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06/12/11(Sun)02:04 No.15237917 File1307858648.jpg-(125 KB, 408x299, Gorloc.jpg)
 I'm no doctor, I'm an accountant, really, part of a big group of traveling fellows from all walks of life. We've been invited to help settle a small town on the shores of some distant jungle continent down south, among us specialists in herbs, exotic creatures, relics, art dealers, all sorts of 'support staff' for the teams already sent in. Anyway, I'm the bookkeeper, so I get sucked in to help out most everyone around here with odd jobs.
We got a little native creature in today, one of the adventurers carried it back into town after it had wandered into his camp and passed out. I've never seen something like it before, kind of a toad crossed with a fish, with the curiosity of a child. I'm not well traveled, but I think it must have been something related to the Sahaugin or Kuo Toa I've read about, but gentler, somehow, despite its heritage. Some kind of naive backwater tribe of the fishmen, I suppose.
Anyway, the thing has gone and gotten his arm caught in a trap set by one of the local hunters, I'd imagine, or something else out there. I'm not sure what sort of trap is was, but the arm was mangled pretty bad. I think it must have tried to grab bait on the trap and then simply just pulled its arm away when it got caught. The docs here patched him up best they can, making a splint and using simple herbs to help with infection, but we're not too sure what else to do. I've sketched out the little guy, although his cute nature doesn't really translate into the drawing. I wonder if any of you well-traveled doctors can tell me what this is? It was greenish purple, sort of hops along instead of walks, and has a curiously large mouth and a big tongue that seems to just hover in there when it speaks. It's mostly just patchwork right now, we're hoping to to restore full use of the arm.
Also, if you could tell me more about the scaled folk and trolls you've encountered, I'd imagine that'd help me out a bit too in the future. |