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!!J5+vjygjQuK 11/09/11(Wed)21:58 No.16901085 File1320893931.png-(468 KB, 381x587, Eldar ship.png)
Three Eldar ships - a Nova Dragon, a Star Dragon, and a Wraithship begin firing at the Krooza. They take some major damage from the opening salvo of pulsar and starcannon fire, but are now in the perfect position to counterattack. The Eldar holo-fields give massive defensive bonuses when at long range, so the Kill Team fixes this in the most ideal way possible - ramming speed. Ramming the Star Dragon and its lance batteries, the kill team unloads point-blank into the Eldar ship, which detonates it in a large fireball.
"Zog it, I wanted ta loot dat!" says Kroz.
Turning the attention to the Nova Dragon, the players once again connect with a ram and then unload into it. This time, the players' lances rake along the side and tear it apart.
"WOT DA ZOG! I WANT LOOT!" yells Wazgor.
Their last chance being the Wraithship, they open up with a ram and then commence boarding actions. However, most of them are rebuffed by Aspect Warrior teams. The second pass, Kroz is near fixated on the loot now.
Kroz rams once again...on full power total destruction. Kroz rams the Wraithship so hard he bisects it. 'Eadmangla does a quick hit and run on the exploding ship, grabbing as much loot as he can carry. He grabs about five shuriken catapults, four shuriken pistols, a lasblaster, and a bunch of Eldar pointy helmets before making it back to the Krooza. The Wraithship pieces explode on both sides of the Krooza.
"I SAID, DON'T SLOG THE ZOGGIN' SHIP" cries Wazgor, enraged. "WOT? WEEZE GOTS TA LOOT'EM, AND JUST RAMMED'EM A BIT'ARD." says Kroz quizzically, "DIS COMIN FROM DA GUYS DAT KEPT SHOOTIN WHEN DEY WANTED LOOTIN!" The Kill team proceeds to start beating the shit out of each other while passing blame for the destruction of all the loot. |