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03/01/12(Thu)02:04 No.18157702 File: 1330585468.gif-(267 KB, 320x174, 1293048707140.gif)
 I have a proposition.
A three stage ambush. We set up a ring of archer stacks in the swamp, where we susspect the Khan will go. We set up another ring inside the ring(sup dog), also including Daemons.
We don't attack as they pass through. At least, assuming we get our turn first. Once we start our turn, we lead a large force into the Khan's hex, dance fighting and being as flashy as possible. Archers sneak in below in the swamps and target the mounts. The MOUNTS, particularly the lesser mounts. Soften the Dwagons up if possible, but the focus is on the lesser mounts of the Khans guard. Croak them, and they can't move.
Khan will of course try to get the fuck out his turn(our attacking force will withdraw from the hex before we take too much damage, they're are chiefly for a distraction)
When he tries to run, he'll run face first into our archer stacks, who should more or less be safe on the ground. And after that, he'll run into ANOTHER stack/s of archers when he tries to flee even further.
Even if Khan survives himself, his forces will be battered and broken, with luck, he'll even be isolated when our next turn comes up, allowing as to finish him off.
Check mate. |