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!!0ZviLFh59My 04/13/12(Fri)22:21 No.18703301 File: 1334370088.jpg-(34 KB, 407x378, 1299314903147.jpg)
 Scouring the battlefield, you retrieve a few weapons - a bandoleer of grenades and most importantly some anti-tank thumpers, little weapons with clever warheads that are decent at punching through armor. Something about a miniaturized capacitance coil firing an electrical discharge to ionize a jet of explosive-formed plasma that... who fucking knows, you're a grunt, not a technician.
"This is more my style," your new friend says, gently stroking a heavy repeater. The weapon fires large minirockets with a high rate of fire, and is generally considered a lovely asskicker.
"Whatever," you mutter, detaching the sling from a portable maser. To your absolute delight, the human weapon exhibits attachments for something similar, and you're able to clip the sling onto it. "Boo-yeah."
"Now what?"
"We wait for those fuckers," you mutter, "and we devastate them."
Your new friend raises his repeater, resolute.
"What's your name, anyhow?"
"D'rr'p," he tells you.
"Well, D'rr'p, lets find a hole and sit in it." |