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!!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/10/12(Tue)19:41 No.18657773 File: 1334101282.jpg-(68 KB, 971x523, Current_Party.jpg)
 You are Elesh Phryx, rogue techpriest and captain of the Sword class frigate 'Sword of the Omnissiah'. Dark Eldar forces are currently staging a raid upon the pleasure world of Aquari, where you were relaxing with most of your officers upon a pleasure yacht with two of your fellow privateer captains. Having attempted to hold the attacking xenos with little success, you changed your plan to an argueably more time-honored pirate tradition: repossession. With the xenos transport secured, your officers and remaining handful of yacht crew recover what items they can from the fallen xenos. The corpses are soon cast from the hovering transport, save for the one you stabbed in the throat. Some part of you wants to keep such a pristine xenos corpse, though your cogitators can't quite understand the reasons at the moment. As Julin and Advi muster a pair of yacht crew to man the craft's weapons, you spare a glance to the sever securing herself and Athe to the Raider's deck. Advi stumbles as she moves to inspect the gun mounted upon the Raider's prow; one of her augmented legs must have been damaged from her leap onto the craft. The vox transmitter upon Teris' back crackles to life with the voice of Magos Taylor. "We'll secure transport when you make your move, Elesh. The crazy plans always seem to work, don't they?"
>you are currently inside a beach area within the yacht, with an opening to the sea to your left. You can see no additional enemy transports, but nearly a dozen were counted as they closed. >engage enemy transports? >distract by fleeing? >other? >you can rearrange or assign gunners and a driver at this time, if you wish. >current driver: Elesh Phryx >current gunners: Julin, pleasure yacht crewmen |