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  • File : 1309724479.jpg-(88 KB, 800x600, 1305615164051.jpg)
    88 KB Bodysnatcher Quest 13 Brain In A Jar 07/03/11(Sun)16:21 No.15462422  
    ou are a strange creature, capable of taking over other lifeforms to serve as your vessel. Your current host, Jack Winters, was unbeknownst to you a drug addict, and overdosed on speedball. To survive, you bonded with him, but this damaged you, leaving you separated from the bodysnatcher command structure. An individual by accident, you are hunted by the cyborg aliens, the forces guided by the illuminati called the Wise, and your own kin.

    You tracked down Catherine, only to find that the infection was much further progressed than you expected, likely confusing her, making her feral. After subduing her, you returned, and rested, awakening to find Kellery back in shape, without any obvious damage left over.
    >> Brain In A Jar 07/03/11(Sun)16:21 No.15462428
    Your known abilities are:
    - reinforcing your muscle and bone tissue, making you several times stronger,faster and tougher
    - growing weapons from your arms, limited to one on each arm in any combination:a hooked, double edged blade on your forearm, claws or a spike that springs out from your wrist underneath your palm
    - hardening your skin into thick,segmented bone plate armor, and growing a membrane under your skin, that contains fluid that hardens on impact
    - absorbing ingested organic material, that you can use to increase muscle and bone density(animal tissue is the most effective)
    - the ability to call forth your host's memories, skills and knowledge
    - altering your appearance, includin skin\hair\eye colour, facial features, height, build, and gender, though the more elaborate the change is, the more time and effort it takes.
    - producing almost any kind of drug,poison or acid in liquid form, including sedatives, that you can deliver either at high pressure from an opening that can be created anywhere on your body, or through the wristspike.
    - emitting pheromones that influence humans
    - sensing the mind-link of bodysnatchers
    - enhanced senses, capable of switching to different spectrums (infravision, ultrasound, noise filterin, etc.)
    - fiber-optic nervous system, allowing you to ignore pain to some extent, and speeding up your reflexes by orders of magnitude
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)16:22 No.15462431
    no ou
    >> Brain In A Jar 07/03/11(Sun)16:24 No.15462445
    Sitting at the kitchen table, you feel that less and less of what the Professor is telling you registers, and slowly start to sog against the table. The warm summer light shining through the window coupled with Daisy's laughing coming from the back yard fill you with a sense of security, Kellery's drone lulling you back to sleep.

    That is until a feeling grips you, radiating through your whole being, like your nerves being doused in icy water, incredibly cold yet burning like fire. It is followed by a presence warping and twisting the mind-link around you with it's sheer weight, like a gargantuan black figure looming above the horizon. You can catch a small voice, Daisy's, reaching through the chaos, feeble for a moment, then arriving with much more force. "SHE'S AWAKE!"

    Wat do?
    >> Brain In A Jar 07/03/11(Sun)16:26 No.15462460
    Yeah, I copy these from a txt, and sometimes bits at the start go missing.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)16:35 No.15462530
    Go see Catherine. Don't morph weapons or armor yet, but be ready to do this any moment. And make haste, she may escape again.
    Also, try to contact her through mind link. Homever, seeing her influence on it, I doubt we will succeed.
    >> Brain In A Jar 07/03/11(Sun)16:57 No.15462705
    You force yourself to stay calm, your body almost outright rebelling against your orders, every fibre of your being screaming for you to immediately fight this being, or flee with all your might. Every step you make is a struggle, and it feels like an eternity goes by before you arrive in the next room.

    Catherine is sitting on the edge of the sofa, hands in her lap, staring in the air with a dazed look. The air almost crackles with the intesity of what she is doing, feeling like a maelstrom of information, bits and pieces reaching you. You catch a dizzying array of names, satellite images, floorplans, blueprints, mechanical designs and concepts, all a mere fraction of what she experiences.

    She looks up at you with cold, glowing metallic eyes, the stream of data slightly faltering. "Jack? I think something's wrong with me. I feel... cold."
    >> Brain In A Jar 07/03/11(Sun)17:08 No.15462808
    >Anyone? Reactions, ideas, etc.? Looks like I'm in for a slow night...
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)17:10 No.15462815
    Oh dear. This will be tough. All things she came through recently are nothing compared to this. If she still had any chance of returning to her familiy, friends and normal life, it vanished now. And it's our fault. I'm afraid she won't take it well...
    We don't need another enemy. We must comfort her. And find another hiding place, we can't stay here forever. Then, sleep. Exhaustion is catching up with us.

    By the way, is anybody else here?
    >> Brain In A Jar 07/03/11(Sun)17:13 No.15462837
    >Oh boy, I forgot.
    Previous threads archived here:
    >> Brain In A Jar 07/03/11(Sun)17:23 No.15462916
    Bumping once for other players.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)17:26 No.15462933
    Oh good. got home just in time. Was worried yesterday with all of the outages.
    >> Brain In A Jar 07/03/11(Sun)17:33 No.15462969
    >Moving along
    She stands up, stepping closer to you. "I don't breathe anymore." It's true, now that the initial shock and panic is gone, you hear that she is in fact not drawing breath to speak, and tuning your ears, you can discern that her voice is expertly synthetised, the difference inaudible to humans.

    "I should be scared, disturbed, something, shouldn't I? But, it all feels removed, unimportant. Everything does. I'm not human anymore. Not Catherine Abbey. Someone, something else." Her expression is melancholic, ponderous, but lacking all the strong emotions she used to exhibit.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)17:34 No.15462984
    >We don't need another enemy. We must comfort her. And find another hiding place, we can't stay here forever. Then, sleep. Exhaustion is catching up with us.

    Seconding all of this. Also I'm almost certain she may have just broadcast our position to both sides. Or just one if we're lucky.

    No we're not that lucky. But running will be useless if Cath isnt in control when we try to relocate.
    >> Brain In A Jar 07/03/11(Sun)17:38 No.15463004
    >Anything specific you want to say, or will you just go wtih general comforting?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)17:46 No.15463055
    "I'm not human anymore. Not Catherine Abbey. Someone, something else."
    We know that feeling. Her situation is similiar, if not identical, to ours. I say we should tell her about us, who we really are. We're individual, but we're not supposed to. We have no past, no personality, no self. All we know comes from our fragmented memories and shattered remains of human mind we absorbed. Even we are not sure if our we really care about others or are just using them. We shouldn't be.
    And yet, here we are. And we're not going to just lie down and die.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)17:50 No.15463080
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    "I know what you're going through to some extent. I dont think I'm really Jack Winters anymore. It may not really seem like much but there's still something of you left. If we, if I had just sat back and done nothing you would have died. Then again maybe this whole mess is my fault."

    Blarg. best I can come up with, not really that comforting I guess.
    >> Brain In A Jar 07/03/11(Sun)17:58 No.15463145
    "I see. Would you mind if I tried something?" You cautiously nod, and she grabs your hand, giving it a squeeze. You squeeze back, and she breaks the hold, lifting the hand in front of her face, looking at it a strange expression.

    "This used to feel like something important, you know? I used to feel such hope, exaltation, even only a day or two ago. Now, nothing. Void. Do *you* feel something, Jack? Will it come back?" You feel like you're looking at a stranger, her face a lifeless mask, eyes dead and inhuman.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)18:16 No.15463322
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    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)18:17 No.15463335
    "I'm afraid of you, of the creature you became. That's only thing I'm certain of. Beside that... I don't know. Maybe I'm sad that this happened to you, maybe I'm happy that I gained an useful tool. Are those feelings mine, or do they belong to whatever remained of Jack? Are they true, or just a lie? Am I even capable of feeling something, outside of basic instincts implanted in me? I wasn't created with such thoughts in mind. I'm just as confused as you."

    Damn, we're getting philosophical. I'm not complaining, just noticing.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)18:36 No.15463540
    "Oh. I see. You're not going to be much help. Maybe that Professor. But it doesn't matter anymore, what's done is done. Catherine is dead." Whatever you may have felt is blown away, terror and revulsion filling you instead, the precise, crisp, matter-of-fact tone of her words like frozen clumps of earth falling on a coffin.

    "And I'm here." She smiles quizzically. "Did you know? I can access every system on and around the planet that is wirelessly connected in any way, however remotely." She lifts an open palm into the air. "The whole infrastructure of the world, in my grasp." She closes the hand into a fist.
    >> Brain In A Jar 07/03/11(Sun)18:37 No.15463549
    This is me.
    >> Brain In A Jar 07/03/11(Sun)18:57 No.15463711
    Bumping for players.

    >Also, if the case with Kellery didn't make it clear, shifts in tone, characteristics and speechpatterns are intentional.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)18:58 No.15463713
    Well, crap. We must keep an eye on her. Now, she's working *with* us, not *for* us. She's just as dangerous as we, maybe even more. I even considered killing her right now, but she's way too useful.
    "Then put that power to some use. For example, find the Fools. I want some answers from them."

    One question to Brain: If we change our host, do we keep all knowledge from previous one? I'm asking, because that may be time. My plan is to find the Fools, kidnap Doc, escape somewhere safe and infect him for information. Much more effective than interrogation. Homever, first we must find some place where we can hide for days (I know that this will take days, maybe weeks) and inform Kellery and Daisy about our nature. The former is difficult, but not terribly so. The latter... I can't say.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)19:03 No.15463779
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    Okay moving on. There are three major powers that are going to want to track us down and either study, dissect or kill. Not necessarily in that order.
    Is it possible for someone to track her when she's accessing the global networks? I remember one story where someone could wirelessly hook into practically the entire internet in CP2020 remotely but it tended to attract attention.
    >> Brain In A Jar 07/03/11(Sun)19:04 No.15463795
    You would keep all the memories already brought to surface/used, and probably some others as well. The information gleaned from a new host will probably be different, the relationship of the host's brain and you could change depending on the specifics of the bonding.

    Jack is unique in that he is completely open to you, the circumstances forced you to try and protect as much of his brain as possible to keep you alive during the healing. Most bodysnatchers take over much larger parts of the brain.
    >> Brain In A Jar 07/03/11(Sun)19:09 No.15463836
    Awww, don't be sad. Who knows what the future holds in store for likely-not-Catherine? ( I really should stop doing horrible, horrible things to my fictional characters.)

    She could possibly be tracked, but she isn't connecting properly to the internet/aether, she has a very, let's just say unique way of doing things. So the answer, as usual, is a definite maybe.
    >> Magus O'Grady 07/03/11(Sun)19:16 No.15463908
    "I know how you feel. You're almost Catherine, just like I'm almost Jack. The names are as accurate as any, so I suggest we continue using them. Now, tell me how much you remember."
    >> Brain In A Jar 07/03/11(Sun)19:25 No.15463979
    "Everything. Everything I, or the person that used to inhibit this body, experienced, thought, learned. By all rights, I should be her. But the memories are distant. They feel fake, or something that another person experienced. No connection whatsoever."

    She seems mostly cool and indiferrent about it, but you notice something, a longing perhaps? It reminds you of the first days, when you were looking for an identity, a place or side to belong to.
    >> Brain In A Jar 07/03/11(Sun)19:33 No.15464055
    >Anything else anyone want's to ask her? Or should I move on with >>15463713?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)19:39 No.15464104
    "So... what now? You can't just return to normal life and pretend nothing happened, it's way too late for that. You are now force to be reckoned with, but you're alone. Both aliens species see you as abomination, the Wise will try to capture and dissect you, and the Fools... well, God knows what they're planning. So... what now? What are you going to do? What's your goal? Who will aid you?"
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)19:40 No.15464117
    Well we should really talk to the professor before trying to track down the Doc.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)19:45 No.15464151
    If she says something like "and you?"
    "As for me... well, for now I'm trying to figure out what's going on. We still have very vague idea about the big picture."
    "It seems you are stuck with us. We're both trying to survive in a world where everybody wants to kill or use us and we have no other allies, so we must cooperate. Do we have an agreement?"
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)19:47 No.15464161
    Sounds fine. We must inform Kellery about situation before doing anything. Then, track down the Fools.
    >> Hork Hinklesmiff AKA anus !EheB1.mG7c 07/03/11(Sun)19:47 No.15464170
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    Some species like to think they are superior to others, but the truth is every race has it's advantages. For humans, their utter stupidity and ease of putting faith into something with little or no evidence can be a strength. Take Hork, for example.

    From a young age Hork knew he was different. Born in sweden, he was trained to be in the swiss guard from the age of six. The swiss guard upheald the duty of protecting the pope, and his while life he was tought that this was his purpose. Then, at the age of 19, something miraculous happened---Hork found he had the inate ability to shoot diarrhea from his fingertips. Hork decided to be a super hero, adoning the name "Heinous Anus" and fighting to protect peace and virtue everywhere.

    Recently Hork, or Anus as he was now called, heard rumors of an alien race threatening his planet. He has set out to stop it, trusting fully in the power spewing from his fingertips.
    >> Brain In A Jar 07/03/11(Sun)20:00 No.15464262
    >Darn it, my plan to make you question myself anticipated!
    "A fair point. So very different, and yet we're in the same boat. An alliance then. For now." She holds out her hand, and you shake it. You can't help but notice that her skin is made from some kind of strange material, reminding you of polymers.

    You shout out into the kitchen. "Prof, could you come in for a second." She walks in, preparing for the worst from what you can judge from her posture. After a short explanation, she seems to ease up a bit, taking a second to consider things. She is still keeping her distance, though.

    "Taking into account her capabilities -just a rough estimate expanded from what we know, mind-, she should be capable of avoiding detection. Even if the Wise would find that someone tampered with things, they couldn't easily triangulate her position."
    >> Brain In A Jar 07/03/11(Sun)20:00 No.15464269
    >question myself= question yourself
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)20:05 No.15464303
    So Cath, I'm thinking we should find you something to eat that your body can make the most of. I for one dont really want a repeat of earlier.
    >> Hork Hinklesmiff AKA anus !EheB1.mG7c 07/03/11(Sun)20:06 No.15464308
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    Hork sets foot off the plane, finally landing down in manhatten.
    "Man, sure is BOOORING around here!"
    He takes a few steps foreward, pulling out his Iphone and dialing his American contact, Steve.
    "Ey man, dis is steve, wazzzzuuup!"
    Hork smiled. Steve always put him in a better mood.
    "Hey steve, this is Hork. I need a taxi and the location of the local police station.
    "Right up hork my man!"
    Hork closed the call, looking up at the sky with eyes that could melt the sun.
    He would make these aliens pay for killing his father.
    >> Brain In A Jar 07/03/11(Sun)20:09 No.15464333
    Yeah, could I ask you to attempt your derail elsewhere? It's really not funny enough.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)20:12 No.15464350
    Okay, so what do we do? Hack the Wise or try to find the Fools? Or maybe do neither and search for hiding place instead?

    Good point. Let's ask her what she needs to sustain herself. If she doesn't know, we must find out some time.
    >> Hork Hinklesmiff AKA anus !EheB1.mG7c 07/03/11(Sun)20:14 No.15464364
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    But Hork is srs face.
    Fine fine, just because I like /tg/. But hork would have made a big difference, and a good one---you sure you want me to leave?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)20:22 No.15464416
    >you sure you want me to leave?
    I say let's try to find the Fools. If that doesn't works out, try the Wise isntead, though I have no idea what we should seek. After that, it's time to think about changing our base. Sooner or later owners of this house will return, we can't stay here forever.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)20:22 No.15464418
    WEll it seems we now have a very powerful asset on our side. The problem is that we don't have the romantic connection we once had in order to keep her loyal to us.

    There are other ways of keeping Cath 2.0 on our side though, she seems to desire a purpose of some kind, and we can definitely give her that.
    >> Hork Hinklesmiff AKA anus !EheB1.mG7c 07/03/11(Sun)20:24 No.15464429
    Hork suddenly felt a pain in his chest as he fell to the ground, his heart racing.
    A voice in the back of his mind answered him.
    "Your body is mine, fool."
    Hork collapsed to the ground and seized, before remaining still. It tookk a good five minutes for him to stand up again, a smile on his face, hands outstreached.
    "It's good to be alive!"
    >> Brain In A Jar 07/03/11(Sun)20:25 No.15464430
    Yes, there are dozens of half-dead threads, do it there please.


    "That will not be a problem." She touches a lamp, a small chunk of it missing after a second. "Everything is edible to me now."

    "Hmm, interesting. This will only take a minute." She sits down in a chair, keeping completely motionless for the next forty seconds or so. The stream of data seems to pick up again, more focused this time, less of it leaking out.

    "Their last location was Madrid. After the airport, they seem to dissapear. Curious. The encription is difficult to decypher even for me. Anti-cyborg measures, perhaps? Definitely Wise tech. Curious."

    You catch Daisy poking her head in. "Uhm, Jack? Can I talk to you?"
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)20:26 No.15464441

    "Sure Daisy, what's up?"

    GO into the other room, it seems she wants some privacy with this.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)20:28 No.15464458
    "Of course." Let's listen what she has to say.
    Also, it seems that the Fools are beyond our reach for now. Our revenge must wait.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)20:34 No.15464517

    We should track down some other bodysnatchers for now, improve our own skills and abilities as well as analyzing Cath's new form so we can properly utilize her when the time comes.
    >> Brain In A Jar 07/03/11(Sun)20:34 No.15464522
    Not-Catherine waves at Daisy, taking on an expression that could only seem like a smile to someone who never actually saw a real one. She seems to be worse at faking things than you were the first time.

    Daisy grabs your hand with both of hers, dragging you out into the next room. "She scares me. She's got a monster trapped inside, and it's hungry and angry."

    She shakes her head, her face turning comically serious. "That's not important. You know the big one I talked about, the one in the yellow house? The one a little like me? I think it noticed her waking up. She's very loud. There are a few of them coming here right now."

    She looks ashamed. "I would've told you before, but she makes it hard to listen properly."
    >> Hork Hinklesmiff AKA anus !EheB1.mG7c 07/03/11(Sun)20:35 No.15464533
    ((so am I not allowed to play as a body snatcher? Not sure how this works))
    >> Brain In A Jar 07/03/11(Sun)20:38 No.15464557
    I suggest reading the quest archives. Much background info that needs to be absorbed to get what's actually happening.

    They're here >>15462837
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)20:39 No.15464578

    Shiiiiiiiiiiit we need to either bunker down here and hide, or move out. Can Daisy do that thing where she hides our presence in the mind link? Can it extend to Neo-Cath and prevent the bodysnatchers coming to investigate from finding us?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)20:40 No.15464587

    Wait a second, hungry and angry? She seemed very cold and emotionless when we were talking to her....unless...

    Shit is Not-Catherine playing us?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)20:42 No.15464603
    Oh shit. We shouldn't be surprised. Reassure Daisy that she's not going to hurt us, then come back to Catherine and Kellery.
    "Alright people, we need to move. They noticed Cath waking up."
    Ask Catherine if she can "quitet down" a bit. Ask Daisy if she can hide her signal like she did with us.
    >> Brain In A Jar 07/03/11(Sun)20:45 No.15464634
    "Nooooo, you're not getting it! The monster makes her think things. They're two different persons. She's just scared and confused, and a bit lonely. And the monster's just angry that it doesn't get to eat and hurt, so it tries to make her do it instead. " She looks at you with disbelief. "It's not that hard to understand."

    "I don't think so. She makes too much noise. It's like she's been shouting since she woke up. My heads starting to hurt." She does indeed rub her temples, and her face looks paler than the last time you saw her.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)20:51 No.15464678
    >They're two different persons. She's just scared and confused, and a bit lonely. And the monster's just angry that it doesn't get to eat and hurt, so it tries to make her do it instead.
    That... sounds surprisingly like us, if Jack wasn't braindead and the alien was something more than black table. This requires further investigation. But now's not time for that.
    "I think I understand now. I'll see what I can do. But now, we must run."
    Again, ask Cath if she can turn down the volume a bit.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)20:55 No.15464711
    >black table
    Shit, I meant "blank table" as in "black canvas", something not determined yet.

    Also, I'm going to sleep. I don't know what about you, but here it's 3:00 AM. Just one thing: if there will be fight, try to not kill right enemies right away. We must absorb.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)20:57 No.15464729
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    "Sorry sweetie, we can't really hear things like you do. You look a little pale, are you alright?"

    It's comforting that Daisy doesn't sense the same thing from us, which would indicate we're good at hiding it, or we're genuinely a not-too-bad guy. I'd like the second interpretation. I don't like the idea of the thing inside of Catherine though.
    >> Brain In A Jar 07/03/11(Sun)20:58 No.15464738
    You hurry back to Not-Cath, and quickly explain the situation. She seems scared, though her body language has become very hard to read. "I, uh, I see. I could try." For a second you could have sworn you saw something of the old Catherine resurface. Instead, the cyborg side emerges, her cold, soulless stare sending chills down your spine.

    "Very well, I will comply. But it will be not all that dissimilar to blinding myself. One wrong move, and I will retaliate with full force." She closes her eyes, and the background noise of her presence seems to fade a bit.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)21:00 No.15464759

    I want the old Cath back...

    (Mostly because she was more predictable and easier to control)

    Ask Daisy to throw the net used to hide our presence over this place as well. We'll lay low until they pass.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)21:05 No.15464811
    If they've already triangulated our position it wont matter how well we hide ourselves. We need to vacate the premises ASAP.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)21:06 No.15464824

    If there's a lot of them coming, we could attract more attention by moving out.

    We have a basement or something to hide in? Or at least hide Cath?
    >> Brain In A Jar 07/03/11(Sun)21:12 No.15464887
    There's a shed out back, and an attic. No basement though.

    "I'm fine, I can shut it out." She gives you a dazzling smile, and hugs you tightly. You are filled with a warm, fuzzy feeling, and for a second think that she's trying to influence you, only to realize that it is at least partly coming from her, the mind-link working somewhat both ways without her actually meaning to broadcast, just like Kellery said.

    >also, I've said it already a few times, but how much of what the creature supposedly feels is pretended is up to you guys.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)21:16 No.15464930

    Well then let's ask Cath to hide out in one of those.

    Daisy, Kellery and we can actually fake looking normal and Daisy can hide us mentally. Cath, not so much.

    Oh, and if this actually fools the bodysnatchers converging on our position, maybe we can take a couple by surprise and harvest up some more genetic material for upgrades.
    >> Brain In A Jar 07/03/11(Sun)21:28 No.15465035
    You quickly usher Not-Catherine into the shed, and hide out with Kellery and Daisy in the house. You try to hide from sight, eventually deciding on simply crawling under a table, the cloth covering you from watchful eyes.

    After a few seconds pass, you start to hear a rumbling, screaming sound from the distance. It grows in strength, until it stops somewhere above the area, six distinct sources emitting it from high up in the air.

    Cautiously you peek out, only to see several bone-plated, winged creatures flying in circles above the block, large orifices by the base of the leathery wings on their backs gouting bluish flames.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)21:32 No.15465069
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    Keep hidden.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)21:35 No.15465100
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    >just blend in

    Betting they either go house to house or start blowing up houses.
    >> Brain In A Jar 07/03/11(Sun)21:49 No.15465244
    You lay low, not wanting to garner attention. The creatures seem to scan the area, and you can almost feel them deciding on a course of action, when suddenly, they dart away in multiple directions. You look around, wondering what might have cause this, when a squadron of fighter jets roar through the skies, breaking off into pairs to chase the airborne bodysnatchers.

    "It's over, right? Can we come out?" Daisy seems very intent to go outside.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)22:00 No.15465343
    Let's get Cath, a vehicle and act like we're scared locals trying to get the hell away from the monsters and airforce.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)22:08 No.15465425
    Sounds good. Take advantage of the confusion to slip out.
    >> Brain In A Jar 07/03/11(Sun)22:13 No.15465477
    You urge everyone to act quickly, sending Daisy after Cath and asking Kellery to help you pack. You quickly get everything together and head for the garage, finding an old Toyota 4Runner. You run around for a minute, eventually finding the keys for it, then throw everything in the back.

    Not-Catherine and Daisy jump in, the girl holding a white cat in her arms. Looking at your expression, she hides the cat behind her. "Doctor Scruffles is coming with us. That's final."

    You sigh, and gun the engine, heading, where exactly?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)22:18 No.15465524
    We should find a big city where we can blend in.
    >> Brain In A Jar 07/03/11(Sun)22:24 No.15465586
    Well, you kinda are in one. Population of close to two million, if I remember what I said before.

    You can relocate to any other one, though. It's your choice.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)22:28 No.15465624
    We should find a big city where we can be the cause of massive casulties when we eventually fail to blend in.
    Unfortunately I cant come up with anything much better. A small-ish city with interstate/freeway access nearby could work too.

    >Their last location was Madrid
    In Spain? Damn they must get crazy frequent flyer miles.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)22:29 No.15465634
    Oh. Sorry, I've participated on and off since the beginning, not always up to date. In that case, let's just find another part of the city to settle down in. They only noticed Catherine waking up, right? So normally she should be hidden, or at least not broadcasting our location?
    >> Brain In A Jar 07/03/11(Sun)22:31 No.15465668
    As long as she stays close to Daisy, she's relatively well hidden, only very close range would reveal her position, ten meters or so.

    Also, there were some people who wanted to get in contact with the Wise, make a truce of some sort with them, anyone still backing that idea?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)22:35 No.15465721
    We should find out if that's possible sure. Our various enemies can bring way too much firepower to bear at a moment's notice atm. Better to find out now how bleak the future could get.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)22:36 No.15465736

    I'm not. I vote for tracking down some bodysnatchers that we can absorb and get some upgrades before going after them.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)22:50 No.15465902
    We might as well pick the best faction to side with.

    Dunno how I feel about a barely restrained monster constantly by our little girl's side. We need a way to cure her, somehow.
    >> Brain In A Jar 07/03/11(Sun)22:51 No.15465925
    You drive around a bit, trying to stay under the radar, eventually finding a recently closed motel. It's not in stellar condition, and you're sure there are roaches, but it still has furnishing, water and electricity. You warn everyone not to pack out anything unnecessary, since you might have to relocate again.

    You drop down in an armchair, wondering how the hell did you wind up with three women, two of which aren't exactly human, and a cat. In a crappy, empty motel. With three, rather large sides of a secret war gunning for you. And the Fools, where ever they might stand, and whatever they might plan. You mutter something about "clusterfucks" and "those damned assholes" under your breath.

    Kellery looks around, evidently non-plussed about how things have been turning out. "Soooo. What's the plan, Jack? I'd rather stop reacting and running away, and start doing something proactive."
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)23:03 No.15466066

    "We're still flying blind here, we need more information about this whole clusterfuck."

    I personally think we have a few priorities we need to address first:

    -Establish a secure base of operations
    -Gauge the extent of Not-Cath's abilities and threat level, determine whether or not we can rely on her for missions
    -Power up ourselves so we can more easily carry out missions needed to strike back and gather information
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)23:07 No.15466119
    >-Establish a secure base of operations
    >-Gauge the extent of Not-Cath's abilities and threat level, determine whether or not we can rely on her for missions

    We need to find out if or how well Cath can operate without giving away her position whenever she does something. If we dont do that first setting up a base will be useless because the other side(s) will just find it in minutes. I think between us and Cath we might be able to take out one HK but it'd be close.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)23:13 No.15466177
    Disagree. We're essentially fugitives, we should keep moving. Staying in one location places us in danger, our best defense is our ability to stay undetected.

    But we do need to expand our resources so we can handle Catherine's problem. We should ally a faction that isn't interested in a machine takeover.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)23:14 No.15466185

    How about we do a test run to see how Cath behaves on the hunt?

    Ask Daisy to locate a low-powered bodysnatcher somewhere in the area. We go out with Cath and use her help in taking it down, retrieve what we need to upgrades and see how it goes.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)23:19 No.15466233
    >We need to find out if or how well Cath can operate without giving away her position whenever she does something
    Physically as well as mentally. The description we have so far is weird polymer skin and glowing metallic eyes, which isn't exactly going to blend into a crowd.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)23:21 No.15466256

    Is she capable of altering her appearance?
    >> Brain In A Jar 07/03/11(Sun)23:21 No.15466260
    "Cath, come here for a second." You gesture for her to sit beside you. She looks at you with that cyborg look, but decides to comply. "Yes, what is it?"

    Before you realize it, you have borrowed a cigarette from Kellery, lighted it and started smoking. It's a habit of Jack to smoke when tired, and it does feel soothing, but you don't quite know where it come from.

    "Here's the problem. Without Daisy's help, you shine like a fucking beacon. It is impossible or you to do anything without everyone noticing. So, could you figure out a way to reign it in? Because it would be fucking great not having to run away and find a new place at the drop of a hat."

    For a second again, you think you can see Cath, but not the one you got used to, the jumpy, mousy one constantly scared from Jack. "I, I'll try." The alien reasserts itself a moment later. "With some time to train, it is feasible that the signals could be regulated to retain secrecy."
    >> Brain In A Jar 07/03/11(Sun)23:24 No.15466287
    Yes, she is easily capable of altering her appearance, she has some shifting capabilities.

    The polymer skin is only noticable to your heightened senses, can be further disguised, and the eyes only come out when she wants them to/needs to use them for non-human perception.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)23:27 No.15466313
    I like how she still has a glimmer of her old self. We should try to nurture that aspect.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)23:31 No.15466344

    I agree. Her romantic connection to us, as well as her naturally-submissive personality would be a useful way of keeping her in check
    >> Brain In A Jar 07/03/11(Sun)23:41 No.15466447
    Ooookay, anything else you want to discuss with Kellery, Daisy, Not-quite-but-maybe-Catherine, or even directly ask from me?

    Or do you want to get started on setting up a secure base, or hunt down bodysnatchers, and if so, how?

    Or is it late and should we end it for today?
    >> Brain In A Jar 07/04/11(Mon)00:21 No.15466728
    So, we're done for today then, I'll only be able to continue two weeks from now, on saturday, the 16th, same-ish time. Thread will be archived shortly.

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