If you have a cool race idea, feel free to post it.Constructs: (Mechanical humanoids) Start off with a M.O.M (mother of machines. I'm ripping this off of angry dorf...) who can attempt to reclaim lost information for Tech. Can't reproduce until they understand their bodies and have the capacity to construct additional units. Don't require food, use energy instead. Start off with personal generators which allow for the collection of energy via a chosen power source. (Geothermal, fossil fuel, hydro, wind, or solar.) Major bonus to tech, bonus to armaments. Severe penalty to frolicking, and butterflies inexplicably hate you.Coral giants: (thanks to Anon for giving me this idea.) Start off with a Coral reef, reproduce by budding, major penalty to tech, Bonus to aquatic animal husbandry, unable to breath air by default, start off with a Reef heart (allows for plants other than coral to be given the gift of thought when placed inside.) Cannot swim, walk along the sea floor, minor bonus to magic, bonus to biomancy and hydromancy, severe penalty to pyromancy (for obvious reasons), penalty to population growth, start off with half population. (must start under water)Harpies: Able to fly, start off with a nest, penalty to architecture, start with wooden tools, minor bonus to magic, start off with wind magic, start off with a shaman, severe penalty to geomancy (earth elementals hate you, wind elementals are more friendly than usual), major penalty to mining, minor penalty to population growth, penalty to agriculture, bonus to scavenging, bonus hunting.
Kobolds: Start with cave system, stone tools and adequate mining proficiency to STRIKE THE EARTH! Start with double population, major bonus to population growth, penalty to armaments, minor penalty to architecture, bonus to scavenging, penalty to tech (able to steal other races tech and attempt to reverse engineer it).Fairies: Start with a Fairy Grove (You can grow regular plants here that will yield magical properties), Bonus to magic, major penalty to armaments, Bonus to agriculture, penalty to tech, high proficiency in animal husbandry.It appears i forgot to seperate those... oops
STARTING LOCATIONS:Desert: bonus to scevenging, penalty to architecture, bonus to pyromancy, penalty to hydromancy.Mountains: bonus to defense, penalty to agriculture.Tundra: Severe penalty to agriculture, bonus to hunting, bonus to scavenging.Forest: Bonus to architecture, penalty to agriculture, bonus to huntingPlains: bonus to agriculture, bonus to hunting, penalty to defense.Chasm: bonus to mining, bonus to defense, major penalty to agriculture.
LOCATION FEATURES: (added to the above locations, just list them if you want them in your votes.)River: bonus to agriculture, bonus to hydromancy, penalty to pyromancy.Coast: Penalty to architecture (erosion), bonus to defense (you can't be attacked from that side... unless some horrible kraken or dancing colossal sea cucumber comes lumbering out of the sea.)Ruins: Bonus to architetcure, penalty to agriculture.Lake: Bonus to agriculture, penalty to Pyromancy. Bonus to hydromancy.Island: Bonus to defense, penalty to agriculture. minor penalty to mining.
i like coral giants
frogfolk an amphibious species able to rapidly and are intelligent good with tech but are weak and fragile penalty to weapons tech moderate penalty pyromancy mild bonus hydromancystarting location lake or swamp
I vote for lizardmen.
>>20572572Swamp: penalty to architecture, bonus to defense sound good?
>>20572572ah damn shitty name ment Murnoc
>>20572596sounds good
>>20572634Delicous. If 3 people can come to a consensus i'll start write fagging.
New race>Ant menmajor bonus to building, 4x population, bonus to earth magic, can't think of penalties
>>20572572damn u 4chan eating my post ment reproduce rabidly mild bonus tech moderate penalty weapons mild bonus hydromancy mild penalty pyromancy
>>20572709Fire weakness
>>20572709that really should be ant-women
>>20572709I was SO tempted to suggest that one but I put forth the frog idea an aquatic civilization game sounded interesting
>>20572709Major penalty to tech, penalty to aeromancy?
>>20572709severe penalty pyromancy mild penalty magic
Vote between murloxs and Ant-women? (because drones are considered female conversationally)
voten murloxes a aquatic game sounds like a nice change of pace.
Torn between murlox and the giants both sound fun so splitting vote between the two.
>>20572777Even though I thought of Ant men, we need an underwater civ game
>>20572938WELL FUCK. NOW THERE'S DECIMALS.coral giants. 0.5 votes.Murlocs: 1.5 votes
op its 1.5 coral giants and 2.5 murlox
>>205729442.5 for murlocs then? That's enough if that's what you mean. Now vote on starting location. You can put "Reef, or trench, or some other underwater geographical location.
>>20572976correction make that a 2 coral giants and 3 murlox
>>20572976If you guys are that split, i'll make a joint Civ.
>>20572990reef island those things actually exist.
>>20573007Everyone O.k. with under sea murlocs and coral giants?
>>20573007unless some new votes come in to turn the balence that maybe wise.
Murloxs sound good, as long as we have a treetop city near a river/lake
Did the undead die, then?My vote is for Coral.
wat no undead civ is dead lame I had more ideas.
>>20573036Ya, sorry bro. :(So, i'm gonna make it joint coral giants murlocs/murlox (whatever spelling works.) I'll start writing an introduction.
A comet of Thorium burns through the atmosphere, being vaporized and disintegrated. A thin heated sheen of radioactive particles showers the tropical reef. Strange mutations insue... Various species of plants conjoin to form a large hive minded plant. Soon, buds form from the heart plant, and sentient children push away from their stationary parent. Mean while, thorium pours into the snads of a small nearby island. Eggs buried there by small blue-green frogs grow swollen from the particles effects. The brood that cracks their shells and crawls forth from the sands are able to breath both air and salt water. The two mutated species can sense the thorium content in the other, and they share a feeling of connectivity.
A. Scavenge for food.B. Try to improve settlement.C. Try to improve weapons&armor.D. Try to improve technology.E. Practice magic (blerglurglurglurgl)F. Your SuggestionG. Explore! (name direction or area.)_________________________population: 140(20 Coral Giants, 120 murlocs) (I always forget to modify this, so yell at me if I do.)Food: adequate (unstable.)Architecture: Reef sheltersWeapons&Armor: Tech: Defenses: Notable Individuals: ISSUES:
F algae farms we need a stable source
Algae is collected and spread throughout the shallow surface of the reef, in between the sun collecting corals. The giants bask in the light aswell, and the tide laps in and out of the sandy beach. A round obkect was seen floating away from the coast by a basking giant, but no effort was made to catch it.
If i continued the undead thread, would that make people happier? o.o
F seeweed find some and cultivate it we can grow different varaities that are edible, that are fibrous allowing us to make rope and cloth.
practice magic
Dang is /tg/ dead at the moment?
>>20573523a heads up would of been nice and we were right about to get the warmachine up and running. if u can both of these would be lovely a aquatic civ is also fun but so too is the undead one.
>>20573551there is a bunch of quests trying to run. because of it I am hopping around between them like crazy.
The reef heart pulses with energy, and the water around it begins to flow. The giants practice this technique, and find that they can push water with a small amount of force. Meanwhile, sea weed is collected from the shallows and is planted outside the reefs perimeter. (I will be continueing either the undead civ thread or this one when i make my next thread. But then the start time will probably be earlier in the day than it usually is. So i'd love yo hear your input. What times work for you guys?)
the more game time the better
A. Scavenge for food.B. Try to improve settlement.C. Try to improve weapons&armor.D. Try to improve technology.E. Practice magic (blerglurglurglurgl)F. Your SuggestionG. Explore! (name direction or area.)_________________________population: 140(20 Coral Giants, 120 murlocs) (I always forget to modify this, so yell at me if I do.)Food: plentiful (stable.)Architecture: Reef sheltersWeapons&Armor: Tech: Defenses: Notable Individuals: ISSUES:
damn u 4chan keep eating my postsop does our pop go up every turn or what?explore the island the murlox are located on.
>>20573779Murlocs will lay eggs in batches and coral giants will bud fairly slowly, but i can make population growth fluid per turn if you'd prefer that. (used to undead not being able to repopulate...speaking of which, what do you want next thread?)
do undead then aquatic cycling between them if u get tired of one and not fried alert us and focus on one for a while till your ready to go back to it again.
>>20573870Ok, will do.I'm heading over to mah Gf's soon, so i'll make another post then archive it. Undead Civ next.20 4chan time on wednesday?
This civ. has potential, let's keep this one alive.How big are the trees on the island, what kind? If they are Adansonian, we need to build treehouses. What's the climate like? What kind of frog did we evolve from?D) make ropes out of the seaweed
Our murlocs return to the dry land of the island. Tall branchless trees loom over head. They have smooth, thick trunks and thick branches. The leaves are broad and firm. Piles of round stones are found in the center of the island. It is unkown how they came to be this way. Some seaweed is gather and formed into tight rope.
>>20573910Tropical, and we evolved from... I have no clue. I'll work that in next thread.
Archived at the bottom of the list here http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=civilization
>>20573996So we are in a Madagascar like island? Do we have Baibab trees? D ropes for everyone
>>20574038I gotta go, and i just found out what those trees were....fuck yes,
so were basicly in madagascar sweet.