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  • File : 1319482291.jpg-(17 KB, 315x367, boomcrash.jpg)
    17 KB Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)14:51 No.16726263  



    That's all it takes for a burglar to break into your house with the intent to rob and kill you. Why don't you own a gun?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)14:52 No.16726273
    Because I dont live in america and our doors are sturdy.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)14:52 No.16726277
    Because I don't have the proper rights as a citizen to own a gun.

    Also, guns cost money. I don't have money.
    >> MR. RAGE !D9l9S8Lio6 10/24/11(Mon)14:52 No.16726278
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)14:52 No.16726279
    Jesus fuck, the spammers are out in force today
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)14:53 No.16726287
    I own plenty of guns, hell I think /tg/ is probably better armed than the noguns on /k/.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)14:53 No.16726288
    >Why don't you own a gun?
    'cuss I hunt with a bow.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)14:54 No.16726296
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    Well OP, some people think you should put flashlights on your gun, and some people think you should just hold the flashlight in the other hand.

    I got a flashlight that kills like a gun, so I don't need to choose!
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)14:54 No.16726297

    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)14:54 No.16726302
    It's KINDA like Sharkweek, only the posters don;t know what we're talking about.
    >> sage 10/24/11(Mon)14:54 No.16726303
    I have lots of guns. And dogs. And am friends with a judge.
    And own a shovel.
    With a nice, big, backyard, lots of trees.
    Everyone in the neighborhood knows this.
    We haven't had a stray person in our yard for years.
    >> sage sage 10/24/11(Mon)14:55 No.16726311
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)14:55 No.16726312
    I do, now sit down and play or get the fuck off my property
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)14:55 No.16726320
    Is an axe acceptable?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)14:57 No.16726343



    That's all it takes for a fighter to break into your house with the intent to rob and kill you. Why didn't you multiclass into a wizard?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)14:57 No.16726350
    because I live in a nice area
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)14:57 No.16726352
    Because I can choke him or her to death with stale copypasta. And gun owners are compensating.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)14:59 No.16726368



    That's all it takes for a unlicenced psyker to break into your house with the intent to sacrifie and kill you. Why aren't you an arbite?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)14:59 No.16726371
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    That's all it takes for a Blood Raven to break into your Chapterhouse with the intent to accept numerous relic donations. Why aren't you a servant of Chaos?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)14:59 No.16726377
    Because the floor is made of lava and I enjo watching them melt and burn at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)14:59 No.16726380
    My baseball bat has 3 notches on it.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)14:59 No.16726382
    wait... how is this an argument for owning guns and not having cheap as fuck doors?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:00 No.16726390

    That is the worst Space Marine helmet I've ever seen
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:01 No.16726402
    I have a big fucking D4, any thief breaking kicking in my door will hear "ROLL FOR INITIATIVE, MOTHERFUCKER!" and find himself with the sharp edge of a 20 pound solid steel dice in between his eyes.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:01 No.16726403

    Well sorry I just googled Space Marine Helmet and picked something red that looked like it'd fit on that guy
    >> Deathleaper's Fangirl !!YD/t8+iuFvd 10/24/11(Mon)15:03 No.16726430
    It's a troll thread, re-using old copypasta. It doens't have to make sense.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:04 No.16726443




    *what the fuck...*




    *fuck this, I'm out of here*

    That is why the door to my hab is made of adimantium, citizen!
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:07 No.16726471

    That's all it takes for a house's front door to break a burglar's foot and cripple him. Why don't you own a crowbar?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:07 No.16726474
    Deathleaper... I had a dream about you. I don;t even know what you look like, but I took you to IHOP.
    It was weird.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:08 No.16726481
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    That's all it takes for a Goblin to break into your Fortress with the intent to burn, rape and pillage. Why don't you have your hallways lined with ++lead upright spike trap++s?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:09 No.16726483
    I do. In fact, by hilarious coincidence, I'm cleaning it right now.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:09 No.16726484
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    Burglers? Guns?

    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:10 No.16726493
    Because thed emperor will protect me.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:10 No.16726499
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    However, due to faulty construction of the lava trap, the entire house and all it's inhabitants were lost.
    Thus ended the story of fort Suburbia.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:11 No.16726511

    I don't own *a* gun. I own several guns...
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:12 No.16726519
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    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:13 No.16726533
    I love that image. It's so obvious that he survives on a diet of nothing but whiskey and PCP
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:14 No.16726541
    I shouldn't be laughing as hard as I am...
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:15 No.16726553
    The gun's just to get him to surrender. No, I like to see the fear in his eye when he realizes, not just that I'll never call the cops... but why.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:16 No.16726562

    >implying I don't have a gun
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:18 No.16726583



    That's all it takes to stop an adventurer to break into your dungeon with the intent to rob and kill you. Why don't you own a door activated crossbow trap?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:18 No.16726586
    I laughed harder than I find appropriate.

    Unfortunately I am unable to shoehorn a Freeman joke into this post.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:22 No.16726626



    That's all it takes for that fucking copypaster to post into your board with the intent to bore and annoy you. Why don't we have mods?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:24 No.16726642
    Thats because I rigged some c4 with a trigger to my door, but I guess the burglar found out the hard way.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:24 No.16726650
    A preposterous question. All Americans own a gun. Even the ones who think that they do not, it is somewhere in their house.

    This is something that I have learned through years of robbing houses. There is always a gun. This is why you do not rob houses with people in them.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:27 No.16726671
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    I got a guy, don't worry.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:27 No.16726673
    Then it isn't robbery, then it's just breaking and entering with theft.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:28 No.16726675
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    I want to have your baby.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:28 No.16726677
    My roommates are "those" kind of Brazilian police. That's robber's gonna die.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:29 No.16726687



    That's all it takes for a space marine to fall down your stairs. Why don't you own an elevator?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:30 No.16726692



























    That's all it takes for a lasgun to kill you. Why don't you own carapace armour?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:32 No.16726715

    That's all it takes for you to listen to shitty Saliva with the intent of turning your mind into jelly. Why don't you listen to better music?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:33 No.16726717
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    If you can't find your key call my phone you asswipe. You are the worst fucking room mate ever.... Is that my Daniels? Thats it you're fucking bounced. Take your shit and get out I'm sick of you ass.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:33 No.16726718

    your sisters now pregnant, do something now
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:33 No.16726721
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    That's all it takes for Queen to rock. Why don't you own the discography ?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:33 No.16726724
    i live in canada. he doesnt have a gun either. I havent even seen a non-hunting rifle gun in real life.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:34 No.16726727



    That's all it takes for a Necron to walk into your house and kill you. Why haven't you moved to a non-tomb world yet?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:34 No.16726731
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    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:34 No.16726736
    Every time I see that I giggled like a retard
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:35 No.16726743



    That's all it takes for an adventurer to break into your cave with the intent to rob and kill your kobold tribe. Why don't you have an escape route?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:36 No.16726745

    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:36 No.16726748



    That's all it takes for a Jade Falcon Thor to remove your head with a PPC. Why didn't you soften it up with Long Tom artillery first?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:37 No.16726759
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    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:37 No.16726761
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    That's all it takes for you to break into your goblin neighbor's house and hang him from a tree. Why haven't you killed a Goblin today?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:37 No.16726762

    That's all it takes for a burglar to break through the window to your home when you are not there.

    Why are you not guarding your cans of beans RIGHT NOW
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:38 No.16726767
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    Because I've got a nice knife.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:39 No.16726770
    never change /tg/, never change
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:40 No.16726783



    That's all it takes for Bill Cosby to break into your house and steal your delicious Jello. Why don't you own a lock for your fridge?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:40 No.16726788
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    That's all it takes for Hieronymous lex to confiscate your stolen goods. Why don't you own Daedric armour?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:42 No.16726802

    >Resist Arrest
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:42 No.16726805

    Oh, shit! My beans!


    >>*screech of tyres and a fading engine growl*
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:43 No.16726819
    But little did anon know, HIS BEANS WAS A ZOMBIE!
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:44 No.16726824
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    That's all it takes for a courier to break into your house with the intent to steal everything not nailed down and talk to you for hoping for a quest. Why don't you own a bottlecap mine trap hidden next to the door?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:45 No.16726831



    That's all it takes for a shitposter to make the same thread we've seen a million times. Why don't you report?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:47 No.16726843
    I'd just take a moment out form the whole "/tg/ refusing to be trolled" thing (glad that's back, incidentally) and point out that

    is possibly the saddest thing I've ever seen.
    >> Assin Dok 10/24/11(Mon)15:48 No.16726846

    Sometimes a small gem appears in these threads, giving us a momentary satisfaction before we continue on with our lives.
    >> James Joyce 10/24/11(Mon)15:48 No.16726848
    IHOP is pretty shitty.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:49 No.16726853
    >implying I don't
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:49 No.16726858
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    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:49 No.16726861
    Why is your hilt a dong?

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