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!!J5+vjygjQuK 02/24/12(Fri)22:05 No.18087685 File: 1330139139.jpg-(44 KB, 1024x768, Warp travel.jpg)
 "OI KNEW 'E WUZN'T DED!" yells Wurrza. "Inquisitor Shakur disappeared some time ago. For the longest time, we weren't sure what happened. But now we know he's alive, on the planet Cu'Ba." states Inquisitor Doggfather, "Which leads me to my next point." "Ya fink 'e went kay-oss?" asks Kroz. "It was lucky you stopped those Eldar, they were headed to Xaviol. We already have plans for reclaiming it, though it will take time. So I need you to look into what the fuck happened to Shakur. To call Exterminatus is not our first choice. We worry something may have happened to him., yo." says Doggfather. "Wot ken ya tell us of dat kyziter?" asks Kroz. "Besides the fact that he's Malleus, and he never really travelled with acolyte cells, I don't know much else. I'm Xenos, so I can't speak for Malleus." "Malleus hate Garoz, an dats gud 'nuff fer us. We'ze gonna find dat git and fix dat planit gud." states Kroz. "One more thing. If the nigga gets an attitude, pop'im like it's hot." states Doggfather, "I'll leave the rest to your judgement, Deathwatch."
Doggfather gets back on the Guncutter. "Keep it real, yo." he states as the door closes and the guncutter takes off. "Awright, boyz, inishiatin' jump! We'ze goin' ta Cu'Ba!" yells Kroz, as he smashes the Big Red Button. Krooza rips its way into the warp, still flush from victory. |