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01/14/12(Sat)18:42 No.17544052 File1326584520.jpg-(174 KB, 1024x768, sq181.jpg)
After quickly gathering the bolas you inform the ladybug that you would gladly accept his offer to fly you two to the tree hole. You also ask his name. "Have been called many names. The Red Devourer, The Spotted Menace, Bane of Ants, Raging Behemoth etc. You however, can call me Andor, the Aphid Eater."
You inquire about the threats around here. "Anything and everything. You just encountered one. The ants can't be bargained with. They are the worst scum of the hivers. Right after them are the wasps. They aren't as aggressive, bu they are smarter than the ants. Much smarter. Luckily they aren't very numerous. Then there are the occasional monsters around. Really describing all the threats here could take the whole day."
You ask about other spiders. "I don't really know I am afraid. Not many instances when I have come in to contact with them, in any kind of friendly terms at least."
>>17543832 "You are from the shed? It is rare to see any of you folk around here."
Now, if that was all th questions, may we take off? Alright then, hop on board and cling tight. This is gonna be a bumpy ride!"
You, Dorpou and your siblings climb to the back of Andor and bind yourself to his abdomen. You take the egg sack there with you, while Andor will carry your other web sacks.
( sorry for the delay) |