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!!857o4GkKJgy 08/05/11(Fri)16:21 No.15831760 File1312575702.jpg-(61 KB, 500x155, aos9.jpg)
"The seismographs confirm it, it's definately down there."
Garma looked at the map, resources were scarce everywhere, but luckily many of the Rio-Grande Line caches had been undiscovered by the Federation, so they were subsisting fairly well. On old parts unfortunately so the newer Mobile Suits often had to be kitbashed to keep them working. In many cases, pilots had gone back to the easier to use and maintain Zaku II J.
Even then the parts, the food, the medical and most of all the manpower was running out. He could raid most of that stuff off the federation, but manpower he was kind of stuck with what he had. Story of the war really. Char and the Hawaiin naval forces joining up with his forces was a welcome shot in the arm and good for morale though.
Nevertheless, Garma was thinking of endgames now.
"What would need to get down there?"
"It's a web of underground mazes and tunnells, reports we took from that Federation Outpost seem to indicate that the original crew had to lash together some kind of diving bell to get to the surface. But, over here is an old iron mining operation. We can convert the engineering Zaku's with the drilling equipment and get to it more directly." his aide told him.
"How long will that take?"
"I can't say for certain, but barring any serious accidents, we should be able to get a crew to her in about... 3 days? Repairworks going be tricky, but with everyone helping out, and judging by these damage reports, then we might be looking at about 3 days to get it mobile. It WILL use up a lot of our stores though, and it wont be combat worthy."
"That's fine Sub-Commander...."
"Just get me the Morlock!" |