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11/04/11(Fri)23:04 No.16842951 File1320462287.jpg-(27 KB, 335x256, SAMex.jpg)
 rolled 77 = 77
>>16842684 Antaeus 01: "Working..."
>>16842715 They do not, unless I'm wrong and they're standard issue to all Al'Kesh ships.
The Siege Tanks and MLRS open up, cracking the sky with a thunderous barrage of rockets and gauss accelerated tungsten rounds. Huge holes are blasted in the enemy lines as they charge your defenses.
"Wait for it... NOW!" Starlord orders. The Firestorm wall crackles to life, incinerating the first wave of enemies to approach and stopping cold the wave of projectiles the rest sent, giving your troops valuable seconds to orient themselves. Unfortunate the Firestorm doesn't last that long and too soon, it fades, allowing the enemy to charge forth once more.
The X-COM squad takes to the air, firing blaster bombs at concentrations of enemy troops and attempting to mind control enemy SUEs. A platoon of sabertroopers is startled as their leader, the samurai Kyo suddenly begins slashing them apart.
The Leopards begin strafing runs as the Overlord sits in place, a massive fortress of guns and armor sending PPC bolts, autocannon rounds, and missiles into the enemy ranks. The battlemechs and destroids strafe both ground and air, as the missile turrets spring to life, launching missile after missile into the evening sky. They bring down fighter after fighter as they scream overhead, attempting to support their infantry with ground strikes.
Your Devastator Squad fires its heavy weapons, bringing down two of the AT-STs as one of their number falls to massed blaster fire.
The rest of the troops open fire from within the safety of their bunkers.
"Sir, those distortion readings are beginning to spike!"
Countdown: 6:00 |