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!Wz87.gYWh. 06/15/11(Wed)19:30 No.15279421 File1308180656.jpg-(24 KB, 564x151, continued.jpg)
The next days are hectic, with Aino shuttling between the Mansion, Four Freedoms Plaza, and the Binh household. Her work keeps her busy, as we see a page-long montage of the scientists making more use of her and Sam throughout the week, while she becomes an increasingly familiar sight in the Binh's apartment. Before she knows it the week is over, and her full-time job working for Dr. Richards comes to a close as the summer session of Professor Xavier's school draws near.
"OK, sweetie, you be good! Love you!" Mrs. Binh calls as you and Sam climb out of her car at the steps of the Mansion. "Bye, Mom! Love you!" Sam hollers back, rolling her eyes as she looks at you. "Parents. Gotta humor 'em."
The two of you walk up the path to the steps as Sam's mom drives off, but as you reach for the doorhandle it opens, and Clarissa stands on the inside!
"Ohmygoshyouguysaren'tgonnabelievethis!" she blurts out, frantically.
"Whoa, whoa, slow down, tiger, what's the problem?" Sam asks, reflexively floating up into the air. "More Sentinels? Dinosaurs? Killer clowns?"
"They're bringing the students from the Massachusetts Academy down here for the summer! You know, the school Ms. Frost runs?"
"So?" Sam asks.
"So?" Clarissa asks irately. "Have you ever *met* those kids-"
She stops and looks past the two of you, down the driveway to where a long black limousine turns and rolls through the open gate toward the Mansion. As it approaches, it slows and stops with the passenger side facing you. A moment later, the door opens and Ms. Frost steps out.
"Good morning, children. Say hello to your new friends."
With that, the doors open, and seven people roughly your own age step out - three young women and four young men!
"So this is Xavier's class?" one of them asks, scowling at you. "No wonder they're second-best." |