager urchin of the streets eking out a living, hoping that one day I might once again serve under His holy light but I knew that I had been stained. I resolved myself that I would accept whatever fate they deemed me worthy of and that in the end the Emperor would recieve my soul.

    ...but when they cleared out the hovel I had been reduced to living in, they did not cleanse me with their light though they were prepared to. It was their holy steeds that saved me. I now realize they mighty creature had been blessed by the Emperor to smell the taint of evil upon a man for they creature moved between myself and the woman of the light and stood staunchly in defense of the worth I did know I had. They were surprised to find someone who had remained pure of heart while others around me had fallen to heresy and mutation, and they commended me on my faith to which I could only weep tears of eternal thanks that I once again be allowed to serve the Emperor.

    I now help spread his Light to those still shrouded in the dark, just as the Sisters of the Guiding Light led me to it.
    >> Lumiere !K4RgZWPxvA 06/03/11(Fri)15:26 No.15146774
    Pasiphae is a shining jewel of emerald forests and cities that shine like silver and gold, a prized world of exemplary faith and servitude to the Imperium. The planet remains ever lit and has no true night, thanks to the system's main star having captured (or possibly they've always been there) three small white dwarf stars near the end of their life that orbit in a manner so that Pasiphae's dark side always has one of them shining on it. Because of this, the night is not dark, only composed of a soft twilight in comparison to the glorious radiance of its day. To add to this, ancient technological relics can be found in orbit that are composed of vast arrays of mirrors that can allow for sunlight to be beamed as desired.

    The world is composed of several small continents with seas that seem more like colossal rivers than proper oceans stretching between them. Almost the entire surface of Pasiphae is covered with verdant green forests that are composed of towering trees to create several layers of canopies that can sometimes reach over thousands of meters (particularly around the equator). Urban settlements have built themselves in around these truly behemoth networks trees to provide an almost surreal landscape that sets it apart from other civilized worlds.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)15:27 No.15146778
    >SOB Chapter

    Aren't the Convents or Orders or something?
    >> Lumiere !K4RgZWPxvA 06/03/11(Fri)15:27 No.15146781
    Despite all this, the true value of Pasiphae lies in the Temple of Divine Radiance, a technological relic that can be likened to a miniature Astronomicon, of no use of it's own but a source of hope to the Mechanicus and the Sisters alike built upon the world's northern pole like a crown of light. This great relic, and those found in orbit above, are cared for by the Divine Light of Solex of the Adeptus Mechanicus and guarded under the watchful eyes of the Adepta Sororitas Order of the Guiding Light.

    Pasiphae was not always such a blessed place, as the technological relics and the world itself once was tainted by xeno hads that had stolen it from it's original human colonists shortly after the 31st Millennium. The world and it's enslaved human populace toiled under the hands of their xeno masters until by the will of the God-Emperor the combined forces of the Divine Light of Solex and the Order of the Guiding Light reclaimed it.
    >> Lumiere !K4RgZWPxvA 06/03/11(Fri)15:29 No.15146797

    ...this really isn't my night...

    Things to work on:

    -Fluff mostly. There is a little, mostly baseline so far but the Order is largely unfluffed.
    -Ideas for dropships and such
    -My damn spelling and grammar.
    >> Lumiere !K4RgZWPxvA 06/03/11(Fri)15:31 No.15146808
    On the topic of Dropships, both Stormravens and ones that act like uparmoured and upgunned drop pods in the FA slot have been suggested.

    Previous Thread
    >> Spawn_More_Synaps 06/03/11(Fri)15:31 No.15146809
    Ohh! someone else did already start a SoB homebrew, wow I'm being stupid today.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)15:33 No.15146825
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)15:40 No.15146889

    If they have the Light of Solex as planetary allies, why not have them support the SOB Transport Ships with local ships? Maybe a Flagship Gothic? Lance, Lances everywhere. It would appeal to both groups love of lasers.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)15:47 No.15146942

    Stormravens don't sit right with me. They are very much Marine-only so far.

    Perhaps the boading ship that Imperials use in BFG, though that may have the issue of being a Superheavy and unstatted.
    >> Lumiere !K4RgZWPxvA 06/03/11(Fri)15:56 No.15147008

    A Gothic that acts as support could work. It fits with the Divine Light's focus.

    Agreed with you on the Stormravens, though I have no idea about other dropships, as 40k rarely uses them and I don't think Thunderhawks are an option.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)15:57 No.15147014
    Imperials use the SHark Assault Boat

    Which is a voidfighter and last I checked not meant for planetary use.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)16:01 No.15147046

    Have any imperial dropships besides the Stormraven ever been mentioned?
    >> Shock 06/03/11(Fri)16:02 No.15147062
    Glad to see you guys are still around. I'll help in anyway I can.

    Have you got a colour scheme sorted out yet?

    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)16:07 No.15147094

    They are based off the Order of the Valourous Heart primarily, though they are a mixture so we don't need to stick to close.

    Valourous heart uses red, black and white, mainly black. Pretty Standard Issue for Sisters.

    I was thinking perhaps white armour, orange cloth and gold trim? Try to get a 'flame' effect, though much more 'Warming flame' than 'hellfire and brimstone'
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)16:09 No.15147110

    Could work. I like the idea of a flame effect, though it may be a little tricky to achieve, especially with that painter.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)16:14 No.15147159
    Caestus Assault Ram, Thunderhawk

    Imperial Guard tends not to use "combat" dropships (Valkyrie is in-atmo only) so they wouldn't have much.

    SoB are also not used as shock-and-awe troops in general like SM (more like elite troops ala Storm Troopers) so I don't see why they need a void-to-surface lander...
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)16:17 No.15147174

    Unfortunetly these ones rolled up 'Orbital Insertion' as thier prefered method of combat, so we are sorta figuring something out in that regard. Unfortunetly there isn't really that much that isn't 'Mareens only' more or less.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)16:23 No.15147225

    Actually, the Caestus Assault Ram would be possible. According to forge world:

    "There are many patterns of Assault Ram in use across the Imperium, but among the Space Marine Chapters, the multi-role Caestus is the most commonplace."

    Assault Rams are in use all over the Imperium, and the Caestus isn't marine exclusive.

    In addition, it's transport capacity doesn't make Terminators count double, so it could likely carry a Sister and her mount for the Kirin Riders.
    >> Lumiere !K4RgZWPxvA 06/03/11(Fri)16:28 No.15147262

    Could work. I do like the idea of a Dropship that smashes right through the enemy to deliver it's payload of conquistador sisters.
    >> Glassberg Never 06/03/11(Fri)16:31 No.15147291
    Yeah, there were some mentioned in Gaunt's Ghosts- they were big enough to hold a platoon or so, I think, but they had no guns. Then there were the landers for company-sized units, but that was only after the area was secure because they tend to blow up.

    Of course this was the book where they assault FROM SPACE and land on a beach in front of a seawall.
    >> Glassberg Never 06/03/11(Fri)16:34 No.15147312
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    Even in the 41st millennium I'm sure more than a few people will be caught off guard by cavalry running out of a dropship.

    >mfw i have no face
    >> Lumiere !K4RgZWPxvA 06/03/11(Fri)16:36 No.15147326

    Cavalry in power armour thank you very much. Likely with laser guns and flamethrowers too.
    >> Lumiere !K4RgZWPxvA 06/03/11(Fri)16:39 No.15147358

    wait...they picked a beach...when they were coming from space...why?

    *Realises I just posted about power armoured, laser and fire shooting conquistadors on the back of scaly horses*

    I retract that question.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)16:44 No.15147414

    Because all thier books take place in a version of 40k where every battle is WWII or the vietnam war, with no real changes.


    I like that. Also makes thier choice in dropship an assault one, not that good for them normally but that changes with the cavalry and (Maybe) repentia, though those would likely take more than that to become viable.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)17:04 No.15147587
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    And hey, Magnamelta. Sisters are hardly opposed to Meltas.


    Something like this? I don't really think the white is bright enough, and I'm unsure about the scheme as a whole.
    >> Lumiere !K4RgZWPxvA 06/03/11(Fri)17:11 No.15147638

    Waist and lower looks fine to me, but something with the corset part doesn't look right. Maybe it's the fact that it's done with black out lines, giving us a lot of black there.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)17:12 No.15147643
    sista, why did you put your panties on your helmet?
    >> Shock 06/03/11(Fri)17:14 No.15147669

    I like it!
    >> Lumiere !K4RgZWPxvA 06/03/11(Fri)17:19 No.15147712

    +5 BS if FFG is right.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)17:42 No.15147905

    With the riders, what are we looking at? Clearly there would be power armour but what could you give them to let them actually match up to even tacticals in close combat? Hunting Lances, or something different?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)17:49 No.15147955

    The original idea was Hot-Shot Carbines, something like 12 inches STR 3, AP 3 Assault 2. Give them a better than average ranged punch for assault troops. Likely put meltaguns and flamers as options there too.

    The other idea was to make the mount, as it's a good bit bigger and tougher than the horse, work like a smaller Thunderwolf. +1 STR, +1 T +1 A. That would make them match up with marines with bolt pistol and chainsword in melee.

    However, we don't really have any idea about what to use for the melee weapon. I like the look of the lance but hunting lances are...well, they are ok, just grenade on a stick seems a little crude.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)17:54 No.15148008

    Perhaps power lances? There are power spears, as demonstrated by the Grey Knights, perhaps power lances for the Sisters?

    If that makes them too expecive, perhaps limit them light hunting lances to the first round of combat only? It's hard to use a lance in melee after the charge. A round of Init 6 Str 4 has shown with grey knights to be rather effective, especially if they are each getting 3 attacks (2 Base +1 charge)
    >> Lumiere !K4RgZWPxvA 06/03/11(Fri)18:04 No.15148083

    Power lances would work nicely, though them+faith powers would get more than a little mean at times. Oh hi thar, we have init 8 Lances! Or just combine them with Hand of the Emperor if you really need a heap of STR 6 attacks and don't care about speed. Perhaps when you need to rape a tank up the ass.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)18:14 No.15148155

    Power lances sound awesome, and cavalry fit thier Joan of Arc feel, as well as thier conquistador one.

    Though, giving special weapons to them...those are very brave mounts if they are willing to charge after a flamer shot.
    >> The God-Emperor of Mankind 06/03/11(Fri)19:00 No.15148470
    Agonizing screams , muffled , by the chapel gates and the constant battering against them could be heard. A chapel of The Emperor. 3 lone Suroritas held up inside.
    Sister Agatha the tallest and most battlehardened of the 3 , could care less about Sister Mihaela’s Prayers in such a time, she was more preoccupied with scanning the area visually, trying to figure out how to use the surroundings best to her advantage against the coming nightmares.
    “Benches, they could be used as barrings on the windows”She thought, but they were too high up…
    “It wouldn’t work.” Caelis , intuitively replied to Agatha.
    “Damn it!” She muttered to herself.
    “We’ve got one krak and one melta grenades. That should last against the first wave.”
    “What about the Daemon, you heard it, crying out for us…It’s going to find us if we make THAT much noise….”
    “It probably did already. Our best shot is to burst rapid fire onto the heathens and storm out using the grenades as cover.”
    “Sounds almost perfect , Sister Mihaela let’s get go-“ She was brutally interrupted by the intense silence, suddenly the battering stopped, the screams were unheard and not a single sound could be heard…
    >> The God-Emperor of Mankind 06/03/11(Fri)19:01 No.15148475

    Sister Mihaela did not even flinch, she remained ever fervent in her prayer to the God-Emperor.
    Agatha glanced back from her towards Caelis, they both nodded in agreement.
    “I’ll take point” Caelis whispered as she crouched down and started slowly advancing towards the chapel doors.
    Agatha was 6 meters behind her, bolter ready. The two sisters suddenly froze as the voice of a mighty Daemon pierced the chapel, shattering all the glass windows with its echoes…

    “I hear you… I can smell your wretched stench filling the air. It is mixed with fear. Your arrogant pride,Your pathetic thoughts. Thinking yourself safe inside the chapel of your corpse god. Did you think barred doors could stop me? He can’t hear you. No one can.”
    As the daemon ended his speech the doors suddenly burst open. Splinters and debree flying everywhere. Then a horrifying wave of humans , so twisted , so mutated by the Daemonic influence they were barely even resembling their former shells, indeed the corruption of Nurgle was upon them, slick undeadish creatures accompanied by bloated monstrosities, some of them even merged together in ghastly abominations.
    The sisters opened fire. Mowing down the slow moving wave with their holy bolters. Agatha threw in a Krak grenade taking out a huge chunk of it.
    >> The God-Emperor of Mankind 06/03/11(Fri)19:02 No.15148483

    Sister Caelis was out of ammo. She quickly drew her Chainsword and rushed towards the gassious putrid mob of daemonic nurglings.With each slash a corpse fell, two more twisted figures sprouted. As Agatha was trying to provide cover fire Sister Caelis was overwhelmed by the swarm of undead townsmen but she didn’t go down without detonating her Melta grenade,taking out the last of the daemonic horde with her.
    Agatha shrieked in tears, almost in agony at the sight. She composed herself and started running towards Sister Mihaela wich was still praying fervently, Agatha’s yelling was quickly silenced as the left wall of the chapel burst open, The Daemon, a great unclean one quickly grabbed Agatha in a vice like grip by her legs.
    “Did you think you could run away?” he said as he hoisted her up towards his putrid visage.
    “Did you think I would forget about our little lamplight?”
    “Lamplight, what in the Emperor’s na-“ Agatha splurted out before being hurled away against a wall, knocking her unconscious.
    >> The God-Emperor of Mankind 06/03/11(Fri)19:03 No.15148492

    “Our little petite friend here, oh how she shines bright, The warp screams, yelps, at the sight of her, I can see it bend, haw haw haw…” The daemon continued as he advanced towards Sister Mihaela.
    The daemon approached her, almost towering her 8 times, A shadow over the Emperor’s Statue was laid where Mihaela was so fervently praying.
    “Come child” The Daemon said, as he lifted his grotesque arm preparing to strike the sister down.
    “Come meet your corpse Go-“ The daemon stuttered as he looked upon Mihaela in confusion.
    The sister had finished her prayer. As she stood up, an aura of pure golden light surrounded her, it started to shine intensly as majestic wings started to manifest upon her back. She turned towards the daemon. Holding her right hand outward towards him.
    “Mar-Kah-Sakkara!” she yelled as the light enveloped the whole town and her wings shone ever so brighter.
    The Daemon did not even have a chance to flinch a reaction. He was immediately banished, exorcised, some would say… The town was cleansed of all life.
    Agatha awoke several hours later. She tried to pull herself together, as she yelled out for Mihaela.She reached out and grabbed a nearby candleabra, using it as a crutch to pull herself up. She saw Mihaela’s body on the altars steppes.
    Agatha held Mihaela in her arms, repeatedly shaking her, trying to make her regain consciousness. She was still breathing…
    Mihaela’s right arm was burned, on the floor of the altar where she once stood, the image of her wings were imprinted on the floor with obsidian ash…
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)19:08 No.15148540

    Interesting. The only issue is that we don't really have any saints in thier backstory.

    On the other hand, judging by FFG, the faith powers are not getting much subtler and soulstorm pretty much works exactly like that.

    Good Story anyway.
    >> The God-Emperor of Mankind 06/03/11(Fri)19:09 No.15148550

    I left it on a cliffhanger, The wings burned off, they are just an ashy image, We don't know WHAT Sister Mihaela is yet ;)
    >> Lumiere !K4RgZWPxvA 06/03/11(Fri)19:14 No.15148602
    Cool Story. Though fluff may require a little work before we know where it fits into the order as a whole.
    >> The God-Emperor of Mankind 06/03/11(Fri)19:15 No.15148609

    She could be a latent Psyker ;)
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)19:20 No.15148657

    I think it's best to pass on that. Sisters and psykers don't really mix. Not an organisation you could conceal any psyker power in. I also don't think 'Hidden Latent Pyskers' is part of the theme most people seem to be going for.
    >> The God-Emperor of Mankind 06/03/11(Fri)19:24 No.15148686

    I am not going with Hidden or concealment. Id like to think she didn't even know it.

    It is a rough sketched out story. Just to show my support for this :)

    I will edit it thoroughly at some point.
    >> Lumiere !K4RgZWPxvA 06/03/11(Fri)19:35 No.15148771

    Eh, one way or another, support is good. He's a character idea tossed around in the first thread.

    Diana Maya, Priestess of the Sun.

    Due to Poor Targeting, A Strong Forcefield and possibly a little Divine Intervention Diana bears the unusual honour of being one of the few people to survive a lance strike untouched. She beheld it's magnificence for a moment before it faded. She has spent her life trying to recreate that moment, leading squads of Qilin Pistoliers into the fray, weapons blazing. Those that have fought beside her claim she has an inner glow that they have seen nowhere else.

    One Priest in a Sisters of the Guiding Light army may be upgraded into Diana Maya for + X Points.

    WS4 BS4 STR4 T4 W2 I4 A3 LD 10

    Special Rules:
    Priestess of the Light
    Bathed in Light

    Power Sword
    Power Armour
    Qilin Mount(Stats included)
    Orbital Strike Relay

    Priestess of the Light: Diana has an innate skill with laser weapons that would have made her a master techpriestess amoung the Divine Light of Solex, had she chosen a different path. She may reroll failed to wound rolls with Laser Weapons.

    Bathed In Light: Should her squad be wiped out in close combat or suffer a sweeping advance, she may immediately target a Lance Strike (As Orbital Relay) on herself. This attack will not scatter.

    I made the assumption that the mounts would give something like +1 STR +1 T +1 A, using the Thunderwolves as a base in the fact that it counts towards instantdeath.
    >> Lumiere !K4RgZWPxvA 06/03/11(Fri)19:35 No.15148780

    *here's, not he's
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)19:54 No.15148917

    Is this thread being archived?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)20:06 No.15148995

    Not to the best of my knowledge.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)21:14 No.15149555

    Here we go.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)21:45 No.15149785
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)23:29 No.15150682
    another bump.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)03:19 No.15152421
    Anyone from other time zones up for working on this?
    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)06:55 No.15153503
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    Ok, I'm from the othe Europe, but I can't help you right now with it, so I'll only bump it. I hope I'll manage to find some time to write something or to draw the attenion of drawfag to this thread.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)07:04 No.15153540
    I love the theme you've got going with this Order, the whole light motif. The Sisters need more well-known factions and characters to get GW to pay attention to them, I think.

    You know what they need? A Tech Sister ally.
    >> The God-Emperor of Mankind 06/04/11(Sat)07:17 No.15153605
    Well im from Europe too, and I am loving this homebrew.

    I written a short story involving 3 suroritas a few posts ago hoping I could build on them later. :)

    I am drawing their portraits as we speak.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)11:08 No.15154494

    Hmm...I don't think an actual techpriest Sister would work but you don't have to actually be a techpreist to be techsavy.

    Perhaps a Cannoness with a customised lascannon or such, and a little technical skill/cybernetics. I'm always in support of Sister of Battle leaders's that can actually take a ranged weapon of worth to use that good BS with.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)11:21 No.15154566

    Well, a Cannoness with a Lascannon would be pretty deadly, likely tearing a tank up every turn. Still, if you want to make the actuall weapon feel different, perhaps make her cusomised one AP1 or give her tank hunter? Both would make it more deadly against tanks in it's own way and STR 9 hardly needs a boost against non-tanks.

    Unless you want to give her a mastercrafted STR 10 AP 1 lascannon and turn her into a SOB Broadside Battlesuit. Not sure if that counts as overmuch, as STR 9 and 10 are not really that far apart and they are a special character.
    >> Shock 06/04/11(Sat)11:35 No.15154648
    Hey guys, quick verification for the wiki page.

    Are these girls the "Order of" or "Sisters of" or what?
    >> Lumiere !K4RgZWPxvA 06/04/11(Sat)11:38 No.15154672

    I believe the Official, in universe name would be The Order of the Guiding Light, with Sisters of the Guiding Light what you refer to them on a personal level. So Order for the group.
    >> The God-Emperor of Mankind 06/04/11(Sat)11:43 No.15154694

    Well sorry , I messed up it seems.


    Also, are these sisters liberal in their day to day lives? As in, are they allowed to become infatuated with someone, or is it something the Order looks down upon?
    >> Lumiere !K4RgZWPxvA 06/04/11(Sat)11:46 No.15154717

    Eh, either name works, it just changes what you are talking about to the Sisters in the order, rather than the order as an organisation, still valid.

    And that? It's been covered about as much as it has with the Sisters in general, or really 40k in general, not at all.
    >> The God-Emperor of Mankind 06/04/11(Sat)11:49 No.15154737

    Alright, Ill steer clear of the love interest story.

    Right. May I continue to expand on Agatha and Mihaela?
    >> Lumiere !K4RgZWPxvA 06/04/11(Sat)11:51 No.15154748

    Just as much right to do so as anyone else to work on anything, it's a community project afterall. Go for it.
    >> The God-Emperor of Mankind 06/04/11(Sat)11:59 No.15154807

    Since you are the one that started this awesome thing, Im going to have to ask you to sort out the fluff in a leasible manner before I start building onto it.

    Just so that we can avoid eventual conflicts like "Oh but the Daemonic cult that we are fighting is Khronate not Nurgle."

    Also , are we based around this sector?


    It would be swell if we could manage to bring in here as many homebrews as possible. For the Joint community effort.
    >> Lumiere !K4RgZWPxvA 06/04/11(Sat)12:05 No.15154864

    So far, from what we have worked out, thier demonic enemy is Tzeenchian and pissed about the purging of it's xenos minions. Still, I'll go over this thread and the last one and see if I can get the core of the fluff sorted out. I'll update the wiki when done so, as it's late here and I really need to get a couple of hours sleep.

    Also, it would be cool if we could join up with the tiji sector, as there is not anything to lock us into any sector currently and it gives the best chance for getting some cooperative or combative fluff with other interesting groups.
    >> God-Emperor of Mankind 06/04/11(Sat)12:46 No.15155071
    Personally I find that the lighter you keep the love and romance interests the more impact they have if you actually flush them out
    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)12:49 No.15155089
    Event Horizon is Warp Storm in Tiji Sector that sends "Second Light" through Warp, sometimes misguiding ships and trapping them. Maybe Sisters will somehow want to prevent that? Maybe they have some connection to the destruction of planet?

    ...or maybe we shall abandon the idea of connecting it to Tiji?
    >> The God-Emperor of Mankind 06/04/11(Sat)13:01 No.15155161

    We'd like to bring as many homebrews into Tiji sector. And OP agrees. Feel free to fluff out how this Order of Sisters ends up there.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)13:06 No.15155184
    kirin cavalry based on spanish conquistador cavalry armed with hotshot lascarbines resembling the muskets that they used

    all bathed in glorious light
    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)13:46 No.15155387

    also i think it was brought up that these sisters weren't big on bolters or flamers, prefering all sorts of delicious lasers
    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)13:48 No.15155406
    maybe just put them and their mini-astronomicon as some new planets by extending the map of tiji sector south some so we can add more room for new stuff without having to go all clusterfuck
    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)13:51 No.15155427

    FUND IT.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)14:20 No.15155599
    currently colouring pic of what i think kirin cavalry look liek

    i'm no technomancer but i shall do drawfags proud
    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)14:59 No.15155834
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    >> The God-Emperor of Mankind 06/04/11(Sat)15:01 No.15155853

    Oh my.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)15:03 No.15155875

    That looks great! Is it possible for you to clean the image up a little? Looks good, but it's very sketchy and scribbly.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)15:06 No.15155899
    .. unfortunately my skill levels are not high enough to clean up the drawing since it would require trying out a whole new way of doing it

    sorry anon
    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)16:40 No.15156669

    Fuck year. Saved.
    >> The God-Emperor of Mankind 06/04/11(Sat)18:14 No.15157494
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    Mihaela's burned arm, bandaged by the Medicus ( Medicae?) and sanctioned by the Inquisition.

    What is going on ? ;)
    >> Lumiere !K4RgZWPxvA 06/04/11(Sat)18:30 No.15157661

    Oh hell yes.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)18:37 No.15157723

    Sounds like the simplist option, after all sectors are pretty damn huge, plenty of room.


    I think bolters are stil going to be thier usual weapon, you will just see a lot more lasers as special weapons or heavy weapons.

    Maybe make celestians more useful buy giving them access to a Long Las each. It's a good rifle las weapon that fits muskets better than a basic lasgun. Also would be very useful TT wise.
    >> Magi 06/04/11(Sat)19:39 No.15158232
    I'd draw something for this but I dont know what.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)19:41 No.15158254
    maybe a sister with a techpreist from the Divine Light of Solex with some orbital death lasers bombarding something in the background
    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)19:48 No.15158310

    Planet with huge temple/device/altar seen from Pasiphae orbit, as in >>15146774
    >> The God-Emperor of Mankind 06/04/11(Sat)19:56 No.15158389

    Maybe you'd be interested in drawing one or two of the character portraits from this story im working on?

    >> Magi 06/04/11(Sat)20:04 No.15158452
    I'll have a little go at this, Sisters arnt really my speciality but i'll do my best.
    >> The God-Emperor of Mankind 06/04/11(Sat)20:10 No.15158499

    All 3 of the sisters have long hair btw, and I must ask, are you going to do a before , or after the battle drawing?

    If its after the battle, one of the sisters, Mihaela, has an arm sanctioned by the Inquisition like so >>15157494
    >> Magi 06/04/11(Sat)20:19 No.15158592
    During, was my idea. Mid killing of nurgle creatures.
    >> The God-Emperor of Mankind 06/04/11(Sat)20:24 No.15158630

    Oh alright! Thank you, that sounds great.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)20:33 No.15158720
    Wait wait, these sisters have a conquistador feeling. their enemy is a daemon prince.

    Should they be opposed to the Iron tyrants, an aztec themed khorne chaos marine warband with a penchant for sacrificing people?

    >> Magi 06/04/11(Sat)20:56 No.15158926
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    Progress: so I went for a more character portrait thing instead.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)21:01 No.15158962

    The only real issue I can see there is that I think we figured the enemy was a Tzeench Daemon, though that could be changed.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)21:28 No.15159227
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    >> Magi 06/04/11(Sat)21:52 No.15159479
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    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)01:28 No.15161031
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    rolled 39 = 39

    bump for interest
    >> The God-Emperor of Mankind 06/05/11(Sun)04:29 No.15162406

    I like it, thanks
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)07:18 No.15163528
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    It must live another day.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)08:31 No.15163871
    friendly bump.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)09:32 No.15164200
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    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)11:25 No.15164886
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    >> Iron Tyrants 06/05/11(Sun)17:12 No.15167528
    Just wanted to know whether you guys want to continue with the enemy being the iron tyrants, or just keep them separate.
    >>15166813 for iron tyrants thread
    >> Lumiere !K4RgZWPxvA 06/05/11(Sun)19:21 No.15168446

    As long as no one else has any issues with it, sounds cool to me. They would be great enemies.
    >> The God-Emperor of Mankind 06/05/11(Sun)19:24 No.15168469

    I can always change the Daemons from Nurgle to Khorne :). Just say the word Lumiere and I shall do some writefagging.
    >> Lumiere !K4RgZWPxvA 06/05/11(Sun)19:25 No.15168481

    Heh. Khorne is always good, and it would fit there.
    >> The God-Emperor of Mankind 06/05/11(Sun)19:27 No.15168492

    Okay swell. Now I just need to have a decent base to build up on, would you mind setting the page up for this Order, with information regarding its history , founding, persons of note etc?
    >> Lumiere !K4RgZWPxvA 06/05/11(Sun)19:35 No.15168556

    Sure, can do.
    >> The God-Emperor of Mankind 06/05/11(Sun)19:41 No.15168610

    its 2:40 AM here. Im going to check back tommorow.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)19:57 No.15168750
    For the mounted sisters, perhaps furious charge would be a good way to represent the actual charging of the cavalry, as the Conquistador forces still used Cavalry charges with lances.

    though that might unbalance them.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)20:26 No.15168985

    I think that really depends how we stat them and thier weapons.

    And hey, no one bitches about the Imperial Guard Special Character who gives rough riders furious charge.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)20:41 No.15169086

    Yes but that's because Rough Riders kinda suck. I'm hoping these won't. Power Armour is a good kick in the right direction, as it means small arms are going to be less of a problem.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)00:45 No.15171290

    How do the impact hits from cavalry in fantasy work? Pehaps we could give them a impact rather than giving them more Str and Init.

    Or simply give a bonus attack on the charge or something. Something to make them better at charging than holding.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)08:42 No.15174174

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