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  • File : 1311611976.jpg-(39 KB, 650x366, 210541-110303-libyan-rebels.jpg)
    39 KB AK-47 Republic Quest Dr.Dakka !!c6whGk2eeXf 07/25/11(Mon)12:39 No.15699011  
    Previous Threads:

    You are the tribal leader of the Orkeei people in the glorious nation of Tiigiiland, a small landlocked and entirely fictional country in Africa located east of Morroco and north of swaziland.
    For many years General Wazda has ruled the nation with an iron fist, crushing all resitance and 'appropriating' what meager food you have for himself and his soldiers.
    With chinese backing and the placid approval of the white former colonial population and the corporations exploiting you he has been unstopable.
    But no more, you are tired of his tyrannical dictatorship, its time to rise up and take back your country!!!

    Last time on AK-47 Republic Quest your forces seized the mine from General Wazda's forces earning you a tidy sum, some contacts at a PMC, and the gratitude of the Harrier/Schultz Mining Corporation.
    Although Wazda's forces reoccupied the mine they were denied any usable assets.
    The war across the eastern border of the country has intensified and 2 new tribes have moved into the country. The powerful but landless Kadjek and the savage raiders of the Tekili.
    You made an alliance with the Kadjek and with your allied tribes you marched against the Tekili.
    But disaster struck and your forces lost the battle taking heavy losses. The Tekili are now free to pillage at will.
    >> Dr.Dakka !!c6whGk2eeXf 07/25/11(Mon)12:40 No.15699013
    The rules are simple. You can buy things from soldiers to hydroponics to help you win the revolution.
    Everything you buy has a quality level. Primitive(Bows, Arrows, and Spears), Poor(Hunting Rifles, Civilian Equipment), Average(AKs, Low grade military equipment)
    Good(Modern western military standard), and Superb(Give the US Marine Corp a run for their money). Quality effects the price of the item.
    You have 3 resources to use:
    Money: Use it to buy equipment
    Supplies: Whenever you send units into combat they consume supplies based on their quality level + a base cost for the unit.
    Primitive: 0SU, Poor: 1SU, Average: 2SU, Good: 4SU, Superb: 6SU.
    Eg: A primitive infantry squad costs 0SU, a good infantry squad costs 4SU, and a superb helicopter costs 10SU (6 for Superb + 4 for Helicopter)
    Happiness: The level of satisfaction for tribesmen and allies have with your regime. When happiness goes into the negative it means the people fear/hate you. Both come with their own risks and rewards.

    Money: $2050 + 200(Farms)+ 500(Ranch) + 200(Brothel) +$300 (khat farm) - $300(teacher) = $2950
    Supplies: 0+1(Ammo Press)= 1
    Happiness: 40 (We have suffered a horrible defeat)
    You have 4 squads(good), 1 technical(average), 1 technical(poor)
    >> Dr.Dakka !!c6whGk2eeXf 07/25/11(Mon)12:41 No.15699019
         File1311612082.jpg-(115 KB, 1397x658, Costs.jpg)
    115 KB
    School(local teacher)
    Mosque: Maintained through donations
    Small Commercial Farm: +$200 per month
    Expanded Cattle Ranch: +$500 per month
    Docks and Brothel: +$200 per month
    Ammo Press +1SU per month
    Khat Farm + $300 per month
    Well: Happiness Buffer

    Roll a D20 to choose your action.
    >> Dr.Dakka !!c6whGk2eeXf 07/25/11(Mon)12:42 No.15699024
    You still have not decided what to do with the mine workers.
    The Kadjek still do not have any land and are growing restless.
    The Tekili are still raiding and pillaging the small settlements.
    Breaking News!: The Tekili have gained the upper hand in the war across the eastern border.
    Breaking News!: General Wazda's forces have abandoned the mine and march east to Fort Tagunda to fight the Tekili.
    It is estimated that General Wazda's forces will win and have a significant edge over the enemy.
    Breaking News!: General Wazda has recieved a copy of Duke Nukem Forever from the Chinese ambassador. Declares national holiday. Populace is confused.

    As you can see there have been some changes. New picture and standardized unit prices.
    You also have a new ability, you can now fund sabotage operations. The more money you give them the bigger the target and the greater chance to succeed.
    >> Dr.Dakka !!c6whGk2eeXf 07/25/11(Mon)12:53 No.15699104
    >> girder 07/25/11(Mon)13:07 No.15699195
    rolled 17 = 17

    >Breaking News!: General Wazda has recieved a copy of Duke Nukem Forever from the Chinese ambassador. Declares national holiday. Populace is confused.

    In any case now would be the time to replenish our forces. That little surprise the Tekili brought in underlines that we're gonna need anti-armor units.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)13:15 No.15699238
    rolled 16 = 16

    Can we get anybody to spread word of Wazda's vain jerkassery at an internet cafe? We should also see about picking up some Carl Gustav recoilless launchers, as to fuck up opfor armoured assets. Mortars could do us a world of good too.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)13:16 No.15699247
    If I recall correctly, there was a gold plated helicopter ripe for sabotage
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)13:18 No.15699260
    >Breaking News!: General Wazda has recieved a copy of Duke Nukem Forever from the Chinese ambassador. Declares national holiday. Populace is confused.
    THAT'S the spirit of AK-47 Republic.
    >> girder 07/25/11(Mon)13:22 No.15699279
    rolled 3 = 3

    Sabotage? Hell, we could take that thing apart and fund our entire operation.

    Or would it be more valuable in one piece?
    >> Dr.Dakka !!c6whGk2eeXf 07/25/11(Mon)13:24 No.15699295
    What do you want to buy?
    Any heavy weapons fall under the artillery mortar price in the cost pic I posted.
    The gold is only on the outside and it is a fully functional helicoptor.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)13:29 No.15699334
    can we throw a company picnic to improve the spirits of our guerrillas? And have a powerpoint presentation to convince how our current recession is merely how the market works and really will just benefit us in the long run.
    >> girder 07/25/11(Mon)13:29 No.15699336
    rolled 6 = 6

    Hmm...I'd really like to get at least Average anti-armor, but that would really be pricey.

    But then I suppose since we already have 4 average squads we and a decent monthly income we can afford it.

    In any case, I suppose we should try to help the miners. It would be a good for our reputation and might score us some more brownie points with the mining company.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)13:38 No.15699401
    Are there any prices for defensive fortifications so as to give us an advantage in an attack on the village?

    We should sit and wait to see what happens when the Tekili meet the Government forces in battle.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)13:44 No.15699443
    >> Dr.Dakka !!c6whGk2eeXf 07/25/11(Mon)13:50 No.15699490
    You can take the miners in. Their expertise may come in helpful in other projects.
    You already have basic defenses. Building the next level up will cost you $1000.

    General Wazda's forces meet the Tekili raiders about 50 miles south of Fort Tagunda. After a feirce battle the Tekili retreat to the southeast. Strangely the Generals forces do not pursue and hold positions near the fort and along the river. The commander of the fort has spoken out against this decision and has been publically chastised. The Tekili continue to raid the settlements but forward advance has been halted.
    >> girder 07/25/11(Mon)13:52 No.15699511
    rolled 15 = 15

    Let's take the miners in, then.

    I also suggest getting those anti-armor troops.

    We need to build up our strength a bit if we want to stop the Tekili's raids. Even though they've likely weakened by their last battles.
    >> Dr.Dakka !!c6whGk2eeXf 07/25/11(Mon)14:04 No.15699596
    You have taken the miners in. The total population of the village is 300 people.

    What quality of gun do you want?
    what kind of troops do you want to buy?
    >> girder 07/25/11(Mon)14:07 No.15699622
    What quality of tank did the Tekili have last time?
    >> Dr.Dakka !!c6whGk2eeXf 07/25/11(Mon)14:12 No.15699659
    >> girder 07/25/11(Mon)14:14 No.15699669
    In which case I suggest an average anti-tank unit.
    >> girder 07/25/11(Mon)14:14 No.15699676
    rolled 15 = 15

    Forgot to roll.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)14:16 No.15699682
    Would it be possible to launch artillery attacks on Government forces along the river (put mortars on boats), possibly give the boats Tekili colours so as to stir up tension between the government and the Tekili?
    >> Dr.Dakka !!c6whGk2eeXf 07/25/11(Mon)14:20 No.15699716
    Done. You have one average anti-tank unit.
    Money : $450
    Yes you would need a boat and the artillery peice. Although not much is needed to stir up tension between the two.
    >> girder 07/25/11(Mon)14:24 No.15699741
    rolled 2 = 2

    Do we know how many Tekili there are right now?

    Could we possibly take them with a surprise attack?
    >> Heinzy !qd9Ow3/M06 07/25/11(Mon)14:31 No.15699794

    I sense we could cause some real trouble with little effort here, if we play it smart. Espically since Wazda seem to be a real moron.

    Did we buy a radio before? What would the cost be if not?
    >> Dr.Dakka !!c6whGk2eeXf 07/25/11(Mon)14:38 No.15699850
    No you did not. A radio transmitter would cost $1000 but thats to the expertise of the mining crew it will only cost $400
    >> girder 07/25/11(Mon)14:43 No.15699873
    rolled 9 = 9


    I suggest making that a purchase for next month once monthly income comes in.

    ...Or we could just get it now, but keep expenditures tight until the next month.
    >> Heinzy !qd9Ow3/M06 07/25/11(Mon)14:46 No.15699888

    I think we could make Wazda really mad at the Tekili and vice verse if we bought a radio and broadcasted anti-Wazda propaganda, pretending we were part of the Tekili. If they continued fighting we'd have Wazdas troops off our backs for a while and might even get rid of the Tekilis.

    >Captcha: enteroff Zeami's

    The Captcha thinks we should enter Zeami's. Is there any place in Tiigiiland called Zeami's?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)14:48 No.15699904
    Do it by implying Duke Nukem has no testicles and is inferior to real men, just like Wazda.
    >> girder 07/25/11(Mon)14:49 No.15699910
    rolled 8 = 8

    I like this plan.

    But we'll need to be careful in order to fool them properly.

    Do the Tekili speak english or any other language we do?

    We don't want to tip of Wazda's men that something fishy's going on.
    >> girder 07/25/11(Mon)14:50 No.15699919
    rolled 1 = 1

    >> Heinzy !qd9Ow3/M06 07/25/11(Mon)15:00 No.15700010

    "The Man with Balls of Steel is a lie! His scrotum is as rusted as Wazdas own cock and balls!"
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)15:18 No.15700170
    why are we trying to usurp Wazda again?
    >> girder 07/25/11(Mon)15:21 No.15700201
    rolled 3 = 3

    Because he's a tin-pot dictator, who's NOT on our side.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)15:27 No.15700253
    wouldn't it be better to improve our own position before trying to antagonize him?

    I am completely in favour of taking control of the country but at the moment he can crush us if he wills.

    We'd better improve our income, forces and establish allies
    >> Dr.Dakka !!c6whGk2eeXf 07/25/11(Mon)15:29 No.15700272
    With great haste you construct a radio tower and begin broadcasting anti-Wazda propaganda. Your broadcasts are so funny they make it on to youtube, quite a feat considering how few have a computer, and even onto american latenight television. Humiliated Wazda flies into a rage and orders his men into a full advance. Unprepared his men take significant casualties but succeed in driving the back across the border. For now they remain stationed at Fort Tagunda.
    The copper mine lies abandoned.
    Money:50+900 = 950
    Breaking News!: The country that borders you to the east collapsed into anarchy. The government has dissolved and the Tekili prey upon what is left. Tribe fights tribe and chaos reigns. Large amounts of military hardware are up for grabs.
    >> Dr.Dakka !!c6whGk2eeXf 07/25/11(Mon)15:31 No.15700290
    More breaking News: Several officers has resigned in disgust over the campaign against the Tekili. One has been assassinated and the other has fled to America
    >> girder 07/25/11(Mon)15:32 No.15700306

    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)15:33 No.15700316
    >The copper mine lies abandoned.

    Can we like, loot it?

    We could try to set up shop again but I am sure that the government will notice and will try to steal it away from us.
    ... We could do it in secret though.

    Can we expand ranches/fields for more income?
    >> girder 07/25/11(Mon)15:35 No.15700343
    I doubt it. The mining company abandoned it and destroyed all the equipment when Wazda sent in the army the second time.
    We'd probably need to contact the company to get it working again.

    Of course, we could occupy it.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)15:39 No.15700387

    We do have the miners in our service. We could contact the company and tell them that we will do all the mining from now on, protecting it by ourself and all that in exchange for money from the copper and some basic equipment.

    But make sure we do this quietly.
    >> girder 07/25/11(Mon)15:42 No.15700419
    It might attract Wazda's attention again if we're not careful, though.

    And somehow I doubt we could keep an ongoing copper mining operation a secret from him for long. Especially since he knows where it is.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)15:45 No.15700458

    It is a great risk, but we can get much needed supplies if we do it for a few months. If we keep it low profile and make sure it seems the mine is abandoned we can pull it off. Wazda apparently isn't the smart kind of dictator.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)15:47 No.15700469
    rolled 4 = 4

    Can we try to recruit some or all of the cooks and/or food suppliers for Fort Tagunda?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)15:50 No.15700504
    rolled 14 = 14

    Guys, we should fund a group to go east and try to scavenge some military hardware!
    Let's see if we can get some technicals, guns, maybe even a Hind, though a T-55 would be nice.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)15:55 No.15700573
    Building on that plan. With the radio tower we could broadcast news of hauntings in the abandoned mine, we could use this as a cover if we want to quietly re-open the mine.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)15:56 No.15700581
    rolled 6 = 6

    Oh, hey, we should see if the Kadjek will be able to settle on land now that the Tekili have been pushed back.
    >> girder 07/25/11(Mon)15:57 No.15700588
    rolled 12 = 12

    I second this idea.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)15:58 No.15700599
    Should we fake a broadcast of Wazda-loyalists taking the radio station and ousting the Tekili operators?
    I mean, this radio station was originally transmitting anti-Wazda propaganda; if we make Wazda and his cronies believe that this is a pro-Wazda station, we could more readily feed them false information.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)16:05 No.15700636

    Good idea, seconding this.

    I like the idea, but chances are they aren't gonna believe a random radio station. If we keep praising the good guys (us and our allies) and talking shit about Wazda we'll keep morale up.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)16:08 No.15700661
    Yeah, but knowing Wazda, that's going to invite reprisals.
    We don't have anywhere near the logistical supplies or forces to be able to fight toe to toe with the regular Army.
    >> Dr.Dakka !!c6whGk2eeXf 07/25/11(Mon)16:10 No.15700679
    If you do this then you will become the second radio station in the country, the other being Air Wazda.
    If by recruit you mean get them in your pocket them the answer is yes, easily.
    You would need to designate some squads to go. They will be gone for some time.
    Yes you can. You get bonus points with the Kadjek but the remaining settlements will dislike you.
    Yes you can get it operating again. It will be a shadow of its former self but it will still produce.
    >> girder 07/25/11(Mon)16:13 No.15700710
    rolled 17 = 17

    >Yes you can. You get bonus points with the Kadjek but the remaining settlements will dislike you.

    Hm. We'll need to figure out how to curry favor with the other tribes.

    Especially after the disaster of our last battle.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)16:17 No.15700748
    rolled 1 = 1

    Perhaps have a meeting of the imams and of tribal leaders again, and try to come up with solution everyone can tolerate? No one wants to have to fight if it can be avoided (and the Kadjek have a lot of guns), and we're all muslims here. Let's be reasonable.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)16:21 No.15700787
    rolled 7 = 7

    >You would need to designate some squads to go. They will be gone for some time.
    I'd like to send 2 Squads (Good) and 1 Technical (Poor). Kind of expensive, I know, but we don't want to send in too few men into a war zone. Also the more people that go, the more stuff they can bring back.

    They'll require supplies, right? 10SU, if I calculate right.
    >> Heinzy !qd9Ow3/M06 07/25/11(Mon)16:27 No.15700821
    >If you do this then you will become the second radio station in the country, the other being Air Wazda.

    Every revolution needs good communication. Let's do it.

    >If by recruit you mean get them in your pocket them the answer is yes, easily.

    How much would that cost?

    >Yes you can get it operating again. It will be a shadow of its former self but it will still produce.

    I vote we do it, keeping it quiet and make it appear as it is abandoned.
    >> Dr.Dakka !!c6whGk2eeXf 07/25/11(Mon)16:40 No.15700969
    yes you can. Do you wish to call a conferance.
    $50 to start with, more depending on what you ask them to do.

    Using primitive equipment you can make $100 from the mine. For $1000 you can make $500 a month. Anything more is not available to you.
    >> Heinzy !qd9Ow3/M06 07/25/11(Mon)16:44 No.15701006

    I think we should buy them. Better and more food will certainly help us.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)16:53 No.15701100
    rolled 1 = 1

    Yes, call a conference to see where we can get the Kadjek to settle.

    Also, pay the $50 to get the cooks at the fort to give us information about the military units stationed there.

    Start the clandestine mining operation with primitive tools for now.

    We have $900 left. Buy 3 SU to go towards sending our salvage expedition out.
    That leaves us with $300 left.

    Next turn, we can buy better mining equipment for $1000 and increase our revenue.
    >> Dr.Dakka !!c6whGk2eeXf 07/25/11(Mon)17:23 No.15701417
    You have bought 3SU of supplies.

    You send a call to the other tribes and settlements proposing a conference to deal with the Kadjek settlement issue. At the conference the settlements who have deep ties to each other and veiw themselves as a coherent entity protest giving away 'their' land to the Kadjek. The Kadjek are numerous and warttorn. They are desperate for a place to call their own and are perfectly willing to take it from anyone else.
    Do you have a compromise of deal to offer.

    You have begun to mine copper.
    You have bought out the cooks, they tell you that the forts current forces consist of 10 average squads, 3 poor mortars, 5 average technicals and 1 poor tank.

    Money: 300 + 1000 = 1300
    SU: 5
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)17:41 No.15701560
    rolled 19 = 19

    Settlement: Propose that, since our neighboring nation no longer effectively exists, the Kadjek settle in those depopulated areas. We can provide some startup food and supplies. Avoiding conflict is what we're going for.

    Spend $1000 to buy better equipment for the mine.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)17:50 No.15701649
    Specifically I mean land that would have belonged to our neighbor, were they not a defunct and failed state.
    Alternative are the lands north of the copper mine; aren't they abandoned now that the mining company has been driven out?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)18:04 No.15701780
    The lands near the mine sound fair. A mine needs a water source, and every loose material will be useful to make at least a shanty town.

    If there isn't one, we could make them a well as our proof of friendship.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)18:33 No.15702037
    keeping it alive.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)19:29 No.15702542
    Is OP still here?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)19:43 No.15702652
    >> Dr.Dakka !!c6whGk2eeXf 07/25/11(Mon)20:26 No.15703091
    Mostly abandoned you still have the white colonial town to the northwest.

    The Kadjek has no interest in moving back east. The chaos and blood shed is part of the reason they moved into Tiigiiland in the first place.

    They find the lands around the mine to be acceptable if a little to close to the white colonials.

    Sorry for the delay. I got an important phone call that couldn't wait.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)20:32 No.15703140
    I realized just now that if they accept, and settle near the mine, won't they want the profits that the mine produces?

    And honestly, what did the Kadjek expect? They come into an already settled area, of course all the prime real estate's been taken. At least they don't have to fight for it.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)20:58 No.15703393
    rolled 13 = 13

    >little too close to the whites
    Well hey, they're the ones that wanted to come over here rather than impose order and peace in their homeland.

    Now that that has been settled, I think that's everything we can do for now. That purchase was big, and there's not much else we can buy.

    But out of curiousity, is there anything else we could buy to automatically produce more SU's?
    We may also want to look into Western water filtration and reclamation systems. No idea when there might be a drought, after all.
    >> Dr.Dakka !!c6whGk2eeXf 07/25/11(Mon)21:25 No.15703719
    You could buy a chop shop for $1000, that will produce 1 SU per month. Water reclamation systems and the like are a little beyond your expertise. You would have to look into finding an expert.

    The Kadjek have been settled onto the lands north of the copper mine. Neither the Kadjek nor the white former colonials are particularly happy about it, but they will live with it.

    You still have not decided what units to send on the expedition.
    Anymore suggestions before I progress to the next turn?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/11(Mon)21:28 No.15703771
    rolled 12 = 12

    I'm still of the opinion of sending 2 Good Infantry and 1 Poor Technical, leaving us with 2 Good Infantry and 1 Average Technical for defense.
    However, the amount of SU's needed to deploy those forces won't become available until next turn.

    Is it possible to improve the school? As in, upgrade the building, buy textbooks and supplies, so that even though we have a Poor teacher, he can do a better job?
    Otherwise, I'm ready for the next turn.
    >> Dr.Dakka !!c6whGk2eeXf 07/25/11(Mon)21:53 No.15704021
    It is getting late on my end. So I am going to call it for today. I will submit this to the archive and if it is still here tommorow I will continue. Its a shame that tg has been so slow today.
    For those who participated I thank you and I hope that you will still be here tommorow.

    Once again comments and criticism are welcome.

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