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03/02/12(Fri)22:01 No.18181168 File: 1330743716.jpg-(10 KB, 180x280, Notchar..jpg)
 “You have a good eye,” a strong voice stated as a man in a light red spacesuit and helmet approached the group. The figure reached up to take off the helmet, revealing a handsome face framed with short blond hair. “You must be part of the group of new recruits. My name is Quattro. Lt. Quattro Bajeena. You would be?”
“Mustadio Bunanza, engineer of Goug city,” Mustadio stated, shaking the pilot's hand firmly.
“Agrias Oaks, holy knight of Ivalice,” Agrias said, also shaking the hand. “These are my apprentices, Alicia and Lavian.”
“A pleasure, ladies,” 'Quattro' said, smiling. “I fence in my spare time, you know. I'd love for a chance to spar with people that specialize in the art, if at some point you find yourselves free during your tour here...”
“Agrias will probably be pretty busy,” Mustadio said, looking from the mecha pilot to the swordswoman and barely concealing a frown. “She's still training Alicia and Lavian after all...”
“Nonsense, Mustadio,” Agrias says, shaking her head. “I can easily incorporate a few matches with Mr. Bajeena into Alicia and Lavian's training, after all. If he doesn't mind.”
“Not at all, I'd relish the chance,” Quattro said, bowing from the hip. “We'll have to set that up later. For now though, I have to be off. Cheryl wanted some more information about newtypes.”
“Cheryl?” Agrias asked.
“Our resident wondergirl,” Lyla chuckled. “You'll meet her at some point.”
“We look forward to sparring with you, Lieutenant,” Alicia said. A predatory grin tugged at her face. “...but don't think you'll have it easy with mere 'apprentices.”
“My dears, I would hope not,” Quattro said, winking at the young knight before heading out. |