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!Q7t.srvWZ6 02/03/12(Fri)22:21 No.17796515 File1328325667.png-(25 KB, 600x410, themeninblack3trailerisoutPics(...).png)
 >>17796359 "Concerning what?" Says the Captain, not unheatedly. "We need to talk to him regarding contact he may or may not had with one Doctor Eve Jeanne Moreau last night, at about 10:00 PM". Huh, you didn't know her middle name before. The Captain's only response is to stand aside and say "You boys work fast."
The special agent sits, but the regular one stands. Special Agent Johnson says "I'm going to ask you some questions about Dr. Moreau. Answer them as truthfully as you are able." He raises a hand before you can speak. "No need to repeat your whole story. We heard it outside just now." Captain Skinner begins to grimace.
The standing agent presses a hand to his temple, and you think you see a faint radium green glow from under his shades. You feel a slight tingle in the back of your brain. "Jesus, careful or you might violate his civil rights." growls Skinner. Special Agent Johnson reaches into his suit pocket, produces a folded piece of paper, and hands it to the captain. "We have all the proper warrants." She scans the paper, and her grimace deepens, but she hands it back and remains silent.
For the next 5-10 minutes, S Agent Johnson asks you questions about Dr. Moreau, like her appearance, her attitude, what powers she displayed. After each question, he looks at Agent Johnson who nods. After its over, Special Agent Johnson stands, and says "You've been a great help, kid. My card," He produces a small, plain, white business card that has a phone-number printed on one side, and the word "Johnson" on the other. "Call me if Dr. Moreau contacts you again." He Nods to the captain, and both agents leave the room. Before the door closes, Regular Agent Johnson speaks, "Captain. Please make sure Mr. Fortesque gets his Article IV protection, and his registration is filed promptly." Then they close the door, and both leave. You wonder what the fuck just happened. |