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!Q7t.srvWZ6 03/03/12(Sat)17:19 No.18190872 File: 1330813164.jpg-(213 KB, 900x1250, 1329513345948.jpg)
"Well, tools aren't the problem. I can right up a cutting torch, maybe cludge you a manipulator arm, build a giant sledge hammer... not sure what you'll do with a giant drill, though. You're not getting through crystaline bunker doors and walls with a drill." She puts the catalog down, and turns around, to look at the Hammer, putting a hand on her chin while she thinks. "Now, for power, with 500, I could probably switch this wholly over to electric. Normally that would call for microfusion, or one of those portable nuclear reactors, but I checked the system, and with some modifications, I can run it on an electric engine. We'll pull the engine block and sell that, and I can use that to replace it with a smaller electrical engine, and then we could use the cash to buy some high-storage batteries, and make the modifications to the existing systems to run on electric." She turns around to face you. "Not counting deliver time, that'll be a couple days, though. As it is, you could probably make a trip to Vermont now, if you had a truck to hook this to, and the right directions."
Johnny shakes his head. "Yeah, but my leg still isn't fit to stand up in that thing for long periods of time unassisted." He turns to you. "The Doctors said I should start putting my weight on it in a couple days, y'know, try and work to get back some of the muscle mass that was lost. Once I start doing that, operating the pedals should be fine." You nod. Well, its not like you could have set out right away anyway. You'll need something to haul the stuff back here to claim the salvage on it. Also, you don't have any idea how to get to the Exclusion Zone from here. |