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7 - The Gentleman Thief
!!J5+vjygjQuK 11/01/11(Tue)21:36 No.16811872 File1320197803.jpg-(44 KB, 1024x768, Warp travel.jpg)
 As the Looted Krooza enters the warp, its expected to take about three days. However, over the second day, the searchy gubbins once again pick up strange signals. Ships that appear there once, only to disappear. This is starting to sound very familiar. Once again, all the guns start blazing in every direction.
"Toime ta test CyGrot!" yells Grakgut. Heading to the other side of the Mek Shop, Uzgob points at a closet. "It'z in dere, boss." sighs Uzgob. "Why yoo lookin' loike a krumped git?! Dis be fer Soiense!" says Grakgut as he walks to where Uzgob was pointing. "Dat fing ain't proppa, boss." mumbles uzgob as he starts fixin' the skanna jamma. "Oos ta say wuts proppa an' wut ain't?" states Grakgut. Opening the closet, all five grot heads turn to Grakgut. "krzzt....We see you, boss..." "...Ew." mumbles Grakgut, "Uhh.. CyGrot! Go an' see oif yoo kan deetekt dat otha ship!" The armless monstrosity that is CyGrot begins walking, rather oddly, towards the bridge and the searchy gubbinz. After about 15 minutes, Cygrot reaches the bridge. 'Eadmangla falls out of his chair staring at it.
"WOT DA ZOG." yells Kroz. "Lookit Kroz! Oi fixed da skannin' problem!" declares Grakgut happily, "Oi made dis git!" "Oy...it's got a lotta 'eads..." mumbles Wurrza. "bzzzt...good ta seeeeeee-ee ya, boss..." the Cygrot says as it turns to Kroz. Wurrza tries to read its mind. He senses a great disturbance in the warp, as if six voiced cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced. It is unnerving. Wurrza gains one insanity. "Now! CyGrot! Use da searchy gubbinz an' see fer dat otha ship!" yells Grakgut. Making Detection by two degrees, Cygrot's heads all suddenly point in different directions. "He'zzzzzzzzzzt that way, boss..." the Cygrot says. The heads move around as if tracking something. "YA SEE DAT, YA GITZ? DEY FINK DEYZ GOTS US SURROUNDED. USE DA GUNZ!" yells Kroz.
Everyone on the ship proceeds to fail ballistics tests to shoot in random directions. |