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02/12/12(Sun)01:56 No.17908614 File1329029799.jpg-(384 KB, 886x1252, pig soldier.jpg)
 Spore Cultivation
Drawing inspiration from Dwarf Fortress, most mushrooms need a moist place to grow in. They particularly enjoy growing in places where organic matter has been decomposing, and light is minimal.
As such, the Spore Collectors, Inc, will have two primary venues of cultivation for their chosen crop:
Stationary Infestor Plants; where the mushrooms are cultivated in a controlled environment. These large, underground complexes have multiple cell blocks, each with independently controlled atmospheres, light sources and types, so that any common or uncommon fungus can be sown in the composting materials and degenerating biomatter deposited into the soil to feed the spores.
Porcine Shock-troopers: Infestor Plants have trouble creating the unique environments for some of the rarer breeds of mushroom. What this means is they can provide a steady source of income, but their stationary nature makes them vulnerable to attack from business rivals, wildlife, and the occasional riot of environmental tree hugging green peace sign wielding protestors. To get the rare stuff, the kind of fungus that retailers go frantic for, the kind that sell for gold and jewels instead of silver coins, you'll want to call in the Porcine Shock-troopers. These are squads of genetically altered, uplifted and mutated truffle hogs. They're armed with flame weapons because their tasks often take them underground, where large bugs and spiders are more common than dust mites. They can look for more than just truffles these days. Their training, equipment, combined with the surprising aggressiveness with which they carry out their missions has earned them a nickname by the media. Baconators