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03/27/12(Tue)11:08 No.18476180 File: 1332860893.jpg-(39 KB, 700x627, Nearspawn concepts.jpg)
 >>18476123 The campaign name for now is Enemy Unsure. Really it is because I am not sure whether the Enemy is from actual outer space, the top of the World Mountain, a different plane, or just a different land and has high-altitude airlift capabilities.
Reptilian creatures (kobolds, even dragons...) are not doing well as a race in the setting from an ecology standpoint: this continent is too cold to support many. I was hoping to keep the Enemy mostly reptilian in nature.
Ethengar is a somewhat high magic area in a generally low magic setting; while magical flight has many advantages, nonmagical flight is cheaper (good for expendable troops) and cannot be disjoined/nullified, which is how magical air battles are often decided.
Alliances will definitely be a factor; the initial "government" grant from Izwald has been used to set up a base, and past that the Floral Brigade is supposed to be mostly self-supporting as quite a few medieval armies were. The players have already worked out that they can sell loot and work out protection arrangements with farmsteads and villages, although they have not done so yet.
Autopsies did not happen yet other than in the most cursory.
I wanted to give the Enemy some magic, and some tech that is comprehensible (and duplicable) to a 1400s mind while remaining alien in understanding -- since all the PCs are mammals, I was thinking, what would a reptilian mind invent for fighting.
Attached is a different concept for the Enemy, more zerg-like. |