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!uGYNBMPzOs 10/12/11(Wed)00:29 No.16597964 File1318393764.png-(104 KB, 1294x1528, IronCoast Lords.png)
 It doesnt take long to negotiate the three units you are certain that you will be hiring. Jaxor Morlan is in a particularly cheery mood, and happily barters down to 35000 dragoons for his only combat ready wing of griffon riders. The captain of the Trilius Defenders recognizes you fairly quickly, and happilly agrees to 3000 dragoons for her battalions services. Finally, you barter with the captain of the RedSteel Elites, the grizzled dwarf never takes his one-eyed gaze from you, steadfastly holding his ground even as he admits that your fame and prowess make him eager to work with you. He agrees to 4500 dragoons, and promises that his dwarves will be ready to march within a week, which works out perfectly, as that is all the more time you have in the city.
The next day you find yourself in the largest meeting room of your barracks, Malcius, Janos and Gabriel gathered about, along with your aides. "The IronCoast lords are violent, skilled... and luckily for us, men of honor. The regions major Lord, Jacob Hastten is a skilled attacker, and stubborn, though old. His sons are both cut of the same cloth as their father, separately named The Jackal, and The Bear by their soldiers. They almost never fight as a group. Rivers Edge is the seat of the Order of the Winged Lance, the greatest of the knightly orders."
"Knightly orders?" Malcius asks, clearly confused.
Janos sighs "I see Justinian was not the only commander to gratuate the academy without learning all he should have. The IronCoast Lords do not knight individuals, or any men. Knights are members of orders, usualy from tender ages on. The orders keep to their own codes, and, while not violent towards each otehr, they most certainly are not amicable either. the Winged Lance is the larges of the region, and most traditional in its organization. Longswords, Lances, horses and pegasi." >sont'd |