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!!J5+vjygjQuK 12/16/11(Fri)22:35 No.17241387 File1324092939.jpg-(26 KB, 470x312, reactor.jpg)
 The Armory camera switches to show followers of Garo appear to be at the reactor, setting charges. "Dis is bad. REAL BAD." yells Kroz, "KROZ TA DYNOMITE. IF YOUZE GOTS ANY TELLYPORTAZ, WE NEEDZ A KILL TEAM IN DA REAKTER NOW. SENDIN KOORDINITES, OR WEEZE GUNNA HAVE BIGGA PROBLEMS DEN JUST LOZIN DIS SEKTA!" "We'll try to get you some support, Deathwatch," says Brother Captain Dynamite, but our Teleporter was on Brown Thunder and we only have our Thunderhawks at the moment. "WHY KULDN'T YA TELLYPORT DA TELLYPORTA OFF WIT' DA TELLYPORTA 'FORE DA BROWN THUNDER GOT ZOGGED TA CHOCOLATE RAIN?" Wazgor activates his jetpack and rokkits towards the Enginarium, with Kroz and Grakgut following.
Rushing toward the reactor, the Kill Team hears a horrific screech, followed by screaming, some small arms fire, and what appears to be small explosions. They appear to be krak and frag explosions. Approaching the door of the reactor, it opens to reveal a number of scorched bodies. The place appears to be deathly silent.
Silent, until a metallic screech pierces the air again, and something flies out of a gash in the Enginarium walls.
A massive reptilian creature, or rather what was once one, now covered in the sheen of living metal, with wings consisting of long thin spikes and plasma membranes, and a long spiked tail, flies in.
The Omega Xenoform opens its jaws, and lays a stream of fire out. Kroz and Grakgut notice the living metal covering extends across the glowing plasma wings and the thing's arms and legs, but the chest armor is noticeably damaged, revealing rotting biological components.
At this moment, 'Eadmangla and Wurrza finally arrive. |