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09/25/11(Sun)21:12 No.16425453 File1316999555.jpg-(108 KB, 624x480, 249grove[1].jpg)
 The party begins to work through the buildings one by one. They find shadows doing all kinds of things. Praying to small alters, practicing martial routines, speaking about things that make little sense to the group. As soon as they notice the party, however, they appear surprised, and evaporate. Few attack the group however. Eventually, after many other non consequential events, a shadow runs to the group and urges it to follow them. As the Cleric feels a surge of Negative energy building, they agree. Curiously the place it takes them to is devoid of the light that is everywhere in this place. It is of little use to the group however, as the first thing it tells them to do is flee this place as soon as it's master is gone. The Cleric remains suspicious of the shadow, however. It would appear Ehnkieridian, the armored figure that attacked them, is something of a Wight or a Lich, the shadow can't be sure ignorant as it is with such thing, but it is harvesting all positive energy from this place, trying to return itself to life. But it is also seems to be doing its best to maintain all life here with it's negative energy. This is only the shadow's speculation, however, and the shadow admits to not understanding much else, how or why this is. The shadow, on inquiry by the Rogue, admits it doesn't even know who it used to be. Every one's memories here seem to run together, as he was sure we've seen in our dreams, as we've seen in its. He was abruptly cut off however, as it screamed and evaporated. The party turns to the entrance of the small structure to find Ehnkieridian staring at them. "I see you." |