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  • File : 1314756751.png-(51 KB, 392x392, kobald Quest start 001.png)
    51 KB Kobald Quest 00 Lord Kobald !1jPEJ87kV. 08/30/11(Tue)22:12 No.16123717  
    You are a kobald. Read the picture, and pick a spot (one of the colored dots) to begin building your new home.

    What kind of kobald are you:

    To continue, 3 votes will be needed for the choice. The choices shown are not the only options, and you may deciede on something else. /b/tarded crap will be ignored by Friend Computer Fiat.

    Class (pick from above)

    Melee 20
    Magic 20
    Construction 20
    Survival 20
    Other 20

    You have 6 points to allocate to skills

    All roles will be based on a d20 score to beat, though what you roll is actually defined by the number of points in the skill your rolling for, plus any other factors. (I.e. kobalds allocated to a task, time spent on it, etc.)
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)22:15 No.16123746
    The Dot on the U in Forest of Unkown.
    I am an engineer
    Name: David Davidson

    Allocate 1 point to survival and 2 to construction
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)22:15 No.16123757
    The lowest red dot in the forest.

    Solomon the Less Than Mighty
    Melee 20
    Magic 26
    Construction 20
    Survival 20
    Other 20
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)22:18 No.16123789
    I am a Trapper, but I never leave my basement, so this quest cannot possibly take place.
    >> Lord Kobald !1jPEJ87kV. 08/30/11(Tue)22:18 No.16123796
    Melee: used in close combat
    Magic: used to craft or use magic
    Construction: used to build traps, tunnels, homes, etc.
    Survival: to acquire resources, also resilience to damage
    Other: You decide
    >> Lord Kobald !1jPEJ87kV. 08/30/11(Tue)22:25 No.16123887
         File1314757554.png-(981 B, 100x73, Kobalds of quest.png)
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    Engineer, or mage.
    Please vote now, first to 3 wins.
    currently tied at 1/1

    The picture is the kobalds with you,8 of which are female
    >> Lord Kobald !1jPEJ87kV. 08/30/11(Tue)22:33 No.16123985
    Expanding on Engineer:
    The kobald engineer's are often the most sought after builders, both for their expertise which can easily rival that of a dwarven building, and the Marvels they are known to build. Previous homes designed by a team of such kobalds are often found as the Lair's for the most despotic of beings, who have often ousted the former builder so they can reap the rewards of the kobalds hard work.

    expanding on kobald mage:
    Often overlooked by most races, the kobald mage is a master of basic spells, having little access to most more powerful ones, these mages learn to utilize vast amounts of cantrips to do great amounts of damage. The mage class, Cantripologist, was created after a wizard apprentice observed the kobaldian mages, though he was never as powerful as the kobaldian mages, nor has any non-kobald ever unlocked the classes true potential.
    >> Lord Kobald !1jPEJ87kV. 08/30/11(Tue)22:47 No.16124178
    Very well, I will be restarting this quest on friday at 18:00 4chan time.

    I will be posting further lore here today in preparation for that day.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)22:50 No.16124215
    >> Lord Kobald !1jPEJ87kV. 08/30/11(Tue)22:59 No.16124363
    Expanding on Trapper:
    Skilled at the creation, deployment, and utilization of traps, the Trapper is one of the iconic images as to what a kobald actually is. Able to make traps out of nearly anything, and universally feared by those on quests, the Trapper is one of the strongest kobalds in existence. The trapper works best with the Engineer, and together, have built some of the most feared and deadly traps, such as the dogbert, flushing trapdoor, and the indiana jones rolling ball of doom (oh wait, there's a spike pit ahead) traps.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)23:04 No.16124426
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)23:06 No.16124461
    Kobold engie, erectin his trap-sentries!
    >> Lord Kobald !1jPEJ87kV. 08/30/11(Tue)23:09 No.16124485
    Expanding the Spearfighter:
    The staple of any kobald fighting force, the Spearfighter is skilled at hunting, and guarding homes. Equipped with a set of javelins, the spearfighter can attack from close up, range, or participate in the trapping of enemies. A useful combat oriented class.

    Expanding on the Alchemist:
    The alchemist is skilled at a number of things, and is the class famed for the creation of Alchemists fire, a useful tool when combating dragons, and extremely useful in kobaldian traps. The Alchemist is capable of taming the natural world and utilizing it in strange and often dangerous brews, or powerful and to a devastating effect. Few outside the kobalds know of the true existence of kobaldian alchemists, but among those in the know, this class is among the most famous.
    >> Lord Kobald !1jPEJ87kV. 08/30/11(Tue)23:11 No.16124500
    Very well, you are an Engineer named David Davidson.

    What skills are you allocating points to?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)23:12 No.16124522
    >Able to make traps out of nearly anything
    >the Trapper is one of the strongest kobalds in existence
    >> Magus O'Grady 08/30/11(Tue)23:19 No.16124600
    I would suggest the pink dot in the Marshes of Hades, all the way in the upper right. Those two river branches afford some measure of protection and are easy to mark as borders. The marshes should provide a plethora of toxic ingredients for our poisons and potions. This point is relatively distant from any other resource points, which should minimize competition with other tribes while we establish ourselves.
    >> Magus O'Grady 08/30/11(Tue)23:22 No.16124645
    3 points in construction, one point each in Magic, Survival, and Other.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)23:29 No.16124709
    I don't know, maybe starting closer to the trading post would be a good idea. we can expand from there, the delta to the southeast seems like a great ground to build an agriculture section on, and we can eventually run the post or hide in there if we have to.
    >> Lord Kobald !1jPEJ87kV. 08/30/11(Tue)23:33 No.16124760
    Your skills are as follows.
    Melee 20
    Magic 21
    Construction 23
    Survival 21
    Other 21

    Are you sure of the location you would like to begin building your new home in?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)23:40 No.16124825
    I vote for the northwestern qoarter of the southern delta.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)23:40 No.16124828
    humans hate kobolds so i think that the suggested site is better
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)23:42 No.16124854
    Are we sure we can't work this out peacefully? Pests or not, a kobold settlement means a guaranteed market for the traders, and we're already conveniently placed right next to their pre-established post.
    >> Lord Kobald !1jPEJ87kV. 08/30/11(Tue)23:48 No.16124924
         File1314762526.png-(51 KB, 392x392, kobald Quest start 02.png)
    51 KB
    Very well, 3 votes have been placed for the delta, with specifics as an area rich with copper. The teal dots now represent where copper ore is prominent.

    The area that has been chosen is very fertile, what used to be swampland, yet thanks to the past few droughts has turned the area into something that many species would, and do, kill to acquire.

    What is your first order of business?
    (4 spearfighters, unassigned
    8 unskilled, unassigned)
    >> Magus O'Grady 08/30/11(Tue)23:49 No.16124927
    that also means a steady supply of adventurers thinking we need to be wiped out. Defend and rebuild first, then we'll see about opening trade routes. The north-east point in the marshes has access to two waterways, a key facet of pre-highway trade.
    >> Magus O'Grady 08/30/11(Tue)23:51 No.16124958
    first order of business should be building a defense of some sort. Whether it's just an earthen bulwark disguised as a heavily overgrown hill, or an actual walled settlement. We need something to keep us safe.
    >> Lord Kobald !1jPEJ87kV. 08/30/11(Tue)23:54 No.16124982
    Describe what you want, assign a number of kobalds to it, and roll a d23.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)00:11 No.16125158
    rolled 15 = 15

    2 of our spear fighters should be watching out for any intruders at all times. The other 2 fighters, when not resting or guarding, should be helping dig out a new flat village area for our kind! 4 of the unskilled Kobolds should be searching for sources of food, and the other 4 should be helping with digging and foundation laying. Hopefully, after we get some good and flat areas to build on, we'll start making some more permanent buildings. Since we're in a former-swamp, I have a feeling that the standard underground dwelling will be difficult.

    >> Lord Kobald !1jPEJ87kV. 08/31/11(Wed)00:12 No.16125172
    Alright, we shall get to the first order of buisness on friday then.

    18:00 4chan time.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)00:14 No.16125188
         File1314764084.jpg-(308 KB, 946x1000, kobold bring it on mother fuck(...).jpg)
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    >> Lord Kobald !1jPEJ87kV. 08/31/11(Wed)00:16 No.16125205
    not enough people are posting here, so I might as well fluff it out a little more, and give you guys who are here (yet taking forever to comment/post) a chance to talk amongst yourselves and plan things out.
    >> Lord Kobald !1jPEJ87kV. 08/31/11(Wed)00:17 No.16125220
    also, archived.

    Though if you do have questions, I have say... 15 minutes before I log-off...
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)00:18 No.16125230
    >What kind of kobald are you?

    One who doesn't know how to spell "kobold", apparently.
    >> Magus O'Grady 08/31/11(Wed)00:20 No.16125243
         File1314764412.jpg-(27 KB, 658x184, kobald mound 1.jpg)
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    Hold up a moment, I have an idea for the settlement. Pic related.
    >> Lord Kobald !1jPEJ87kV. 08/31/11(Wed)00:22 No.16125267
    fairly complex, though now I understand what took you so long...

    Alright, ill stay for a bit longer, and keep running this...
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)00:23 No.16125277
    I already rolled and assigned actions; what happens, OP?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)00:23 No.16125296

    I would also suggest one unskilled is set to scouting and foraging, with one of the spearfighters.
    >> Lord Kobald !1jPEJ87kV. 08/31/11(Wed)00:26 No.16125318
    Most of that is fairly simple, cutting down tree's and moving dirt. It will take you less than 2 hours when using 6 kobalds to set the foundation in a fairly large area.

    Roll for the foragers using 1d21+4

    Am I reading that right (as in you want to build a castle? or am I looking at it way wrong?)
    >> Magus O'Grady 08/31/11(Wed)00:26 No.16125320
    An earthen mound. Simple enough, either hollow out an existing hill or build one of our own. It's torus shaped, open in the ring, solid in the center and edged. A series of planks support a canopy of vegetation, ostly loose vines, bushes, moss, et. Easy to move through, hard to see through. This is our camoflage. It's the light green parts. The dark green parts are actual grass and other native plants. The lower areas of the mount are laced with poison ivy, poison oak, bramble patches, etc. Anything that makes animals and other sentients think 'this is a bad place to be'. Our defenders can move through the foliage, even making use of small wooden siege-shields, likewise covered in greenery, to defend from and as lookout posts. those can easily be laid flat. The dark blue parts. The grey parts are the actual settled areas. housing, storage, workshops, etc. If possible, I'd like to either find a hill with a large tree at the top, or build a lookout tower and disguise it as a tree, for increased lookout capability. That's the ugly bit in the top center.
    >> Magus O'Grady 08/31/11(Wed)00:28 No.16125351
    is that too complex for us?
    >> Lord Kobald !1jPEJ87kV. 08/31/11(Wed)00:29 No.16125358
    ...Ok, that makes a bit more sense than castle...
    I can work with that. One kobald, using the foundation already set, could do that in 2-3 weeks, with each added kobald decreasing the time taken by a half, rounded down at the hour mark.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)00:30 No.16125369
    >bald bald bald bald bald bald bald bald bald
    >> Magus O'Grady 08/31/11(Wed)00:34 No.16125409
    So, with 7 working on it, it would take 0.3281 days, is that right?
    >> Lord Kobald !1jPEJ87kV. 08/31/11(Wed)00:36 No.16125425
    or about 6 hours of dedicated work, baring no mishaps happen.

    Which would require a construction roll of 13+, and an other roll of 10+
    >> Lord Kobald !1jPEJ87kV. 08/31/11(Wed)00:38 No.16125440
    and a 12+ survival roll.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)00:42 No.16125474
    rolled 13, 12, 10 = 35

    First two rolls are for the 13+ and 10+, third is for the survival roll
    >> Magus O'Grady 08/31/11(Wed)00:43 No.16125487
    what dice should we roll for those?
    >> Lord Kobald !1jPEJ87kV. 08/31/11(Wed)00:49 No.16125551
    rolled 14 + 4 = 18

    Alright, so using the flattened ground, and clearing some of the vegetation out, you order 7 kobalds to get to work, one of which was pulled off guard duty. It takes eight hours to get the thing dug out, covered in foliage, though one of your kobalds mistook a few plants for others of diffrent species, causing a two hour setback while the rest had to dissemble and re-assemble the affected parts. It wont stand up to much if you attract attention, but it is a place to begin calling home. A mound in the middle began forming as the kobalds dumped the dirt, rock, and various material there, and was then turned into a hut of sorts, similar to a sod house (complete with worms in the ceilings and walls.)

    Not much to look at, (few will actually find it) but it is the start to your new life.

    Night begins to fall, with the foraging team still not having returned. Still, no reason to worry yet, as it has only been a couple hours since they left. (10 ish.)

    And now I end it for the night. I will see you all come friday.
    >> Lord Kobald !1jPEJ87kV. 08/31/11(Wed)00:50 No.16125574
    Roll your skill as the face number.

    Ie: To roll for construction, put into e-mail: dice+1d23

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